R.I.P. Roads

Trick One: Bored Hero

Spending a night at his house for what Damian Voluer was told would be a small party, he sighed as he watched the door open yet again. The party had been going on for about three or four hours and Damian was sure he was well over the legal limit of people in his house. However in his everlasting quest for excitement he didn't care, and went to welcome them like every other guest. As he walked to the foyer of his house he felt the world move around him. Dizzy, Damian looked at the mirror hung to in the right of his living room. Going by the lazy expression in his rust colored eyes, it was obvious he had ingested quite a few drinks. It was his eighteenth birthday so today's not the day for him to worry about the law. Well technically his eighteenth birthday was yesterday but everyone was too euphoric to care.

Accompanying another sigh, Damian pushed his dreads from his face. He straightened his color trying to set a good impression on the people who (judging by the population already there) he doesn't know. The door opens and closes again and Damian saw people moving towards the foyer.

The people quieted down, whispers became almost inaudible over the music. You could only hear a few words being repeated through out the crowd. "Storm Riders" and "Devil's Crown". He had heard of the first and who hadn't with everything that happened in the world after Kogarasumaru showed up, three and a half years ago. They had jump started the world's love of Air Trecks. For a while Damian loved it, ATs were something new to talk about. However it soon was all people were talking about, making it overdone just like everything else. On the other hand, the team known as Devil's Crown has held his interest. One of Damian's favorite hobbies (probably the only one), being fighting. He feels that fighting is perfectly chaotic, which makes it always interesting. And that is what Devil's Crown is known for. A D-Class team that lives and breathes one motto, The Trophaeum looks a lot shorter when standing on a pile of corpses. Since the downfall of Behemoth this has been the team Damian's followed. He had attended a lot of their matches but he never expected them to show up at his party.

Unfortunately for Damian they weren't there to recruit. A laugh is heard before the sound of breaking glass and a scream. Most of the party goers backed away from the door. Damian could guess that a fight was brewing and (as anyone who knows him would expect) he continued forward to the door. After the dark skinned man squeezed through the crowd eventually finds the scene. A man who seemed a bit older than Damian himself, was pressed to the hardwood floor by an AT that appeared to be steaming at the wheels. He looked up to see the owner of the AT, one member of Devil's Crown, Magaki Kouji. He used to run a team called the Skull Saders, until the Storm King defeated them, then he became DC's muscle for their dirty/dirtier work. "Tamotsu! Hand 'em over!" Kouji yelled to the man who shook beneath his wheels. "Gimme those AT or I'll have stop asking nicely." The ex-Skull Sader applied more pressure on man, evident by the spinning of the wheels.

The younger man, Tamotsu winced in pain. "…I can't."

"Sure you can, it's as easy as draggin' your sorry ass back to that shop and opening the safe!" People walked around in awkward attempts to avoid looking at the scene that blocked there way out. Many people soon left through the back door, but not fast enough to say they didn't see anything.

"My parents left me in charge of the store, I can't ju-"

"Fuck your parents!"

"Fuck you!" The victim yelled back. Kouji seemed a little more than upset with Tamotsu's answer. Anyone still in the room saw the veins that appeared on the ex-Skull Saders bald head. On a normal day Damian would just tell them to take it outside and watch the fight but to put it simply, Damian hated Kouji. He's a strong fighter but his skills on Air Trecks could use some work. And that's saying something since Damian's never ridden ATs. Plus the guy acted like he was the best fighter to ever walk the earth. I might as well do something. Damian thought stepping towards Kouji. "There's no way you Devil's Crown guys're getting those ATs."

The people in the room did not need to see nor imagine the look on Kouji's face. The anger he was feeling could be sensed in the air. He gave Tamotsu a moment of relief when he took the his AT off of his chest before placing it next to his head. Low breaths from Kouji become audible as his ATs rotated faster and faster. Soon smoke starts appearing on the hardwood floor of Damian's house. Next people can be seen jumping back as a small fire started below the DC member's feet. Reacting quickly Damian took a bottle of water from one of the fleeing people, and emptied it on Kouji's AT to quell the flames. "C'mon man, the amount of people here is already a fire-safety violation." Damian calmly joked.

Kouji did not find the joke so funny and got closer, face to face with Damian. "Who the hell're you!?" Kouji asked.

"Yo, you alright?" Damian asked Tamotsu. With a confused look on his face, he nods to the younger man who was probably saving his life. It was obvious Tamotsu was struggling to read Damian's blank expression.

However, before he could even get close a hand grabbed his saviors collar and pulled him away. "I asked who the hell you are!"

"I don't see why I should answer to you. I heard you got thrashed by a bunch of girls." Damian said with a glare. His reference of course, was to the unofficial battle between the rumored Sleeping Forest and the Skull Saders. A little secret, when you act like you have no interest in anything people will say anything in front of you. People seem more willing to speak when the information seems useless to you. That is how Damian's connection network functioned. Still it had it's flaws.

