Disclaimer: I own NOTHING HERE! Everything and everyone in the Harry Potter Universe, including Harry, belongs to its creator and writer, J. K. Rowlings. Occasionally, materials, characters, and settings owned by other parties will be used in the story-Again, I OWN NOTHING HERE! In short, IF YOU RECOGNIZE IT, I DON'T OWN IT!

Second chapter, and Ian is doing a little more sabotage. I admit, this chapter is darker and grimmer then the last one. My OC is trashing the Weasleys, specifically Molly, and he's not being gentle about it.

Some reviewers mentioned pairings? Nope, sorry. Not for Ian. He HATES the characters-At least for the present moment he does. Besides, he's a nineteen-year-old man regardless of his current physical age-The kids at Hogwarts would be too young for him. As for the older students, Ian would be too young for THEM!

And, yeah, there's the language thing going on. Same warnings, and solutions, from last chapter apply to this one. Remember! It's rated like it is for a reason!

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A Toad In Need


The care Ian took to appear casual, when he entered his shared compartment, was completely lost upon his main audience of one.

Harry was kneeling sideways on his seat, his face pressed against the window pane, his hands and arms extended out and braced against the window frame. Ian smirked when he realized just what Harry was staring at. Ian was suddenly glad he had cast silencing charms around the compartment before leaving. With Harry preoccupied, Ian took Trevor out of his pocket. Through feel, he fished out a white handkerchief from his jacket pocket, wrapped the terrified toad up in it, and wandlessly transfigured the square of cotton cloth into a white spacesuit, complete with a transparent bubble helmet.

He mouthed a silent 'Later' into the toad's bulging eyes, and shoved the animal back into his pocket.

Quickly crossing over to the window, Ian stood at Harry's elbow and peered through the closed compartment window at the riot on the platform.

"Ah, of course. The Weasels and the Ferrets." Ian commented nonchalantly. "Naturally, they had to start something today."

Harry tore his eyes away from the riot; he gave his companion a questioning, quick, sideways glance. "Pardon me?" He said, his eyes and attention almost immediately snapping back to the window, and the rolling scene outside it.

There was a sudden 'thud!', and the silently screaming face of Draco Malfoy smashed into the window!

Harry wordlessly yelled out in surprised and jerked backwards!

Ian remained where he had been standing, critically eyeing the flattened face of the wildly struggling boy. "That is Draco Malfoy. A. K. A., The Ferret. Hmmm, I wonder what, or who, he is standing on right now?" Ian then calmly gestured to the snarling young red headed girl attached to Draco, piggyback style. Her arm tightly wrapped around the white blond-haired boy's neck, while her other hand and arm viciously, and vigorously, knuckled the boy's head. "That is Generva, or Ginny, Molly Weasley. A. K. A., The Weaselette, or just The Weasel."

Draco abruptly gave a lurch to the side and disappeared to the side somewhere.

Harry had fallen backwards into the seat, and was staring out the window, with wide, nearly protruding eyes. His thin, narrow chest heaving with quick panting breath.

"Oh, look-What do we have here?" Ian murmured. He ignored the movement by his side, as Harry cautiously returned to his previous position. "We have Momma Weasel and Poppa Ferret!" He pointed towards two combatants-A plump, red-haired woman, and a man, with long, white blond hair. The woman had the man's nose in a brutal vise, and the other hand entangled in his hair. One of the man's hands was fisted around the woman's ear; the other wrapped around the wrist connected to the hand pulling at his hair.

Privately, Ian wondered how long before they abandoned those bits, and went for other more sensitive . . .things? Hey! Whatever happened to their wands? Not that he was complaining about the level of violence-But what was a Wizard's riot without wands or hexes?!

