The Champion Of Arceus

A/N: This is my very first story on fanfiction. So hope everyone enjoys the story and make sure to review because I'll need to hear everyone's opinion.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.

The sun was shining brightly down on Pallet Town, the home of Ash Ketchum. He was ten years old and today was the day he would receive his very own pokemon. He had decided long ago that he would choose Charmander as his starter.

Ash looked at his clock. It was 8:00 AM. He had to be at Professor Oak's lab in an hour, so he went downstairs where his mum was busy making breakfast.

"Good morning honey." His mum told him as he walked into the kitchen. She placed his plate in front of him, the toast and scrambled egg looked delicious.

"Good morning, mum" Ash sleepily replied. He quickly ate his breakfast while making small talk with his mum.

After Ash finished his breakfast he made small talk with his mum for a while. His supplies and backpack were sitting on the table, ready to be taken up. He was in no hurry.

His mum looked at the clock which now read 8:40 AM. "You'd best get going if you want to be there on time." His mother said.

Ash nodded and picked up his things. He put on his backpack and raced out the front door. As he left, he turned back round and shouted, "Goodbye, mum!"

At his pace, he made to the Professor Oak's lab within three minutes. When he got there, he saw two more trainers he recognized them as Alex and Marie. Alex had short blond hair with bright green eyes and was slightly taller than Ash. Marie had medium long black hair that was down to the middle of her back and bright blue eyes, she was shorter than Ash.

He looked around to see if Gary had arrived and was pleased that he wasn`t. Gary was the most arrogant person he ever met. Ash smirked as he thought about Gary not getting the Squrtle he had been saying he was going to get since they were five years old.

Unfortunately, Ash was not so lucky. A voice rang out behind him, calling, "Out of my way losers! " as Gary rushed past them into the lab without bothering to knock.

Ash, Alex and Marie were practically pouring with excitement as they followed Gary in. They were quiet, all three lost in their thoughts about their future partner.

Ash observed the lab as he followed Gary. He could see lab assistants taking notes while looking at computers. There were various pictures on the wall depicting rare and exotic pokemon. He could also see a set of double doors off to the side, where he knew the pokemon were kept.

They saw Gary up ahead. He was speaking with an elderly, grey-haired man in a lab coat. Ash easily recognized him as Professor Oak and could see that he seemed to be irritated at Gary for just walking in.

"Welcome, children." He said with a kind smile. "It's time for you all to receive your own pokemon."

Ash glanced over at the small table next to Professor Oak. He frowned when he realized there were only three pokeballs lying on the table. "Uh, Professor? There are only three pokeballs there!" He exclaimed.

"Oh, yes." Professor Oak said with an embarrassed smile. "I`m sorry to say, one of you will have to receive a different starter than the usual three, as I forgot there would be four of you today." He said apologetically.

The ten-year-old looked at the other trainers. Gary was leaning against the wall and smirking, knowing that he wouldn't be the one to choose a different starter. Alex and Marie also looked rather reluctant, so Ash figured he would take it. He knew it would probaly be even better than the regular starter anyway.

"I'll wait, professor." He said a bit sad, feeling all his dreams of starting out with a charmander shot down with that single statement.

Professor Oak smiled at Ash, pride for the boy's decision evident. Though he felt a bit sad that he had to make the boy lose his chance at his Charmander he wanted. He hoped the boy would be a bit happier with his extra treat he was going to give him for this mistake he made. He saw Ash as a second Grandchild and felt sad when his father left Delia.

Gary's smirk grew larger as he realized that Ash wouldn't be receiving one of the traditional starters.

"Thank you, Ash." Professor Oak told him warmly. He gestured to the three pokeballs, naming each as he pointed to it. "The one on the left contains a Charmander, the one in the middle contains Squirtle, and the one on the right contains Bulbasaur."

Gary pushed his way past the other trainers and picked up Squirtle's pokeball. He had a cocky smirk on his face that Ash desperately wanted to punch off. Alex picked up Charmander's pokeball while Marie chose Bulbasaur.

Ash watched closely as the other trainers released their new pokemon. Squirtle examined its trainer curiously, a wide smile on its face. Charmander looked just as excited, but was also glancing curiously around the lab. Bulbasaur was quiet but had a pleased expression on its face as Marie squealed and held it aginst her chest.

