"Shino do you believe in vampires?"

A little stunned by his question, I answered best I could, " I have never given them much thought either way."

"What if I told you I was a vampire?"

"You do not appear to be deceased."

He chuckled darkly, "That's good because I'm just as alive as you are. Vampires are born, live, die, and fall in love just like humans do. Well there are a few obvious differences."

"There is no scientific proof of vampires existing," I replied defensively. I didn't believe him but I didn't disbelieve him either. I found the concept hard to believe and follow, especially since he was deviating from familiar vampire lore. But, at the same time, it made sense too. I had noticed his feral actions and the predatory gleam in his eyes. It was really too much for my mind to take.

He dropped his head to my shoulder, which I admit made me jump a bit, "I was afraid you'd say that. If I was in your place I'd probably even less understanding than you're being."

I spilled my hand out of his and awkwardly wrapped my arms around his back to pull him closer to me, "If you are a vampire you need blood?"

He stiffened in my arms but didn't say anything.

"Is that what you want from me? My blood or something more?"

He pulled back from me and took both my hands in his, "You amaze me, you don't even fully believe me and yet you ask me questions like that."

I just started back at him, waiting for his answer.

"I love you Shino, so yes I want your blood. The best blood a vampire can get it that from their mate, whether their mate be human or another vampire. But your blood isn't all I want-I want you. Even if other vampires look down on human-vampire relationships, even if you begin to fear me, I want to be with you."

It was really hard for me to see Kiba so serious and on the verge of tears, I wanted to believe him but either way I knew I loved him. I leaned forward and kissed him.

He seemed surprised like he was the night I kissed him in my apartment but eventually he returned my kiss. We kept it light and innocent and broke away before long.

"I love you Kiba, surely you know that." He nodded and I continued, "If you are a vampire, drink my blood."

He looked at me like I had sprouted an additional head, "Don't do this just for proof, I can show you some other way. Once I bite you, you will be mine. I wont be able to take it if the reality is too much for you and you leave me."

I shook my head in negation, "I want to be with you, whether you are a vampire or crazy, I'm in too deep already. If you are a vampire, I willingly give you my blood."

"Lets go, my place is near here," he said, sounding very determined.

Confused but curious to see his home, I walked over and grabbed Akamaru's leash. The dog hadn't wandered off at all and instead seemed rather invested in our conversation.

I followed along behind Kiba silently, aware that I should be scared but not feeling so.

The walk honestly wasn't that far but it felt like ages that night. Eventually we reached an arcade and he led the way down side stairs to a basement apartment. As he opened the door, I bent down and let Akumaru off his lease. The dog rushed in immediately, causing my eyes to follow him in.

Kiba walked into the room and flipped on a desk lamp by his bed, "Sorry not much need for light."

I looked around the room. My apartment may have been a studio but his was literally one room. The toilet, shower and sink were off in a corner of the room. I could see various toiletries scattered across the sink, including his eyeliner. There was a TV mounted on the wall, by far the most expensive object in the room, but no chairs or couch to sit on. My guess based on the layout of the room was that he sat on the floor with his dog while watching television. On the side of the room closest to the door was a small dresser right beside Kiba's bed and Akamaru's bed at the foot of said bed. There was no form of kitchen.

Kiba still stood beside his bed, hand still on the lamp, eyes trained on me. I turned my gaze to Akamaru who, curled up on his bed, seemed to be uninterested in the proceedings.

"I told you my apartment wasn't much"

I looked over at him, "I'm surprised this place is legal to rent out."

He just shrugged, "I don't need much."

I scanned the room once more, he didn't seem to own much but there were books and clothing scattered about the room, "I suppose not."

"Have a seat," He patted the bed before taking a seat on it himself. I briefly considered continuing to stand before awkwardly sitting beside him on the bed.

He looked over at me very seriously, "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course."

"I should tell you one more warning."

"Oh?" I asked, looking up into his eyes.

He flushed, "There is a side effect."

"Am I going to turn into a vampire?"

He laughed but continued to blush, "No, nothing like that."

"Okay, then what?"

"Biting one's lover is supposed to trigger…" he cleared his throat to choose a more appropriate term than he may have normally used, "passion."

"Supposed to?" I asked, rather red in the face myself.

