Short but necessary chapter. Expect another chapter in the next day or two. Thank you for reading and reviewing!~~

"I'm sorry, Peter." I whispered, walking a bit faster to keep up with his flying. He glanced down at me and huffed, landing on the ground.

"I guess I'm sorry, too." He replied, gripping the small canvas bag tightly as we approached the fairy tree. "But not really, because we both know I was right." He winked at me, and I relaxed slightly, biting down on my lower lip. He was back to his childish games, teasing and picking and flirting… no, he wasn't flirting. That would be ridiculous.

He flew up into the branches of the fairy tree and came down a few minutes later, a tiny golden figure floating beside him. "This is Tinkerbell."

The small pixie has her arms crossed and was staring at me through narrowed eyes, her green dress glimmering under the bright sun. She reached up to fix her blonde bun, though her eyes were still glared at me. I heard a tinkling noise, and after a few moments it occurred to me that the noise was her voice, speaking to Peter, most likely criticizing me.

"She says you look stupid." Peter Pan smirked, glancing up at me. "She also said that she's prettier than you."

"I can't argue against that." I shrugged, not willing to fight against a tiny fairy that I could squeeze to bits in the palm of my hand. If I reached out and grabbed her and squeezed my palm around her, I could kill her in seconds. Yet she still continued to insult me. She had nerve.

Peter and Tinkerbell spoke to each other for a few more moments before she flew inside the bag and came out seconds later. He peeked inside the bag and smiled. "Thanks, Tink! Tell the fairies I said hello." She nodded and flew back up into the tree, and I sighed.

"You sigh a lot." He said, scrunching up his nose slightly. "It's kinda annoying."

"You're fairy friend is bad-mannered. I didn't say anything to her and she just decided to hate me." I scoffed, plucking the bag out of his hand, ignoring his complaint."Is she like that with everyone?"

"Yeah, she gets jealous easily, especially when I bring girls back from the mainland. She hated Wendy and Jane, too." He replied, taking the bag back and tying it to his belt. "Since I'm so wonderful and all." He glanced up at me, sneering.

"You're so cocky!" I groaned, crossing my arms. "Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?" He asked.

"You're just so confident! Do you have any sense of insecurity?" I asked, sighing somewhat angrily.

"There you go with that whole sighing thing again! You know, you just can't be happy. I think you like being sad, and you just refuse to give yourself a chance to be happy." He said, and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You don't know me."

"And you don't know me. But really, Flora, if you're going to cuddle up to me and cry into my shoulder, you could be a bit nicer, and you don't always have to yell at me and scold me, and we could become friends-"

"Is that a joke? You put your arms around me, Peter Pan. I didn't ask to be held. I didn't want to be held. And I certainly didn't want a kiss on the forehead-"

"A thimble-"

"No, it's not a thimble! Stop being so childish! It's called a kiss! A kiss is a thimble and a thimble is a kiss, oh why can't you just get it right?" I yelled, so frustrated and angry and just very upset, he stared at me and frowned. He took a step towards me and reached out to touch my shoulder, but I took a step back.

"Flora, look, I'm sorry-"

"No." I said, shaking my head at him. "You can't… I… It's not your fault." I whispered, turning around and running.

I don't know why I ran. Maybe he overwhelmed me too much. His innocence and that stupid cocky smile and the fact that he refused to even think about growing up made me want to scream. He thought he was better than me, and the truth is, he was. He was better than me in every way possible, all boiling down to the fact that he was always happy and I was always sad and I didn't want to admit it but we went together perfectly, balancing each other out in every way.

It dawned on me that that was the reason I was so cruel and cold to him; I couldn't stand the thought of anyone wanting me or being nice to me or giving me anything because I felt like I didn't deserve it. I didn't deserve anything and he deserved the world and oh, god.

I need to leave.

I can feel it. I'm starting to like that stupid arrogant boy and I'm going to end up like Jane and Danny and I'm going to die in vain and alone. I need to leave. I need to leave this island full of nevers and I need to never look back because I refuse to like the boy who could fly because liking him means never feeling happiness again.