Don't own…blah blah…mumble jumbo.

Day1: Shlinda hummed cheerfully as drove down the winding street, it was raining heavily outside the windows of her Buick. Finally she had got an easy photographer assignment, it was far better than being shipped to Iran for the newspaper. She lifted a paper from the passenger seat beside her giving directions to the town. She glanced up at the street which just seemed to continue into eternity, she was partially glad they already paid her half upfront this was a killing on her gas tank. After about another hour she finally smiled as she came across the sign announcing she had finally arrived. 'Welcome to Silent Hill' flashed as she passed it. Pulling further in she came across a parked green van and a blue Prius. Pulling up beside them and switching into park she grabbed her camera before getting out. Shelinda glanced in the passenger windows curiously, they were empty.

"What in the world?" Turning she found a piece of paper shoved carelessly in the windshield wiper and unfolded it. 'went to the Café 5 to 2, directions below.' Shlinda did indeed see a sloppy drawing giving directions to the café. Mildly annoyed at how they just took off on her she sighed, before finally taking off in the direction specified. As she walked she noticed how deserted the town seemed and how eerily fogy it was, though she assumed that was from just the rain. She grew more anxious the more she explored the town till she arrived at the café breathing a sigh of relief. Pushing the door open rather hurriedly she quickly stepped inside to be greeted with a mass of flesh and blood. She screamed. A dragging sound made her cup her mouth, too late she slowly turned to see a tall man before her wearing a pointed helmet…covered in blood and holding the skin of what was recognizable as her customer.

She ran. She pushed the door open wide feeling a tingle down her spine as the mysterious man just barely managed to miss grabbing the end of her short cropped hair. She was so glad she cut it earlier that day. She ran till she came to a stand still facing several armless people that appeared to be wearing bodysuits of pure flesh. She stood in fear only being roused as one lumbered forward and shot a black fluid out at her from it's chest. She cried out as it hit her camera melting it on contact. She backed away as all five of them advanced on her falling straight on her butt as her heel broke. She covered her eyes as one reared back to spray her only to never feel the intended pain. Opening her eyes she gasped at a humongous sword jabbed into the ground before her hissing as steam came off it. She looked up to see the man standing over her. What was happening!? She glanced at the monsters once more to see a little girl looking at her from behind them. The girl tilted her head and smiled right before Shlinda blacked out.

"Shlinda…wake up Shlinda." She opened her eyes to see the little girl standing before her; they were both in a dark room and by what she could feel, one with a blood covered floor. She started hyperventilate electing the girl to place a hand on her chest steading her breathing.

"What…" Shlinda could hardly speak.

"You're here to save him." She looked at the girl questioningly.

"I'm not here to save anyone! I was just hired to take some pictures!" She blurted hurriedly. The girl smiled and shook her head gently before tilting it to the side.

"No, you are here because we called you. Those people who hired you needed punishing and you just happened to know them." Shlinda continued to sit in confusion as the girl stood and walked over to a light switch before flicking it on, the room made her want to vomit. Both fresh and rotting flesh sat in piles soaking in the tainted blood, flies and body parts easily identifiable. A lone rotted bed sat to one side of the room against a decayed wall, the only other furnishing were the various hooks that littered the ceiling thankfully to high to cause her injury if she stood.

"This is his room." Shlinda frowned, there was that 'him' again.

"Who is this 'him' you keep talking about?" The girl turned to face her.

"The angel, banished from heaven for sparing a girl he saw no fault in."


"Alessa." Shlinda stood shakily, chills running through her as the blood ran down her legs and soaked her skirt.

"What am I supposed to do? Will I get to go home?"

"Perhaps, if in the end that's what you want. What you do is up to you Shlinda." She glanced around the room again feeling sick once more, how was she supposed to find and save some guy from those things? And in this?

"Where can I find him?"

"You've already met him." She scowled. Already met him? The only people she had known here were dead and then she had…on no..nonononoNO! She couldn't be serious, there was no way that monster was who needed saving, if anything people needed saving from HIM! The girl seemed to have read her mind for she smiled darkly and nodded.

"He will be here tomorrow. I think you should rest in the meantime." The room then went dark the little girl being enveloped and then vanishing. Shlinda waved her arms in the darkness till she finally made contact with the bed, quickly she plopped down on it and huddled into a ball she was just thankful it was dry. Now the only question was, what if he killed her?