"Well I haven't exactly experienced it first hand but I do know that when I'm kissing you, I do feel the overwhelming urge to bite you," He rubbed the back of his head and looked off to the side, "So I assume they trigger each other."

"Biting and lust?"


"Are you implying that you may not be able to control yourself?"

His eyes darted back over to mine, "Shino, I wouldn't dream of hurting you. I won't do anything you don't want me to."

I removed my tinted lenses and looked him straight in the eyes, "Then I'm not worried."

As I went to put them back on, his hand halted the action and his lips found mine. The kiss was sweet and soothing. He slipped my glasses out of my hand and set them on his dresser, "Are you ready?"

I nodded and turned to completely face him on the bed. I stiffened as his hands slipped under my jacket. He slowly pushed it back to reveal my neck and shoulder. His eyes watched mine the whole time before leaning forward to my neck. I, unsure what to expect, sat very still. I felt his lips brush my neck and I held back my breath.

"Shino, relax" He said into my skin, I felt every movement but I forced myself to breathe. "Ready? No turning back after this."

I nodded slowly, careful not to hit him with my chin but not trusting myself to speak.

His left hand found my right and then I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I squeezed his hand; it felt less like a bite and more like something being stabbed into my neck. Thankfully, the pain was fleeting. I could feel the heat of his body against mine and hear the pulsating of my own blood. I felt my body relax in his grasp. It was a strange sensation, not entirely unpleasant.

Kiba slowly pulled back, licking my neck before fully backing away. His hand still clasped in mine he just stared at me, "Well?"

I could see the fire clouding his eyes but I leaned forward, regardless and kissed him.

This time, he took no time kissing back and my jacket was quickly removed completely. I could feel the heat spreading through my own body as the kiss picked up. Deciding to go with it, I followed suit and removed his jacket. That caused him to pull back and examine my face.

"Yes?" I asked before kissing him again. I must have soothed his hesitation because his hands were soon inside my shirt. Figuring it would only be a short time before my shirt joined my jacket and not entirely comfortable with the idea of being topless, I distracted myself by slipping my own hands under his shirt. I was correct about his body. His abs were defined, hand, and wonderful to touch. I surprised us both and removed his shirt while I still had mine.

The amount of separation required to pull the shirt over his head allowed me to take in the devilish glint in his eyes. As soon as his shirt was gone, he dove back in for another kiss before pulling back and taking my shirt with him. Smirking, I decided to take chance and pinned him back against his bed. He seemed shocked at first but then, I could feel him laughing as I kissed him.

I awoke several hours later. There were no windows in his apartment so I had to slip out of his grasp and find my phone to check the time. It was still a few hours than when I would normally go to work but I was thankful as I looked over at the sleeping man beside me that I didn't work today. Slipping out of his grasp completely, I stood up and crossed the room to his shower.

Before climbing in, I stopped at his sink and checked myself in the mirror. The places he had bit me had barely noticeable marks but they were there. Sighing, I proceeded to the shower. After finishing, I stepped out and reached for a towel, before noticing that Akamaru was awake and watching me intently. I awkwardly dried myself and dressed, feeling a little foolish.

"Do you need to go out?" I asked. At this, he got up from his bed and brushed himself against my legs. "Okay. Let me leave Kiba a note." It actually took me awhile to find something to write with but eventually, I wrote him a note explaining that I was taking Akamaru out with me while I got something to eat and that we'd return. I wasn't sure if he would wake up before sunset or not but I figured better safe, than sorry. I placed the note on his dresser and slipped my glasses back on. I found his keys so I could lock the door and then turned back to give him a kiss on the tattooed cheek.

Locking up, I led Akamaru to an outside café that I could eat at without leaving him behind. "What have I gotten myself into?" I asked him as we walked. In response he nuzzled my leg. I smirked, "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere but I can't let you two keep living there."

After we both had eaten, I got weird looks for ordering a dog a plate of food; I led us back to Kiba and to my future. I was unsure back then where our lives would take us. I figured Kiba's mother would be able to explain what becoming a vampire's mate meant but I figured not matter what it entailed I would be ready for it.

A/N: Well that ended kinda on a lame note. That's it! I hope you enjoyed the story! It was a difficult story to figure out how to end because i could have easily kept detailing their lives. Anyway, questions? comments? advice? Thanks for reading.