Then Kouji swiftly slams Damian against a wall and after opening the door with his other hand. At this point everyone knew what was about to happen. He threw Damian out of his own house and when Damian hit the ground, Kouji came outside. In the time it took Damian to stand he lost sight of his opponent. The hits came quick with the sound of running ATs. The sounds got closer to him and you could only see the purple of Kouji's jacket as he punched the left side of Damian's face. The sounds then came from Damian's right. Last minute he puts up his guard in an attempt to parry.

The DC member saw this coming and spinning on the back of bit AT he got behind Damian. He quickly grabbed Damian, picking him up and sprinting back towards the house. Kouji's Air Treks hit the wall as he began a vertical climb. "You know what's gonna happen when I drop you from up top?" Kouji said with low chuckle.

Instantly Damian realized he could die. "Shit, I don't plan to find out!" He shouted before punching Kouji in his ribs and causing him to lose his grip before he could get to (or past) the roof. Damian falls from about eight or nine feet up landing hard on his back. He moaned in pain though glad he wasn't dead. He laid still momentarily. He looked to his left and saw Tamotsu at the doorway and other guest looking through the windows on either side of the door. He grinned at the fact that having them watch him was way more intersting than watching them. Damian then looked up and saw sparks falling from his roof in the night sky. "What the..." The sparks soon ignited into a full flame and Kouji's form is lit up.

"Ya, know when that little shit Babyface beat me, I hadn't seen my road yet." He said with a growl. Damian stood knowing that the fight was not finshed. "I'm gonna be the King to burn down anyone below me!" Kouji shouted jumping from the roof. The flames grew larger and it became obvious that Kouji was putting all his power in this kick. It was too fast to be dodged on foot and to dangerous to block. Damian listened to the law that is his instinct and cocked his hand back.

It was quite unlikely that he'd survive yet he chose to look cool rather than pray. "King!? Your reign's already over!" Kouji was less than a foot away as Damian shouted and threw his punch. Damian felt the air compact in front of his fist at the end of his sentance. The flames of Kouji's AT seemed to get sucked into the air causing a literal firewall between the two. This wall illuminated half a blocks worth of the street in a flash before Damian's fist connected with Kouji's stomach. The two fighters fly away from each other both hitting the ground hard. They both laid still as the sound of police sirens close in and people run out of the house.

Soon enough a few more members of Devil's Crown showed up. There were three of them, one wore a black hooded trench-coat with their emblem placed on the back; A crown with horns piercing the gold and a red pointed tail coming from underneath. The two standing beside their leader go to lift the fallen Kouji. He opened his eyes only to see his leader's fist hit his face. His face contorted to show anger as blood drips down from his nose. "What the fuck, Senbou!?" He shouted trying to stand but being held down by the others.

"Magaki." The one called Senbou said, getting Kouji's attention. The voice was unrecognizable, sounding robotic and jumbled. The work of a voice changer of some sort. The hood from their coat casted a shadow over the hannya mask they wore. It was obvious that they weren't meant to be identified. "There is no place for common delinquents on my team. Now leave before I have to show you my Inner Demons." The other two members tossed Kouji back and dared him to try something.

Placing his life over his grudge he rode off. "Don't think because I've never seen your face I won't be able to hunt you down, Senbou!" He yelled in his retreat.

"Worthless." The leaders mysterious voice states. "He couldn't even beat a wingless kid." The sound of sirens got closer and the members of DC took a running stance. "Come on, because of this detour we still have not finished tagging the area."

"Wait!" Damian yelled. He managed to stand, barley. "Wingless?" One of the three turned to Damian but was stopped by their leader before they could attack. "I may be a fan of Devil's Crown but I still wanna fight you. I'm one of the best street fighters you'll ever see, so it'll be fun for everyone." In the back of his mind Damian knew this was a bad idea but he didn't want the excitement to end here.

But it had to end. Damian didn't even blink but lost sight of the leader all the same. The next time they reappeared there was a set of cat-like eyes glaring through an red hannya mask. "You won't beat me without ATs, and if the Air doesn't eat you alive..." He tried to jump back but not before what appeared as a large gold and blood red blade slammed into his chest, sending him flying into his own window. He immediately fell unconscious. "I will." The Storm Riders take off being followed by a police unit while Tamotsu goes to Damian who's lying in the glass that was his window.

Though he doesn't care, the fact still remains that he saved Tamotsu, so in some sense he won. Still making an enemy out of Devil's Crown and Kouji in one night is no joke.

