Hi there, to anyone who is still bothered with reading this.

My name is Lucy, and a few years ago I wrote a story which I was far less than proud of, and was convinced by a well-meaning friend to publish it, even though I was really, really not proud of it. I know a lot of you have read and actually enjoyed parts of said story, and parts made you go WTF, just as they did me when I re-read them a few weeks ago. I have subsequently decided to re-write the story, into a much longer, better, less alcohol-addled version, and as such am deleting the chapters that were already up, so I can replace them with newer, better versions. I promise that I will have the new chapters up promptly, and hopefully they will be a lot more enjoyable to all. I kept all the elements that you guys said you enjoyed, such as the dialogue, most of the first chapter, but I'm getting rid of the crazy stuff that was, literally, a drunken mess. I should not write after consuming mass quantities of red wine, as I have since learnt.

I hope to have the new story up as soon as possible, and I hope that those of you who chose to read it will enjoy it far more than its messy, unthought out, thoroughly confusing ancestor.

Xx L (ashamed author)