Free ch. 1: See the Sunlight.

I'm the lucky one. I'm still held in a cell. Just like everyone else. My wrists and ankles are tied. With a gag in my mouth, easily removed true, but it's still there. Just like all the other girls...

Thirty-seven cells. One girl in each. Every week there's this thing called a Sitting. The Sitting is like a store. Seven girls are picked each week. You know when the master puts a yellow flag on your cage. If you take it off. You get a red flag. Everyone knows what the yellow and red flags mean.

A yellow flag means one night. A red flag means one week. Everyone knows not to pull the flags. Number 3, who we call Deja, ripped her yellow flag off once. She went to the sitting and came back a week later. Beaten and crying. She wouldn't speak to anyone for a whole 3 days.

Everyone has been to the sitting. Everyone but me. I'm fed the same food, given the same water. But I've never been to the sitting. Most all of the girls that come back are crying. Some actually don't. Some are spared. Most are not. Then there are the few who are bought. For good. They'll live with their master for as long as he likes. She has to obey him. We're like property.

At the sitting, seven girls are sold off to the highest bidder. For a day, or a week. Most men that come to the sitting are cruel men. Taking advantage of us. We're not allowed to fight back. To do anything. Anything they want. And we have to do what they say.

This is the world I live in.

I live in the small town of Aaa, we have a head chief, he's the "big boss" that controls who goes to the sittings. We're recommended I hear, then he decides whether we go or not. Most of the girls say I'm lucky. I never go. Some are jealous of me.

My name's Fionna, Fionna the human. Maybe the last one. But the keepers-the ones who feed us. Call us by our numbers. My number is 21. Most people think I'm strange. I wear a white bunny hat, that because of this cell, is covered in dirt and dust. Then I wear knee socks, a light blue shirt, and a dark blue skirt. I'm seventeen years old, when I was 16 they brought me here. As soon as you're 16, almost 17, they bring you here. Only the girls are taken of course.

I do have a dream though. Even though hope is pretty much gone for all of the girls here. All I want is the town to go back to normal. Before Chief Gumball did this. But I owe him for not having me go to the sitting though. It can't just be luck I was never chosen to go.

"Number 21!" The keeper yelled by my cage. I rubbed my eyes, just waking up. I walked to the entrance of the cage and watched as he took the lock off of my cage.

"What happened?" I asked hoarsely.
"You've been bought. Forever."

The keeper brought me up out of the dungeons, and I was blinded by bright light. It was warm. It was the sun. Soon enough he brought me out to a man. His face was covered with a hood of a long black cloak.

"I already paid for her. And the chief agreed I could have her. We're done right?" The man asked.

"Yes, everything is accounted for." The keeper said."She's yours. You may go."

"Come on." The man grabbed my arm, he made somewhat of a show on how it looked of how he grabbed it, but he grabbed it lightly actually. And his hand was cold, and his skin was a greyish green. Who is this guy?

The man reached an emptier part of town as we walked. With only one house on a plain grass field. Further away from the rest of the town. But it was beautiful. The green grass swayed as the wind blew across the field. The light of the sun-which my eyes are now adjusted to- the warmth I feel on my skin. The lightest scent of flowers hanging in the air.

He led me up to his house. Apple trees with thick branches and leaves were surrounding the house. Walking through them, there wasn't even a speck of sunlight. It was almost a small forest of 27 trees around his house.

His house was a dark dusty red,a few boards here and there were cracked, but everything else was fine. The man opened the door and somewhat pushed me inside, letting go of my arm. Then he closed the door behind him. I walked forward, looking around at the grey wallpaper, and a red couch to the side. There was a bass leaning against the wall, it looked like an axe though. I turned back around facing him, I didn't know what to do know. I assumed he bought me to do to me what all the other men did.

The man put down his hood and took off his cloak. His long black hair fell from the cloak, the tips just touching his shoulders. His skin was a pale green, just like his hands. He didn't wear a suit like most of the men in the town. Instead he wore a red and black flannel plaid shirt. With dark blue jeans and red converse.