"Lucius Malfoy and Molly Weasley," said Ian, a mild tone of disgust tinting his voice. He watched them stagger out of sight. "Bad news-Both of them. See . . .here's the thing about them-Lucius is a Death Eater, and was eyeball deep in all the shit that sort was up to in their heydays. However, the man's rich enough to have bought his way out of prison, and possible execution. But make no mistake . . .he was one of Vortmort's lieutenants, and financiers-And he NEVER repented. Molly could be classified as a poisoner, rapist, thief-Her victim, Arthur Weasley." Ian raised his eyebrows at Harry's wide-eyed stare. "Look Harry . . .Back when Molly was going to school, her twin brothers, as beloved as they were to her, managed to bankrupt the family through a series of lawsuits they managed to earn. Both men were supposedly pranksters," Ian snorted in derision. "Truth was, they were a couple of idiots with an addiction and compulsion-In Hogwarts they were protected from the consequences of their actions: Assault, destruction of property, vandalism-You know, the good stuff. Outside of Hogwarts, relatively few people found them funny. Hence, the lawsuits. Naturally, they lost their cases in practically every instance. Then there were the lawyers' fees. Needless-to-say, Molly was facing a grim financial future, since she had to pay up a portion of that debt."

"Hey, wait," Harry interrupted with a frown. "Wasn't the debt her brothers'? Why did she have to pay?"

"British Wizards are still heavily steeped in Medieval customs and laws," Ian explained. "In Medieval culture, a lot of times, it was usually the family, or the group, that got it on the neck for the crimes of a single member. In this instance, the family assets, and the twins personal assets were considered one and the same because they were the heads of the household. And all members of the immediate household had an obligation to pay that debt off. Unless they stopped being a member of that family, through, like say, marriage, in the case of the female family members."

Harry shot Ian an incredulous look. "What?" Ian protested. "It's true! It's weird, I know! To our modern sensibilities, it's sounds like plain, unfair, crazy bullshit, but that's how things work around here-Well, here in England they do. Don't know about the other European countries," Ian confessed, shrugging.

Under Harry slightly suspicious eye, Ian continued. "Molly, at that point, had several options. She was a pretty good potions mistress-However, no one would hire her. You could thank her brothers again for that one. What happens in Hogwarts, doesn't always stay in Hogwarts, Harry. The twins had earned enemies, LOTS, of enemies during their stay there. And while their actions there weren't immediately punished, it all caught up to them at a later date. People in the Wizarding world have long memories, Harry. Things might have died down if they had managed to behave themselves, but they didn't, so events spiraled down to the point they, and theirs, were practically Blacklisted." Ian squinted into the glass-Was that Narcissa? He peered closely at an elegant, and beautiful, blond woman brutally beating on a couple of twin red heads with her . . .Shoes?

Inwardly cackling, Ian tapped the glass pane. "The British Wizarding world has a relatively closed system-Few jobs, intense competition for those that do exist, and non of the high industry that usually gives people the boost up to middle class. And everything, Harry, and I mean EVERYTHING, is inflated beyond its actual cost in the world outside it. Is it any wonder most people leave upon discovering they can't make a decent living-Or, hell, any type of living?" Ian leaned his face close enough to the glass to fog up the pane with his breath. He quickly drew a smiley face in it before it faded away.

"Upon leaving the island for good, for obvious political reasons, the Ministry deliberately pronounces those people 'dead'," said Ian darkly. "In the last civil war around here, people 'died' by the thousands-However, the actual body count was either a few hundred, or a thousand. I know, I know, 'one body to many' . . .blah, blah, blah." Ian murmured, unimpressed. "Molly could have left the country, but she would have been declared 'dead', by the Ministry. That might have lifted the debt off her and given her a chance elsewhere, but it also might have meant she could never return home again."

Ian jumped, startled as a bright flash of light briefly exploded out the window-Ah-ha, they were finally using their wands! About damn time, too!

"So," Ian drawled. "Molly's only other out was marriage. And that was a tough one-'Cause Molly? Was a plain girl, with a voice people have described as a cross between a banshees wail, a harpy's shriek, and fingernails on blackboard. Adding to that, she had no manners or charm. There was worse-Molly, sadly, could only get a husband if she bribed a man with a dowry, a very large dowry at that, or got a man too drunk to know what he was being 'volunteered' for. The former was out-The latter was too short term for her plans. Eventually the guy would have sobered up. So, instead, Molly decided to use her formidable knowledge and skills in potions to set some guy up. Yep, her victim was Arthur Weasley."


Ian cocked his head slightly and eyed the object that had hit and stuck to the window for a while, before falling off-Was that, was that a roast beef sandwich?

