I didn't actually plan on adding another chapter to this, but people who were reviewing thought there was going to be another one? So here, there is. And it has closure. Happy ending? Maybe. Enjoy.
Sometimes you wonder how the others from your timeline are doing without their designated leader.
When you first came here, the dancestors were pretty friendly towards you, and you actually got along with a majority of your alternate selves.
That is until the meteor began passing through dream bubbles again. Of course they would tell every other dead being here. Now your own selves won't even look at you. And they had the same previous beliefs as you.
You suppose that Dave is pretty convincing when he's filled with hot rage. He can make anyone believe anything, hence why you're dead. Hence why no one will talk to you.
Well, you didn't want to talk to them anyways.
You're lucky that you're so good at hiding, so good at avoiding the godforsaken meteor when it passes through the dream bubbles that you travel through yourself. You're different from the other selves, because you're marked by your own death wounds, written wildly on your arm and covered by a thin sleeve. You know that those who dwell on the meteor still talk to your alternate selves, because they aren't the ones who did it. Of course, they're only spoken to after their arm is checked.
Your name is Karkat Vantas, and you've been dead for about a sweep. You don't keep track of time anymore.
Your name is Karkat motherfucki-
Your name is-
You don't deserve that name.
Karkat Vantas was a courageous leader, though a blubbering baby at times. He was brave and hopeful and was out to help, to do what was right. He always put others before himself, and you know in another timeline, if you hadn't done this, Karkat Vantas negotiated and gave up and kept to himself. Karkat Vantas became best friends with Dave Strider. Karkat Vantas broke up with Gamzee, rather Gamzee broke up with him, but not because of what you did.
You aren't the alpha Karkat anymore. Some other Karkat is, but you know he is far better than what you could ever be.
You don't know who you are, but it's been a sweep since you raped Terezi Pyrope.
And you're never going to be forgiven for that.
"You've got guts coming around here, filthblood."
You cringe, though it's covered by the way he shoves you. He checked your arm. He knows it's you.
"You've ruined the timeline, I hope you know that. We aren't even the alpha timeline anymore, thanks for that."
You don't reply.
"Well? Aren't you going to say something, asshole? There has to be some reason why you're here."
"I want to speak to Terezi."
"Oh hell fucking no," Dave immediately snaps at you, already hissing at you in a way that was so out of character for him. But then again, he has to face you. You don't blame him.
"It's been a sweep, Dave."
"I'm aware, Vantass. It's been a sweep and we've accomplished nothing because you were selfish enough to ruin the timeline and kill yourself. Even after what you did to Terezi? You are the most selfish being I've ever encountered."
You bite your lip. It was his fault that you killed yourself. Besides, if you hadn't done it, you're fairly sure he would've.
"I want to apologize."
"Like hell. You're not man enough to speak to her."
Your eyebrows furrow. He had no fucking idea how much it took out of you to even approach this hideous place.
"Maybe not, but I'm troll enough!" you snap at him.
"Dave, what is all this ruckus out he-" Kanaya begins asking as she walks into view, but then she lays eyes on you. Wary eyes.
"Did you check h-"
"It's him," Dave doesn't let her finish.
Kanaya presses her lips into a fine line, folding her arms. Clearly she hasn't forgiven you. You didn't expect her to.
"Very well. What does he want?"
You hate how she asks Dave, not you, as if you aren't worthy talking to.
Well. You aren't.
"To apologize."
Kanaya's expression changes, but it's still strange, unrecognizable.
Everyone here has changed that you have seen, really. Dave is taller, he looks older. Kanaya's grown as well, and her skin glows white, rather than being gray. Her face has filled out into something beautiful. But you can't tell her that.
"Why are you stopping him?" Kanaya asks Dave, and you're surprised by that.
"Because like hell he's going anywhere near Terezi!" Dave almost shouts at Kanaya.
You can hear her growl even from where you're standing.
"David. He's come this far, so much time has passed. If he feels that he is up to apologizing for his own wrongdoings that came from a society that we all grew up in believing was not only just, but acceptable, though dark, that is quite a thing for a troll to do, and I believe you should respect him for making this decision."
Wow, you had not expected for Kanaya to be on your side like this. She sees things from your point of view.
"The fuck, you're taking his side here?!"
"No. I am not taking sides, I am only taking the belief that if he has made the decision to apologize to Terezi, he should be allowed to. It's what you wanted in the first place, Dave."
