A/N: This idea came from Mccarthy90210 and I dedicate it to them=) Hope you all enjoy it!

Present Day



"Come on Alex, wake up." I heard this mixture of voices in my head. Who were they? Why are they calling me Alex? Or are they talking to somebody else? Where in the world am I? Someone touched my hand. Am I Alex? I heard a woman cry. Don't cry. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but I couldn't move my arm. Finally, I was able to open my eyes. They fluttered at first.

"Alex!" There was a pause. "Steven! He's awake!" I heard shoes squeak on the floor.

"Nurse!" My eyes opened and I saw a tall man in the doorway with a nurse. The person holding my hand was a woman. She had golden blonde hair and her eyes were a sparkling color, but they were wet. She had been crying. Next to her, were two girls. One was tall with long dark hair and the other had blonde hair. She was sitting at the foot of my bed and ran her hand against the blanket. She was upset and looked younger than anybody I'd ever seen.

"Pain." I muttered.

"Shh." The woman rubbed my hand. "Don't talk. You rest." The man walked over with his hands in his pockets. He was trying not to get mad.

"I wonder why you're in pain. You only tried to blow your brains out!" He exclaimed. Obviously, he wasn't doing very well at not getting upset.

"Steven!" The woman exclaimed. He walked over to the other side of the bed. The littler girl on the bed looked up at him.

"Where did you get the gun Alex? We don't have weapons in our home. Where did you get that gun?"

"Mr. Keaton!" The nurse exclaimed. "Come with me." Then they walked out of the room. What's a Keaton?

3 Weeks Earlier

"I'm so excited. I've sent in all my college applications. Now I'm just waiting for a reply."

"That's great Alex." Mallory sat on the kitchen counter with an apple.

"Where'd you apply Alex? Harvard? Yale? Stanford?"

"You're just mad Mallory because they won't let you on the Harvard premise."

"Alex, Mallory." Elyse warned them. "Go in the other room."

"I'm excited for you Alex." Jennifer stated.

"Thank you." Jennifer nodded and sipped off her juice box.

"Yeah, I get your room." She walked out.

"This is just great. Is this how my family really feels about my future?" Alex walked off. He just had to wait. He would start college next year and he has been doing as much as he could to ensure he'll get into the school of his choice. He wanted to get into the best economics school in Columbus. He'd do it no matter what he had to do.