The setting was Eden Hall High School. Adam Banks, Charlie Conway, and Connie Moreau all dreamed of becoming professional hockey players some day, and playing in the Olympics representing the United States. Maybe even playing under Coach Bombay again. That would be really great if that were to work out. For now though, they were still in High School. In fact, just starting High School. It had been about half a year after the Ducks won at the Goodwill games, and the team had a few weeks to relax. Except for the trio. They worked out together during the offseason on the ice rink. Getting ready for the next season, this time playing for a new coach, a new team, and not knowing who was going to be gone, as they had lost a few players before the goodwill games. Over that Spring, Summer and little bit of fall they had before school started in between the Goodwill games and Eden Hall, the three become close friends. 2 of them best friends, and 2 of them a little bit more than that, to put it simply. Let's just say that going into the last practice the three of them would have together before team practices began, 2 of them had set eyes on each other. Yes, Connie had a crush. On Who? Well, let's just say his name started with the same letter her's did. Yes, it was Conway. Charlie Conway. She never would have thought. She's been friends with him since Bombay came and found some hockey players on a pond playing hockey. Now though, she felt something a little bit deeper. Over the years they had bonded together, and they were closer than ever, but they each felt something a little bit more. It felt really weird for Charlie too, especially since he was a 15 year old boy with no previous experience in the Romance department. He, along with Connie, both had the same feelings though, and they both thought "We could work it out".

Adam on the other hand, was looking forward to impressing scouts. He had showed scouts what he could do when he was in Pee Wees on the Hawks, and especially when he was in LA during Goodwill with the Ducks. He's only had one bad game his whole career, and that was against Iceland, the first time, in the Goodwill games, but he wasn't the only one who had a bad game then. He had no intentions of hanging out with girls, he didn't care about school as long as he did good enough to play hockey, and the 2 friends he had right now were the only friends he really would do things with very often anymore, the others were just teammates who he would meet with for team occasions, and sometimes to study or talk if his 2 best friends were busy. Connie was almost always with Julie or the 2 of them, and Charlie was always with the 2 of them, but he kept in contact with the rest of the team as well, of course, being the esteemed captain of the team. Adam was great with hanging out just the three of them, but subconsciously, he wasn't aware of it though, he did kind of want a girl to connect with other than Connie. Julie was already with somebody, and he didn't have any romantic feelings towards her anyways. He was secretly kind of hoping to meet the girl of his dreams at Eden Hall. He didn't know about it, and it obviously wasn't the first thing on his mind, but it was there, especially when he saw the connection that Connie and Conway had. He noticed that they were talking and he thought about something that was totally random. Connie Conway. The name sounded cool to him, he just silently laughed at the thought that the 2 would get married some day, but it was fairly obvious they liked each other. That's when the thought first entered his head. "I hope that I can have a connection like that. I don't want it to take over my life, hockey is and always will be my number one priority, but I do want to have some sort of thing soon. It would be an added bonus to my life." After that thought went away, the three of them just kept on practicing together, acting like nothing had happened. They practiced their shots, their dekes, their defence a little bit, and of course their skating. They had a good long practice that wasn't very rigourous, so it felt good. They were ready for Eden Hall to start tomorrow. With the practice over, Connie's mom picked her up to take her back home, and Charlie and Adam already knew they were sharing a dorm room, so they just went to their room and talked.

"Hey Charlie, what did you and Connie talk about over there while we were on the treadmills?" Adam asked him.
"Well... It was.. Nothing. Important anyways!" Charlie tried to get out while a small blush creeped on his face. Adam had noticed this.
"So then why are you blushing Conway?!"
"Charlie do you like Connie?!"
"N-N-Not.. Reeally!"
"Charlie.. Come on, you can tell me. It doesn't bother me."
"You won't beat me up?"
"Haha! No! Why would I? I don't like Connie like that, she's just my best friend. I have a weird feeling that she might like you a bit too." Banks said winking.
"Alright Banksy, you got me, I kinda do like Connie. DON'T YOU DARE TELL ANYBODY!"
"People are going to find out one way or another. You know that right?"
"Yeah, but I want to hold it off from the public until I can say it with some sort of self-respect."
"Ah.. Good point. Alright, I'll let it be. I'm surprised you gave in so easily." Banks said to Charlie who basically ignored the last part of what he said for his own good, trying to change the subject;
"Good. So Adam, do you have a crush on anybody?" Adam looked a little unprepared for the question, like it was a math test he hadn't studied for. He didn't want to lie. That wasn't generally who Adam was, but he didn't want to embarrass himself to much either. So he just decided to say;
"Nope.. Not yet, anyways. Maybe tomorrow I will get lucky? One of the Eden Hall girls will win me over, I'm not sure yet. I am pretty specific you know."
"Well, we shall find out tomorrow, right? You never know. It could be day one you get a crush on a girl or something.. You won't find out until we go to bed and wake up tomorrow morning."
"Haha, yeah. It is already 10 oh clock, and I'm really excited for tomorrow, so I should probably get some sleep." So with that, they fell asleep, ready for their first day of High School to start tomorrow.
And with that, ends Chapter one of this story. I will give it a tentative title of Charlie and Adam At Eden Hall but that will change soon probably. Also note, that a lot of the events in this story are, have been or will be changed from D3, so if you're looking for something that is strictly movie-based and not creative or edited, then thanks for reading and I'm sorry you didn't like it so far. If you did, then thank you as well and I hope you keep reading!