OH MY LORD SESSHOMARU! We are so sorry for not updating!

I know it's been like 8 or 9 months but I swear we didn't intentionally forget about it. Life happened and the Letters were just kind of forgotten about. But no worries, here is the next chapter and hopefully we will have the next one out next week.

Enjoy :)

Dear Mai,

No one cares about your inane love triangle. You are well aware, or should be at this point that if at all possible I encourage Naru to avoid using his PK. However in this situation it may be our only hope. This spirit is incredibly strong. I'll say it once more. Naru is the only one who can possibly get us out of here alive. I don't think we have much time. We may have to take the risk as early as tonight. She keeps appearing at the edges of my vision. In reflections, outside in the garden, just barely visible in the mist. Honestly besides, Naru, John and myself, this team is utterly defenseless against her. I have a feeling she's going to attack me next. If that happens, you must encourage Naru to use PK or you will not get out of here alive. I just received a call from the hospital Mosako was in. She's gone Mai. The nurses said she kept babbling about seeing the woman standing over her. She jumped out the window. This entity doesn't let you go. It will do everything in it's power to end us. It very well may succeed.


Thank you everyone who has stuck with this story since the beginning, I know its been a long time since we started this fanfiction and I'm glad you guys didn't drop it because we are terrible at updating. You guys are the best XD

Me and Lyra have decided that we are going to start writing this like a normal fanfiction rather than in letter form after this chapter. Let us know what you guys think about that :)

Please leave us a review, it would be greatly appreciated!