A/N: I know, I KNOW! I'm horrible for getting this out so late because I'd had this tidbit written down in my notebook for a while, and for it being so short. I'M SOOOORRRRRRRRRRY, but I just found the time to type it up real quick since my fam and I are currently in the process of moving. I'm going to try my BEST to get back on track with this story, because this chapter was only supposed to be 2 parts and instead it has extended itself. Luckily it's summer, and hopefully I'll be able to get back into the flow of things like when I first began this story. Once again, I'M SOOOOOO SORRY! Shout out to all my reviewers/favoriters/followers/readers AAAAANNNNND all those who messaged me, telling me to get my butt in gear! I love you all with the passion of 1,000 burning suns!
Disclaimer: The sadness of knowing that Young Justice doesn't belong to me knows no bounds… I no own song(s) either. I only own Faith, Emily, Joe, and any other OCs that I create.
Summary: Faith Evans, a 16-year-old girl, was just trying to make sure that she and her little sister got by in the world. "She was prepared to die when she took that bullet. So can someone explain to her why a dead guy's ring just decided to hitch a ride on her finger?!"
Genre: Humor/Adventure/a little Angst/a little Drama(cause you always need just a bit of Angst/Drama in every story)/Romance
Song(s) used: none
Word Count: 1,749
"Mind link"
"Communicating through something (ie: communicators, phones, rings, etc…)"
Chapter 15: Decisions and Judgments Part 2
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. – Edmund Burke
She watched as the sun steadily made its way down only for the moon to start taking its place. It wouldn't be long until they'd have to head out.
Glancing at the broad, cat-shaped (though it looked more demon-like than anything) mask, the dark haired woman began checking over her weapons, making sure they were in top condition.
She could tolerate many things.
Shoddy weaponry was not one of them.
Taking the time to apply jelly fish poison to the senbon needles she'd be packing, the villainess thought about her next assassination.
Dr. Roquette Sterling.
Accomplished scientist, creator of the "Fog", and her next target.
It was a shame really. If she had just finished the weapon quietly and not kicked up such a fuss, she would've been of further use. Instead, the woman decided to create a virus in opposition of the Shadows.
Oh well.
Everyone had to die sometime.
The only thing that was mildly concerning was the people guarding the good doctor.
The mission would've been extremely difficult if they were actual leaguers, but, if the intel was correct, it would seem that they were putting their little team of sidekicks to the test.
And they called the Shadows cruel.
So she was up against an Atlantean, Martian, Kryptonian, Speedster, Green Lantern, and the Boy Wonder.
And last, but not least, her darling little sister, Artemis. How she even got into the little "heroes" club was beyond her, but then again, the JL was made of a bunch of bleeding hearts. She admitted that the group of super-powered teens would prove to be a challenge, especially the weapon and mind-reading Martian. Fortunately, they were planning to get as much use out of the Fog that night if worse came to worse. That happening was bound to split them up if nothing else.
And if the mission truly went to hell in a hand-basket, she could just use her dear sister as a scapegoat.
Finishing up with the last of her weapons, Jade put on her uniform, starting with the black body armor with gloves and boots, and then the short, one-sleeved green kimono. Once that was done, she walked over to her mask, briefly reminiscing on how she'd gotten to this point, all the things she'd had to do, will do, to keep her place. But that was neither here nor there; she had a mission to complete.
Putting on the mask, she effortlessly slipped into her Cheshire persona, she made her way out of the room. They still had to do recon nascence on the building the target was holed up in.
Science never solves a problem without creating ten more. – George Bernard Shaw
He must be crazy.
Out of his mind.
Bat-shit insane even!
That's the only explanation she could come up with as to why the ginger-haired "here" (and she used that term loosely) would leave her in a high school of all places WITHOUT protection! She was praised for her smarts on an almost daily basis and yet she couldn't figure out how that Red Arrow guy made it into the League.
Did he bribe himself in?
No, even the richest criminal did time when the JL caught them.
Was it blackmail?
Had to be. There's no way he got in without having dirt on someone. She should've asked him what it was before he ran off to "get back-up". Yeah, right. Where was the back-up when he'd first gotten her? Then the Fog wouldn't be in the Shadows' hands to begin with!
Roquette let out a breath to calm herself down. There was no use in getting worked up over it now. Like her father used to say, "What's done is done, just keep moving forward".
With renewed determination, her fingers flew across the keyboard, mind solely focused on creating a virus for her precious invention. She allowed herself to lament over the loss of such brilliance just because of a group of evil idiots (though she supposed there had to be some brains behind the operation, but she'd only seen the hired brutes so she stood firm behind her "idiots" remark). The one thing that kept her from faltering in her quest to destroy her own work was the fact that she liked her life more. Other scientists would've given up their lives for their research, but she was smarter than that. After all, the finished project wasn't greater than the knowledge of how to make and use it.
However, her life might end sooner than she thought as she heard footsteps coming down the hall.
Fingers freezing over the keyboard, she stiffly turned towards the door behind her.