Dave hisses at her, shoulder past you, hard, and leaving.
You are grateful for Kanaya's help, but you know she is still very upset with you. She doesn't look at you as she speaks, beginning to walk away.
You follow after her briskly, but behind her. You don't have the right to walk by her side anymore, you lost your right to be an equal to anyone after what you did.
She leads you to Terezi, and you're shocked when you see the girl.
Kanaya leaves the room, and Terezi has yet to notice you. Her back is to you. But she's different.
You can hear her laugh. This is Can Town, and you know the Mayor sees you. Yet he signals nothing.
Terezi has also grown, her hair is longer, she's laughing, she's healed, she looks okay. She's wearing silly scalemate printed boxers, and her dragon cape. Her cane though, is no where to be seen.
You swallow, taking a step forward and clearing your throat. You offer one word, "Hey."
Terezi turns around, and you're shocked. She looks at you. Looks at you, with seeing eyes. Why isn't she blind?
No wait, shit, was this the huge rumor you often overheard about, Aranea healing Terezi? You didn't think she healed her like this.
"Hey Karkles!" she greets you, a wild grin on her face. You're taken aback by her friendliness for a second, before you realize that she probably thinks you're a different Karkat Vantas, you're not you.
You can't deceive her. You lift your sleeve.
Her smile drops.
"Oh. It's you."
You bite your lip, nodding. "Yeah. It's me."
A few moments of silence pass before you speak again. "Dave didn't want to let me in."
"I can understand why.."
Terezi's voice is so quiet. It's hurt.
"I came to apologize."
She looks back up at you. The Mayor realizes what's going on, and he quickly excuses himself. You let him pass, taking a few more steps forward. Terezi doesn't flinch. She's waiting.
You sit down in front of her, careful to give her space.
"I'm sorry. Dave...Dave was right. You were at a disadvantage and...that shit should be left to the adults. The wrongdoers. I shouldn't have ruined our friendship, broken your trust, taken advantage of you. Thinking back, I guess I don't even remember why. I mean, I know it had something to do with showing Dave who was boss here, but he was right. You aren't an object to take, you aren't a trophy to hold, you're a living person with feelings and I know hurt you and fuck I'm sorry Terezi, it was so wrong, it was so stupid, I was so stupid to think it would be a good idea and-"
You stop.
Terezi leans forward, taking her hand and wiping tears off of your face with such gentleness, and tears you apart.
"I don't hate you, Karkat."
You don't look at her.
"We both knew it was...looked down upon, yeah? But it was also normal. For us, anyways."
You're trying your best to hold your sobs in.
"Dave convinced us otherwise, and really, he's right too. But I don't hate you. I never hated you. I was afraid."
You nod, you understand, you choke out, "I'm sorry."
"I know."
She pets your hair, caresses your face, and finally just pulls you close. Why is she comforting you? You're the one who hurt her. It doesn't stop your arms from curling around her tightly, it doesn't stop you from continuously apologizing.
"I know, I know," she's just repeating the phrase over and over.
"Dave was right..."
"Yes. But you grew up thinking there was no other way. We all did."
"That doesn't excuse what I did.."
"No, it doesn't. And it doesn't justify it either, Karkat. What it does is give reason, and reason is the first step to understanding. When you understand, you can forgive. I want to forgive you."
Her words make you cry even harder, and your arms around her tighten. She holds you just as tight. This goes on for a long while, you don't know how long. But you do eventually part.
"The end of this bubble is near.." she tells you quietly.
You nod, wiping sticky red off of your face.
You almost laugh because there's just as much red on Terezi's shoulder as there is on your face. It looks silly, but she doesn't even mind.
Terezi stands with you, offering her hand for a handshake. You take it, you shake it, and Terezi hugs you again. She then places her hands on your shoulders, pulling you back and looking you in your dead eyes.
"I'm going to forgive you Karkat. I swear I will."
You nod, croaking helplessly. "Thank you."
You don't say those words very often, but no other time has felt more right to say them than now.
"This timeline is going to be okay. We aren't doomed yet."
"But I ruined it. It isn't the alpha timeline...Dave said so."
"Dave is full of shit," Terezi cackles. "Maybe we aren't the alpha, but we aren't ruined. We're going to be okay."
"I hope so.."
"I know so."
Terezi gives you one last hug before the meteor fades away, leaving just you and the dream bubble around you.
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes and just letting yourself relax.
Everything is going to be okay.