
Andrea POV

Harry and I had gone to my adopted brother's - Fred and George - joke shop. Harry and I had always joked about the love potions.

I grabbed one and danced over to Harry, shaking it in his face. His eyes lit up seeing me, and he chuckled. I let out another giggle as we kissed.

I felt eyes on me and glanced around, only to make eye contact with 7 vampires. I widened my eyes and quickly walked in the other direction, dragging Harry.

Alice POV

After Bella/Andrea ran off, we all exchanged glances.

"Well," Rosalie said. "Are we going to follow or not?"

Everyone nodded and we set off in that direction, weaving in between shelves. As we started listening to conversations, we heard this.

"Andrea, what are you doing? Why is it so important we stay quiet? We have the cloak, no one will know." I assumed that was Harry, the boy she had run off with.

"Harry, vampires have super hearing. Now shut up, please." She told him about vampires? Our secret is sacred! No one can know. Anyway, the voices sounded close. I looked around frantically, but couldn't find them.

IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE. PLEASE READ! Includes why I've taken FOREVER updating.

A/N: Ok, short, I know. I've been busy vacationing with friends, my laptop got super messed up and started freezing all the time, deleted all my writing etc. I just got a new Macbook Air so i should be able to write. In the time before i got the new computer, I forgot details of the story and a story I started that had about 5 chapters. SORRY! I'm still figuring out how to use this laptop well, so it might take a couple weeks to update. I am interested in co-writing. If you have any good ideas or are interested in writing with me I would greatly appreciate it. I do have some specifications on what kind of person I'd like to work with, so PM me if you are interested.