He walked past me and went into another room. I heard a door open and shut then he came out with a soda. He opened it, the carbonation in the can making it fizz. He pointed one finger at me taking a sip.

"So what's your name?" he asked.
"I'm number 21." I looked at him.
"Only slaves call themselves by there number. And you're no slave. What's your name?"
"My name's Fionna..."
"Alright." He went over and sat on the couch. "I'm Marshall Lee."

"Marshall...Lee..?" I walked over and sat down beside him cautiously. "What are you, your skin..."

"Oh, you noticed. Well." My mouth opened just a bit as he rose from the couch floating above it. "I'm a vampire."

I just looked at him in shock. Now noticing the two marks on his neck.

"Full title, Marshall Lee, the vampire king." Marshall looked at me. "You're really Fionna the human then? Right?"

I nodded. How did he know that? Guess I should ask. "How did you know that?"

"Well, I always wanted to try blood from a human." He smirked and I flinched. "So, when I heard about you, I came here. But then I learned that you were one of the ones in cages. And that the only reason you hadn't been tampered with, is because they wanted to test you. They were supposed to start on you next week, or so I heard. I've been here for over a year now saving the money to buy you. Chief didn't want you to go, but he couldn't just ignore my offer."

"So now still planning to bite me, considering I can't do anything..."
"What? Nah. You're prettier than I imagined."

I felt myself blush and I glanced away from him.

"Look, I bought you out of there. But that doesn't mean I'm your master. You're free. To do whatever you want. I might ask for you to get me things from the store, since I particularly don't like going out during the day. But otherwise. Roam as you please, just tell me when your leaving if you do OK?"

"So I can do anything I want?"

"Yep, no rules." He looked at me. "Why don't you go clean up... I'll bring you one of my shirts while your clothes are washing, bathrooms upstairs, just put your clothes outside the door, and I'll put the shirt on the knob."

"OK..."I nodded slowly standing up then walked upstairs. I found the bathroom easily and stripped off my clothes when inside. I set them out of the door, still in my underwear of course, I'll wash that personally. Taking my underwear off after I locked the door, I turned to the shower.

I stepped into the shower closing the curtain, and looked at the shower knobs quickly figuring out how to work the shower. When the hot water touched my skin I felt a wave of warmth travel through my body. I looked down at my feet, seeing the water below me a dusty brown color. I let the water run through my hair and looked around, picking up a bottle of shampoo. I opened the lid, it smelt like strawberries.

Turning off the water stepping out of the shower I looked around and grabbed a red towel hanging on a rack. I wrapped the towel around me and walked to the door opening it halfway. I looked at knob, a bra, underwear, and black shirt hung from the doorknob. I took them from the knob then closed the door, looking at my old underwear lying on the floor. Why would he have these?

I went downstairs my hair down touching the floor. I had put on the black bra and underwear, then the black shirt that went down to my knees that Marshall had given me.

"Marshall?" I called. I walked towards the living room hearing singing. And the sound of a bass softly being strummed. I entered the living room and saw Marshall. He was playing the red axe/bass I had saw leaning against the wall before.

"That's nice..." I smiled sitting beside him on the couch.
"What?" He turned to me lightly blushing then he turned away. "Nah, just a song."

He looked me over noticing the black shirt. "Nice shirt."

I smiled then tilted my head. "Why did you have, um... a bra and underwear for me to wear?"

"Oh, yeah, my sister sent me those as a prank. I just kinda kept them in my closet. Never really did anything with them." Marshall said looking at me. "Your clothes are in the washing machine, they should be done by tomorrow."

"Hey, do you think you could help me with something?" Marshall asked suddenly.
"Sure, what?" I asked.

Marshall set his base down beside the wall and grabbed my arms throwing me to the ground. I gasped sitting up, something kicked inside me, and I grabbed his arm bringing him to the ground beside me. Me smiled and hissed, his long tongue sliding through his lips. He grabbed both my arms and rolled up both over so he was on top of me, pinning me down. He smiled leaning in towards my neck.