"Now that you have your pokemon, I have something else to give you." Oak said. He motioned for one of his assistants to come over. The short, squat man held a tray with four small, red computers on it. Oak picked one of them up. "this is called a pokedex. It collects information on the different kinds of pokemon, and I'd like the four of you to collect as much data as you can. It can give you vital information such as the pokemon's type, what moves it can learn, and what it likes to eat."

Professor Oak was silent for a minute as he looked over each trainer critically. "Now then, good luck with your journey. I hope you have fun with your pokemon." He said to them with a smile on his face. Oak looked over at Ash. "Ash please stay behind, I have to give you your pokemon."

The others left happily, chattering about how awesome their pokemon were and how strong they were going to become. Before Gary walked out he glanced back at Ash and smirked "I'll be waiting outside. Come out when you have your pokemon and I'll show you how weak it is."

"You're on!" Ash growled, aware of Professor Oak's assessing gaze. Gary just walked out with that smirk still plastered on his face.

Ash's disappointment at not receiving a Charmander quickly changed to excitement as Professor Oak left for his office and returned a few moments later with not one but two pokeballs and a container with an egg inside but Ash recognized the egg as a pokemon egg.

"This is a very special pokemon egg i know what this pokemon is but you are going to find out as a surprise, Ash. This pokemon is found almost exclusively in the Hoenn region. My good friend Professor Birch sent this over for me to study when it hatches, but i think you will find a better use for it. These other pokemon i caught earlier in the week because they are rarely seen around here and one was a baby. I was going to use them for research but i think you should have them as an apology for not getting you a Charmander and helping me around here when Gary would not."

Oak tapped the release buttons on both pokeballs and allowed the pokemon to materialize. Ash grinned as he saw his new companions for the first time.

The first pokemon had a human like figure, it`s eyes were closed and it`s face was fox like. It`s fur was yellow it had a tail and on each foot were three toes. It had brown shoulders with pads on them. Ash recognized this pokemon as the Psychic type Abra which were rare and known to sleep eighteen hours a day.

The second pokemon was small with purple reptillian skin. It had a rattle on it`s tail, and it`s eyes were yellow with slits it had a yellow collar that was also scales. Ash recognized the pokemon as Ekans, a poison type which bite was known to be painful.

"Wow!" Ash whispered. The two pokemon looked around nervously, but got excited when they saw Ash and both slithered and jumped into his arms. Ash laughed and hugged the two small pokemon to his chest. After a few seconds, he placed his new friends down and aimed his pokedex at the his new Psychic pokemon.

Abra, The Psi pokemon. Abra sleeps for eighteen hours a day. However, it can sense the presence of foes even while it is sleeping. In such a situation, this POKéMON immediately teleports to safety.

This Abra is male, and knows the moves Teleport, Barrier and Ice punch. Note both Barrier and Ice puch are egg moves.

"That sounds awesome." Ash exclaimed with a large smile on his face.

Next he pointed the pokedex at Ekans.

Ekans, The Snake pokemon. Ekans curls itself up in a spiral while it rests. Assuming this position allows it to quickly respond to a threat from any direction with a glare from its upraised head.

This Ekans is female and knows the moves Wrap, Poison sting, Poison tail and Disable. Note both Poison tail and Disable are egg moves.

"That is a good moveset" Ash said with a large grin on his face.

"Indeed it is." Oak replied, an amused smile on his face. "I think that both Ekans and Abra will be good companions on your journey."

"Yes, thanks so much, Professor!" Ash grinned back. "I'll take really good care of them and the egg!"

Professor Oak nodded and walked away but before he got far he stopped and said "Ash make sure you sont let Gary see the egg and one of your pokemon he might get jealous and demand for one, so make sure you only use one of your pokemon in your battle with him. "

Ash nodded then returned Abra since he was a baby and let Ekans slither up his arm and settle on his shoulder. She will be the pokemon he will use in his battle against Gary.

"Ready, Ekans?" Ash asked, so excited that he was about to run out of the lab. Ekans hissed happily in affirmative.

That was enough for him, and he quickly walked out of the lab. It was time to show Gary who was the better of the two.

