Jenny POV

You had read it in a book when you were little. A story about brave knights who shot arrows through the hearts of their enemies. You had told your parents you wanted to learn, they laughed and told you that it wasn't for girls. You never spoke about it again.

Years later, after Vastra had taught you to wield a sword, you brought it up. She had smiled at you and simply said "We shall start tomorrow" Of course she already knew how to use a bow. Sometimes you wonder was there anything she didn't know.

You spend the next day in the garden, shooting at targets. You curse the first half of the morning every time you mess up the position and cause another bruise along your arm. You swear Vastra smirks at you the whole time, which only irritates you more.

You freeze, breath hitching, when she comes up behind you. Gently placing her right hand hand over yours, while the other helps position your left hand on the bow. Her chin rests just above your shoulder, you can feel her breath against your ear.

"Relax my dear" soft words and warm breath. You curse at how fast your heart beats. Slowly, you exhale. Vastra helps you pull the string back, then steps back. You ignore the fact that your body is suddenly cold and try to focus on the target. You shoot...

The arrow misses. You don't curse because already Vastra is behind you with a new arrow. She's your employer, your teacher, you know you shouldn't feel this way, but then her hands are over yours again and your heart flutters and you can't deny that Archery is your new favourite lesson.