"Arthur was perfect-He was an orphan, with no immediate family to become suspicious, and haul him off to Saint Mungo's, Britain's only magical hospital, for testing. Arthur had a bit of land, a house that had been in the family for generations, some money in his vault-Not a fortune, but enough. He was also young, handsome, came from a good family-And had a bright future ahead of him. Don't know what Molly used on him, but he was her's in a short period of time." Ian sighed. "The staff at Hogwarts must have noted Arthur's change of behavior-But they, as usual, did nothing to protect a student from another student. A student poisoning another student with an illegal potion should have been noticed by the experienced instructors at the school. But Dumbledore, the headmaster, could have approve of the match, and consciously decided to allow the matter to play out. The twins had been favorites of his, after all-Later, Molly became one of Dumbledore's most ardent and steady supporters." Ian thoughtfully considered. "I wonder . . .Was Arthur the price for her support?"

A hairy, middle aged man ran past, wearing nothing but an oversized pink diaper, a bib, and baby bonnet, while firing his wand behind him.

"Well, after she pops out the first kid, Molly's safe." Ian shrugged. "Line theft is an incredibly serious crime in the magical community. The penalties are so ugly, especially for the children created by that sort of rape, that most people think several times over before doing something like that. Except Molly-It make you wonder about whether she's stupid arrogant, or just confident her patron can cover for her. With Molly its likely both." Ian glanced at Harry. "Harry . . .Any kids created like that become the property of the victimized parent. Their parent could kill them, or sterilize them, and it'll be legally ok. They could sell 'em, trade 'em, put them to work at hard labor for the rest of their lives-They could do that because their kid becomes a-Thing. THAT is the reason why no one was going to denounce or expose Molly-For the sake of the child. Or children, in her case." He grimaced. "All freakin' six of 'em!"

Outside the window, a giant, flattened teddy bear was being used as a shield to deflect multi colored bolts of light. There were times when the Wizards could be amusing, mused Ian. A small child was sent flying up to the air-Only to bounce safely down on a giant marshmallow. Other times, not as much . . .

"Oh, yeah . . .Molly poisoned Arthur, raped him, and stole his life, his future; stripped the guy of his choices. Those drugs, Harry, those drugs Molly used . . .And, yeah, potions are drugs by any other name thing . . .After awhile, the effects become permanent. Worse and worse, they have side effects. Not only does the original victim suffer some permanent damage, they also affect the children's brains as well-Emotionally and mentally weird people. Thankfully, the Weasleys problems seem relatively minor-Relatively speaking."

Outside, cutting through the chaos on her way elsewhere, the lone figure of an elderly woman sailed unperturbed and undisturbed through the sea of thrashing, struggling bodies. A woman gliding lightly, regardless of her years, wearing a hard, cold, aristocratic, face-And a stuff vulture on her hat.

Ian shuddered lightly at the dangerous figure of Augusta Longbottom disappearing from his view: Neville must be onboard, he thought inanely.

"Seriously, Harry? It becomes a freakin' coin toss which one of those two, Lucius or Molly, is the worse monster."

Turning to look at Harry, Ian was only slightly surprise to see how pale the little boy was. "Hmm, Harry . . .It's not lunch time yet-But how about something a little more substantial to eat then candy? My treat." Ian was relieved when color began returning to the younger boy. He firmly told himself that the fading feeling he was experiencing was not, emphatically, NOT guilt. Yet, Ian was certainly glad when the whatever-it-was went away.

A sudden lurch warned them of the train's departure. Oh, yeah, Ian thought absently, silencing charms. He watched as the train slide away from the platform, and the battle on it.

"That's funny . . .I didn't hear the train whistle." Harry commented puzzled.

Suddenly, without warning, there were a series of strong flashes of bright, near blinding light, and smoke billowed out into the platform causing the combatants to break away in panic and run!

Ian smugly settled into his seat and reached for his backpack-"I hope cheeseburgers and fries-Oops! Right, right, chips, I think you Brits call them?-Well, I hope they're OK with you?" Harry nodded his assent, somewhat distracted by the silent explosions originating from the Weasleys twins' trunks.

As they ate, and watched the city, and then countryside, slid by the window, Ian wondered when Trevor's guardian, and his bushy haired minder, would show up.