He walked outside to see his mother standing there with some other people from the town probaly to congradulate him on his start of his journey, he walked up to his mother and said " Hey mom what`s all this"

"Oh, i got my friends to come and see my special man on the start of his journey" said his mom a little teary eyed.

Then when she saw the pokemon on Ash`s shoulders she said " Oh, whats this"

Ash replied "this is the replacement pokemon the Professor gave me" he whispered so no one else could hear "He also gave me another pokemon and a egg but told me not to tell anyone"

"Well that`s alright but i want you to come home for three days to learn about eggs and get to know your pokemon alright" she said in a very serious tone.

"Alright mom" Ash said a little dissapointed but happy because he would have his mom to help him with his egg, he knew his mom studied under Professor Oak so she knew what she was doing.

Just then he heard a loud voice that he knew calling "Hey Ashyboy how bout that battle we talked about my Squirtle will make your Pokemon look weak like you are" said Gary as he strolled over with that cocky smirk he always wore.

Ash turned around and shouted "Your on Gary" he went and met Gary on Oak`s Battle area.

They stood across eachother and Gary said "Go, Squirtle"

At the same time Ash said "Go Ekans"

Squirtle came out with a smirk like his trainer. Ekans slithered down Ash and hissed at Squirtle.

Professor Oak came out and said this is a one on one match with Ash Ketchem and Gary Oak Begin!.

Gary said "Squirtle use Bubble"

"Ekans use Poison sting to stop the attack"

The attacks cancelled eachother out. Gary yelled "Squirtle, Tackle" "Ekans Dodge and use Poison tale" replied Ash.

Squirtle ran towards Ekans with tackle but Ekans, to fast for the Turtle pokemon, dodged quickly and struck Squirtle with its tail that was glowing purple and watched as Squirtle flew and hit the ground.

When it got up it was glowing purple and flinched as the poison took effect.

Gary growled "Squirtle use Bubble then run behind it with tackle."

Ash said "Ekans Poison sting to cancel Bubble out then wait for Squirtle to come"

Ekans shot Poison sting at Bubble and cancelled it then waited for Squirtle to come. When Squirtle was close enough Ash yelled out "Now Wrap" Ekans used Wrap to go around Squirtle and started Squeezing.

"Squirtle use Bubble at Ekans face" the Turtle pokemon shot a Bubble at the Snakes face cause it to cry out and let go.

Ash called out "Ekans use Disable and then use Poison tail to send it away"

Ekans eyes Sparkled for a moment then shot it`s tail toward Squirtle hitting it and sent it toward it`s trainer.

Gary told "Squirtle get up and use Bubble. " The poisoned water type got up and tried to use Bubble but couldin`t then landed face first in the ground.

Oak saw Squritle and called out "Squirtle is unable to battle the winner is Ekans and trainer Ash Ketchem. "

Ash jumped for joy and ran out to Ekans and scooped her up "We did it Ekans we won out first battle."

Gary recalled Squirtle and said "you got lucky Ashy boy i`ll beat you next time when i train Squirtle more. " he walked away to his sports car and drove away.

Ash watched for a moment and walked with a spring in his step, to his mom and said "Let`s go mom i want to show you my pokemon. "

He and his mum walked to his house where he showed her his Abra and egg his mother adored Abra and when she looked at the egg she wondered what it was. Ash got a good look at it it was pure white with two lines on the top one went around the egg and was green and the other was red but went down on each side of the egg.

He and his mum got supper ready, he learned to cook when he said he wanted to be a pokemon trainer his mother thought it was important he learned to cook himself. He also knew alot about myths and legends from when he helped Professor Oak at the lab and about taking care for different pokemon by feeding them, brushing them and learned about what different types ate. After dinner Ash got into bed with Ekans beside him and Abra on the foot of the bed, the egg was sitting on his nightstand. Before he went to bed Ash thought about what he will learn tommorow and to get to know his pokemon.

Author`s Note – i would like to know what you think see if you can guess what the egg will be. I would like to know what pokemon you want and what you want the paring to be even if you want a Harem, i`m fine with that Ash will not be stupid and dense from the anime i hate him like that. He will get his pokemon from the anime he might travel with brock and misty but you will have to vote i`ll try to get the poll up quickly. NO FLAMES.