Chapter 1

Their hands slipped apart slowly and agonizingly, until the very tip of their fingers separated. Haku's gaze longing after the girl who made her way down the steps, clumsily skipping a few as she headed towards her parents. She had gone through so much to save them. He let out a sigh as the girl of his dreams entered the dark tunnel, he waited until no part of her was left visible before turning around and heading back to the bathhouse that without her...meant nothing.

Chihiro clung to the woman walking beside her stumbling slightly over the old cobblestone path through the dark and seemingly endless tunnel.
As the sun's bright rays became visible through the small circular opening at the other side her father picked up his pace to a jog noticing that their car had been covered in dust and leaves.

"What happened?!" he cried.
"Who could've done this?" the woman said walking up to the car.
"Probably some pranksters." the man said brushing the pile of leaves off of the front of the car.
Chihiro turned around to look back into the darkness that lead to the Spirit World, 'Coast is clear.' she thought to herself.
"Come on Chihiro lets go!" her "parents" cried out to her waving her towards the car.

"Sorry but I won't be going with you, tck! so easily controlled its pitiful.

"Huh?" her parents looked at each other questioningly then back to their "daughter", only to see her lift her head slowly.
Her "mother" let out a gasp when seeing that their precious child had viscous blood red eyes with slitted pupils like a demon's glaring back at her.


"Wow you really believed that I was your daughter?, you never even had a child. Please a back story along with some simple mind control is enough to completely baffle you humans." she said with a grin revealing sharp fangs in place of her canines.

In the blink of an eye a fire erupted around their "daughter" for only a second, once it dispersed, left standing there in her place was a tall, thin yet muscularly toned teenage woman with hair blacker than a crows feathers. She wore a white tank top muscle shirt, with a black jacket that had a stand up collar, along with baggy red cargo shorts that reached just below her kneecaps.

She wore a silver chained necklace, at the end of which was a small red diamond shaped crystal. And just peaking above her jacket's collar along the crook of her neck, was what looked like a small portion of a tattoo that could be seen faintly through her shirt, though it wasn't quite clear enough to make out.

Making eye contact with her "father" her eyes glowed an amber red for a moment while speaking, "Get in the car." He obediently performed the task without resistance before doing the same to her "mother." She followed suit to her husbands previous actions.

The car's engine started and a few seconds passed...

The car suddenly burst into flame, she stood there with an expressionless face watching the car burn, listening to the screams of pain and agony from the two humans trapped inside. The light from the flames flickering across her face, the flames burnt themselves out within a few seconds leaving nothing, not even the slightest trace that there had ever been anything there, no ashes, no melted rubber...nothing.

A small grin emerged in the corner of her mouth allowing her fang to peak over her lower lip.

Silently, she pulled out what seemed to be a red toothpick from her jacket's inside pocket, she placed it in the right corner of her mouth allowing it to balance between her lips. At the end of the toothpick a small flame matching her eye's color.

She turned around walking back into the tunnel, raking her fingers through her bangs swooping them to the side, putting her hands in her pockets with her thumbs outside. The sound of her bare feet patting against the cold cobblestone becoming fainter and fainter until the forest was left dead silent.

A/N Alright guys, after several reviews telling me to update I just happen to be bored as hell and said why the fuck not and have gotten off my lazy ass and started editing my story so that I may once again add a new chapter. I'm liking ti better already now that my 15 year old self can fix my 13 year old self's shitty writing. I'm moving on to chapter 2 as we speak.