Even as Ian was having thoughts about them, a sudden 'thump' at the door, a 'click' of a latch, and the sliding sound of a door on runners, to Ian's staring eyes, Trevor's saviors appeared!

"Has anyone seen a toad?"


After meeting the Not-Daniel Radcliffe Harry, why should Ian have been surprised at the Not-Emma Watson, who slid open the compartment door, and loudly asked, "Has anyone seen a toad?"

Ian, who had a greasy french fry half way to his mouth, paused in mid motion to consider the young girl framed by the doorway: She was a small, gawky thing, with long bushy hair, that tragically looked like an old, damaged, faded afro wig. She had big, brown googly eyes bright with intelligence. Ian stared in horrified fascination at her big front teeth-Rowlings, had if anything, had understated the size of Hermione Granger's upper front teeth: Buck teeth? Hell no! Beaver sized teeth!

"-seen a toad? Neville, here, has lost his." Uncertain movement behind Hermione broke Ian's near hypnotic focus on her teeth. The Not-Matthew David Lewis Neville was a pudgy, shy little boy, who fidgeted in nervous anxiety.

"H-h-hello? I-I'm looking for my toad, Trevor. Has anyone seen him?" Neville forcefully breathed out his question, looking strained and uncomfortable.

Ian felt himself twitching. For maybe the second time around, Ian found within himself, the stirrings of . . .empathy? Sympathy? He really had to watch out for disturbing things like that. After all, he was out to screw over his cousin's wonderful magical little World. Doing damage to the original plot line was-An evil thought abruptly rose up from nowhere, and almost caused Ian to giggle out loud: It tickled.

Change of plan, Ian gleefully thought. "What kind of toad is he?" Ian innocently asked.

"Kind?" Neville looked confused at the question. "He-he's a toad."

"I mean," Ian explained in slight exasperation, "is the slippery little beast a native toad species? Something common and ordinary within the British Isles? Or is his species an import from Europe? Or, is he something more exotic? Is he toxic? How big is he? Does he blow up to twice his size? Can he shed limbs and regenerate them? Can he change his gender? Does he have some kind of special, and identifiable, vocalizations? Does he have any special attributes or abilities? What kind of skin coloration and markings does he have? Can he change his skin tone to match his surroundings, like a chameleon can? Does he have bony ridges on his skull? Does he have claws-?"

"Oh, for heaven's sake!" A fuming Hermione brusquely interrupted. "IT'S. A. TOAD. It looks like a frog! Have you seen a small, hopping, frog like animal around here, or not?!"

Ian gave a thoughtful, "Hmmmm", carefully and deliberately slid his french fry back in with it's fellow fries, within the colorful cardboard fast food french fry container. He wiped his hand on a paper napkin, ignoring Hermione's impatiently tapping foot, and Neville's rapid, near panting breathing. He patted the lump in his pocket, nodded to himself, reached into his pocket and pulled out-


Ian, looking upon the compelling, joyful scene, of a Boy reunited with his Toad, with bright, shinning eyes. He immediately knew what his next project was going to be: Getting the Wandering Toad, and his Boy, to the moon!

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Whew! Did Ian trash up Molly, or what? And he also managed to take a swipe at Dumbledore, and he mentioned the bullying that goes on at Hogwarts.

Before you go: Well Harry is going to check up on the stuff Ian told him-When did Harry ever truly check up on anything someone told him? Hagrid and Ron told him all Slytherins were evil, and without any other evidence (aside from Draco), Harry believed them.

Of course, over time, Ian's credibility will shoot up as Dumbledore implements his schemes.

As for the moon thing? Remember . . .Ian is a little crazy at this point. Hopefully he'll regain enough of his sanity not to go through with that plan!

Now, some fanfic writers have been circulating, and supporting, the idea for a mass exodus of muggle born wizards and witches from Britain, rather then the mass murder claims of Dumbledore and other wizards. I think that if the latter had happened, that event might have brought exposure to Britain's magical community. To keep that from happening, the other magical communities would have had to intervene. Something Tom Riddle, crazy as he was, would have wanted to avoid.

It does make a lot more sense that a group of people finally had enough of the abuse being heaped on them, packed up, and simply left.

Okay, enough for now. Thanks for reading! Until the next chapter . . .Bye!