Disclaimer: Don't own any of the characters.

Greg House had been in an accident. Nothing new unfortunately. The problem was he remained unconscious and had been in a coma for a month. There was no reason to explain the state. Blythe House had received the call about the accident and her son's condition. She immediately caught the next flight to Princeton to take care of her son. She had been there almost 4 weeks now-rarely leaving his side. What in the world was going on with her son? She had spoken with all of his doctors at PPTH but no one knew what to say except 'It just takes time.' But how much time?

Just when she was getting ready to grab some lunch in walks Lisa Cuddy-her son's boss. She usually came by to check on her "hospital's greatest asset" but Blythe knew there was more to the visits than that. She could tell by the way Dr. Cuddy looked at her son that the hospital asset thing was a bunch of crap. They greeted each other and turned to look at House. Suddenly, Cuddy saw his eyes blink open. He looked confused, agitated, and scared. He struggled to speak since he had been out of it for a month. He managed to ask "Cuddy, why are you here? I know you hate me for ruining your home! Like prison wasn't bad enough. Are you here to send me back?"

Cuddy and Blythe were both confused. What did he mean? She didn't hate him, quite the opposite. She loved him, truth be told she always had. What about her house? It was fine this morning when she left. Cuddy didn't know what to say. Blythe was not privy to their relationship so Cuddy had been making excuses for visiting the love of her life.

Blythe was the first to respond by asking "Greg. When were you in prison? How could have kept this from your own mother?"

Cuddy finally responded, "He was not in prison! House, what are you trying to pull now?"

House said, "Cuddy, we both know you pressed charges because I ran my car into your house."

"Um, when did this happen?" Cuddy asked.

"Over a two years ago! Do you have amnesia? God, I cannot take this. I have to take care of Wilson. He only has a few months to live!" House shouted.

"Wrong! Wilson is not dying. What made you think he was?"

"The fact that he has cancer and I faked my death so we could spend his last few months together before I end up back in prison." House was trying to remain calm but he knew he had to get out of that room before he was caught. Everything would have been for nothing if he got caught before he had helped Wilson.

Now Cuddy and Blythe were both worried and confused. What in the world was going on? House thought Wilson was dying and he also thought he was going to prison. Something was definitely wrong. But what?

Finally, Cuddy asked, "House, who told you Wilson was dying?"

"Duh, Wilson did!" House replied.

"Just a second." Cuddy picked up her cell and called Wilson. "Wilson, House is awake. Yes, it is good news. But Wilson, are you sick? No, I am not talking about your cold! I mean do you have cancer or some other life threatening disease? OK! Just what I thought. Can you come to his room and tell him what you just told me? Great, I will see you in a few minutes. He is on his way."

"Lisa, is James sick?" Blythe asked.

"No, he just has a cold." Cuddy replied.

House was beside himself. He knew what was going on. They, Cuddy and his mother, were clueless. He was the genius. He knew Wilson was dying. He was right. They were wrong as usual.

"How long have I been in here?" House inquired.

"A month." Blythe replied.

"I have to get out of here. Wilson needs me!" House screamed.

"Just hang on. He is on his way. We will get this all straightened out." Cuddy stated.

Just then, Wilson walks into House's hospital room. "House, I am so happy to see you awake. I was worried about you." Wilson greeted.

"Worried about me? I'm fine. I don't have cancer like you, Wilson."

"House, I don't have cancer. Why would you think that?"

"Because you told me!"

"No, I never told you that!"

"He also thinks that he ran that death trap of a car of his into my house." Cuddy informed Wilson.

"Okay...I don't know what to say. I am confused." Wilson said.

"So are we!" Cuddy and Blythe stated in unison.

"Blythe, could you let Wilson and I have some time alone with House? We need to check him out and get this cleared up."

"Of course." Blythe replied. "I don't think my heart can take much more."