Buttercups POV

Ugh...what the fucking hell, I thought as I slowly sat up and put my hand to my forehead. I looked around and I didnt see Mitch, and I was in someone elses room. I looked down and I was wearing some kind of stripper outfit, it was a spegetti strap one piece which looked like a bikini but it was held togther by the straps on the sides of my waist and it was lime green. "Finally awake babe?" I turned my head to the side where I was the devil himself, Butch.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! WHERE AM I? AND WHAT IS GOING ON!" I screamed at him, but it didnt faze him one bit.

"Well Butterbabe, ever since I saw you when you were walking home from school with your sisters something changed in me. I wanted you to be my girlfriend and all that mushy shit but I knew you wouldnt want that so I had no choice but to take you by force." Butch then pulled me up from his bed and caressed my cheek. "Your all mine now babe. Now come on you have a show to do."

Butch pulled me out of his room by my hand and we started to walk down five flights of stairs and went into a small office. "Butch, what the fuck am I doing here?!"

"You're going to put on a little show for some very important people who paid alot of money to come and see you."

I raised my eyebrow with both shock and curiousity, "What do you mean by 'A little show'?" Butch wrapped his arms around my waist,"You'll see." He whispered into my ear that gave me a chill down my spine. He then grabbed my hand gently and opened his office door. I couldn't believe my fucking eyes.

Right in front of me was a medium sized stage with a long, metal stripper pole in the middle. In front of the stage was numerous tables and chairs filled with guys with a lustful look in their eyes, and the far corner was a mini bar with a few people sitting there also. I could hear a faint beat of music coming from the opposite wall. Must be a club back there... I scanned the audiences faces and a table in the front caught my eye.

There sitting in the front row was Blossom and Bubbles, sitting on Brick and Boomers' lap, and looking up at me with tear-filled eyes. It broke my heart to see them like that. "Go up there and make me and your sisters proud...or there will be a punishment involved." Butch hissed in my hear, and slightly nudging me onto the stage. I felt him slap my ass as I walked up the stairs to go on the stage, I growled but quietly so he couldn't hear it.

The big bright lights blinded me as I was on the stage, the audience cheered and whistled at me, excluding Blossom and Bubbles. I walked up to the pole and thats when the music started. I wrapped my small hands loosely around the pole and spun around, while looping my leg around the pole. My mind went blank and my body took control when the music started.

After about 10 minutes of pole dancing, the music stopped. And my body obediently stopped to, I started to breathe heavily as the audience started to cheer wildly (especially Butch), and I wiped the little sweat of my forehead.

"Babe! You were great up there!" Butch said while walking up the stage stairs. I growled angrily at him as I pushed him away and ran down the stairs into his office. Who the hell do he think he is?! I heard the door open and slam shut as Butch walked in and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'll let that go just for today, but we need to discuss some rules around here."

IM ALIVEEEEEE lol I know its been like a century and a half since my last update but I had a few family problems and school issues -.- sorry that the chapter is short but I just need some more ideas to make this story better ;) so if you guys have some ideas then PM me pweaseeee 3 Byeee xoxo