She felt cold all of a sudden.
This couldn't be the way she would go, right?
That Red Arrow guy had promised that she would be safe, at least until he got there with his team. What if it was them?
She felt herself relaxing slightly.
It was about time!
Who did that guy think he was leaving her in some school with no protection?! Adding insult to injury, he was always sneaking up on her and scaring the – wait.
Red never did make noise, did he?
And just like that, she froze up once more.
Maybe his team was just noisy?
No. Red had said that this team was like him so there's no way that she'd be able to hear them; they'd be as silent as Red.
Oh God. She was going to die by the hands of some hired buffoons.
Her breaths started to come out in harsh pants.
The steps were closer now, a group.
They were at the door.
She was shaking.
The handle turned, and the door opened.
She let out a shout and threw the first thing that she felt with her hand.
It was the computer mouse.
She hardly felt the tug of the wire that connected the mouse to the computer before it snapped off with the force of her pull.
The palm-sized piece of technology went flying and hit a red-headed boy in his yellow covered forehead.
She blinked.
The group behind the yellow and red clad boy blinked.
The boy himself had a hand to his forehead (she noted that it was more out of surprise than actual hurt), with a shocked glare on his face.
She blinked again.
The shortest boy with the black cape (the youngest of them all no doubt, not to mention he seemed familiar, but her adrenaline rushed mind couldn't quite grasp who he was at the moment) began laughing. If the high-pitched cackle coming from his mouth could be called that.
"What happened to all those fast reflexes you were talking about?"
"Dude! Not cool!"
What…was happening?
Why were these teenagers here?
Before the shorter of the two boys could antagonize the other further (he really did look familiar, especially now that she saw the "R" on his chest. Now that she actually thought about it, since the adrenaline was slowly but surely wearing off, the red and yellow boy looked familiar too, even the blonde, dark-skinned one. Thankfully [?] none of the others were niggling her mind) the dark-skinned teen stepped forward with an unimpressed look on his face.
"Remember the plan?"
That seemed to shut them up, but they were still throwing looks at one another as if they were arguing, with the rest of them looking mildly amused or irritated.
She really did not understand, and it was beginning to make her angry.
Here she was, a nervous wreck because her life was in jeopardy, waiting on Red Arrow to get back with his so called "back-up" team. Then this group of…of kids just barge in (not that they'd really did that, and she'd technically assaulted one of them, but she'd worked herself up now) and start joking away (not really but she was tired dammit! And their energy and positivity was ticking her off! She would later think that she just might've gotten used to that Arrow guy's broodiness)!
As if sensing the oncoming storm, the dark-skinned one straightened up and stepped forward. The others followed his lead with the dark-haired girl closing in on his left side.
"I apologize if we startled you.
I thought it would be best if you could hear us coming to avoid this very situation, but I see now that it was unwise."
Well that explained it. No assassin would allow their victim to hear them until it was too late.
She felt rather embarrassed now and a tad guilty for hitting the red-head with the mouse, but that still didn't explain why they were here.
As if reading her mind (if only she knew) he launched into an explanation of how their comrade, Red Arrow (of-freakin'-course!), had come to them with a mission to protect her while she finished the virus, and they'd accepted.
So this was the back-up team?!
She was going to be stuck with a bunch of kids?! No, worse, bratty teens!
When her (previous) protector said he was going to get a team of people like him, she'd expected other adults like members of the JL who were on a solo-stint.
She had NOT, however, been expecting this. Hell, she didn't even want to accept it!
And, oh! Now they wanted her permission to telepathically link them all together so that "it will decrease noise and better conceal our location".
So not only was she going to be protected by some bratty teens, they were also going to be in her mind.
She briefly thought that she'd have been better off with the Shadows but mentally stomped that out fairly quickly.
Nothing was worse than being with the Shadows.
As the team spread out around the room with the telepath, broody-looking boy, and the dark-haired girl going outside to do surveillance, she couldn't help her next two thoughts.
"Why me?"
"If I ever see arrow guy again, I'm going to kill him."
Yet as she continued her efforts on the virus, her now focused mind came to a realization.
I had a great deal of arrogance and a great deal of bravado, but I think the bravado was brought on by a huge insecurity. – Brian Molko
Chapter 15 Part 2 End
AN: So hopefully the next chapter will be the end of this mission, and I'll be switching back to Fae's/the Team's POV. I really wanted to add this part though to give the perspective of a known villain, even if I don't like Cheshire, plus I wanted to put in Roquette's POV; it was interesting. I hope I got them both in character, though.
Once again, I wanna thank all of you who've stood by this story even with my too long absences, but I just hadn't wanted to write at all during the semester since I was taking a required English class and it was practically sucking the life out of writing. If we'd of been able to write fiction, I'd of been all for it, but it was back-to-back research papers. *Groan*
So I hope you enjoyed this little tidbit; I apologize for its shortness. Reviews are love and favorites/follows are hugs!
Until next time!