Hey guys. Meyyu here. I am so sorry for not updating for such a long time. Life has just been so busy and it's hard to keep up. I'm taking all honors, I'm taking a math class a year above my grade level, I'm in my school's newspaper, and I've become addicted to a bunch of new shows and bands. AKA I've gone to the dark side and am now spending most of my free time on Kpop and Kdramas. ( All of the EXO and Hyuna lovers out there, how's it going? I know I'm dying inside, you? ) But I've been feeling so guilty about not updating that I'm going to try from now on to update more. I can't promise that I will consistently, but I'm going to try my best. Also, I might delete a bunch of my stories and just start again from scratch because looking back at my 11-13 year old writing makes me want to cry. So ya. I'm probably going to post more one shots as well because those are much easier to maintain. Thanks for understanding guys.

~Meyyu the Marvelous