Well there ya go. So if you're interested, good since you'll probably read this again you might as well send in a character. If you're not interested... Anyway, rules're pretty much common sense with the addition of PM submissions only. The rest of this story probably be in first person by the way. (this was actually my first attempt at third person)And since this may be an important detail, this fic takes place three years after the manga. Actual characters will appear.



Age (16-22):



Reason for Riding ATs:

Team* (What team are you on and a brief description of what they're like and about):

Appearance (height, weight, hair style and color, skin color, eye color and body type):


Clothes (Day clothes and night/riding clothes. If you originally ride for a different team, also pick clothes for my team.):

AT's appearance (no regalia):

Personality (So be descriptive here, the more interesting your personality the more likely you are to get picked for the team.):

History (Let's keep things interesting here as well. Please include a reason for being in Japan unless that's the OCs nationality):

Shadow* (like Bucca's tank, Kazu's jet, Onigiri's pig):

Road that the OC rides on NO MORE BLOOD ROAD (warning, I'm only accepting one or two original roads):

Tricks (max. 3):

Love interest* (whats their type):

Strengths and skills:

Weaknesses and fears:



General reaction to my OC and other teams:

Um... Anything else?:

The Star(*) means optional so you can leave those blank if you'd like.

My form as an example

Name: Damian Voleur

Nickname(s): D, Knighty-boy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Nationality/Race: America and Japan/ African-American

Reason for Riding ATs: He feels that life on the ground's gotten old and when offered the chance to see the sky he takes it.

Team: Knightmare- as the unofficial leader of the team he based it solely on whims, claiming some kind of philosophical freedom. In reality he's just bored and lets the other do pretty much whatever they want (as long as I doesn't bother him to much). Emblem- a red Knights helmet with a black bullet halfway through.

Appearance: Average hight a bit lighter than average. Near black dreadlocks that stop just when his chest begins, dark brown skin, and rust colored eyes. All on the body of a lightweight boxer.

Piercings/Tattoos/Scars*: A tattoo of a knight's helmet over the lefts side of his chest. A scar rising from the bottom right side of his chin and stopping half an inch away from the corner of his mouth. He also has a scar that stretches half-way across his stomach.

Clothes: During the day D wears varying graphic t-shirts and dark cargo-pants along with a pair of black skate sneakers with a white trim. When riding he wears a black hoodie that's red on the inside the and a red t-shirt with a dark-grey knight's helmet printed on the front and a black pair of faded loose-fitting jeans.

AT's appearance: The ATs Damian wear have a base color of black with a prominent red trim, the underside is a dark grey metal, connecting to his jet black wheels.

Personality: Constantly saying I'm bored, life means nothing but ensuring the survival of his friends, family and team while tracking excitement. To enemies Damian seems to be a man determined not to win, but to make his enemies lose. To friends he is a lazy joker with a strong mastery of sarcasm. And to women he's a gentleman with a protective nature.

History: Recently moved to Japan due to his sister/guardian, Deja Voleur transferring workplaces to a foreign hospital. Prior to that Damian was often bored. He decide to stay around the most interesting people he could find. Unfortunately they also attracted the most trouble. Damian has seen (and been in) many fights. After a betrayal by a close friend, who joined a gang, D fought them. The ex-ally pulled a knife and after receiving a scar from the dirty fight he realized the fights would get harder as he realized people should not be easily trusted. Both luckily and unfortunately he moved before he could go for revenge which only would've made things worse.

Upon arrival in Japan he had trouble adapting especially until he learned how to speak some Japanese. He made a friend who seemed to put effort in to gain his trust. A girl named Katsumi who even though he couldn't understand the words said he saved from an obvious bullying situation. With her understanding of English she was able to speed up his understanding of Japanese. And so she was his new best friend, she was much more peaceful than his past friends which keeps Damian out of trouble, somewhat.

Shadow*: (Only visible during intense moments, while using Over road) The gloves of a black suit of knights armor will appear behind him, moving to wherever he is and compacting wind in it's grasp.

Road that the OC rides on: Over Road

Tricks: Lets hope you find out later.

Love interest: A bad girl. A woman with a personality or style that some people might be call crazy. Has to be somewhat ok with his love of fighting.

Strengths and skills: Damian is a skilled fighter and thinks well on his feet. He can often taunting people into traps and excels in stealth.

Weaknesses and fears: Is a bit too quick to fight, easily led into traps by women, is usually unmotivated and has a constant fear of being betrayed.

Likes: Fighting, money, excitement, AT's, challenges, hip-hop music, the night life.

Dislikes: People who explain; the science behind ATs, their evil plans, his own plans. Being betrayed, police/G-men, poor sportsmanship, people crying.

General reaction to my OC and other teams: If the other riders don't start problems with Knightmare they're fine, until he has a reason (or gets bored).

Um... Anything else?: Nah, you'll see anything else later.