"Shitty bloodsucker. Keep your disgusting fangs away from me."

Rough silver chains held the creature back, spikes digging into its skin. It hissed and cried, not enjoying the pain.

"P-please…" It's dark voice sounded like a strangled moan. Rivaille ignored him; he was not allowed to show mercy to a vampire. He hadn't had a drop of blood in weeks, and it was showing. He looked pale and there were dark circles around his eyes.

"Shut up. You're lucky you're still alive." Rivaille lifted his boot, which has been laced with silver, and kicked the monster in the face, probably breaking a few bones. The corporal squatted down to face him.

"You smell like piss and shit…disgusting." He examined the young vampire a bit closely; it's eyes were a dark red and his fangs daring to taste just an ounce of his crimson demise. His dark hair was parted in the middle, revealing a pale and smooth forehead. "It disgusts me to see how close to a human you look when you're just an evil being that needs to be killed."

For years humanity has been at the mercy of the bloodsuckers. The humans created large walls made of silver to keep the enemies out, and hadn't had an outbreak for over 100 years. Then, all of a sudden, they swarmed the walls and invaded, infecting and killing anyone they could get their vile hands on.

The vampire who had been chained in their basement of the Scouting Legion headquarters was their first victory. They had managed to successfully capture one to further help humanity in protecting themselves and surviving the epidemic.

"I used to be human too."

Wide eyes and a stuttering heart along with the man's confidence and entire existence shook with uncertainty, breaking down the understanding and foundation of his entire reason to strive and kill the enemies of mankind. I used to be human too

"You're lying." Despite his inner insecurities, his face and voice remained calm. However, it did not fool the vampire. The fast pounding if the human's heart echoed in his ears like a melody.

"I do not lie. Why would I lie about something like this?" Rivaille crossed his arms over his chest.

"Because you're a monster." The kid looked defeated. How old was he?

"That's true, but why would I lie when I'm about to die?"

Leaking water from the dusty window dripped onto the floor, echoing in the silent room as both men stared at each other. Rivaille couldn't believe his eyes. The vampire…was crying. Tears poured from those…green? When did they shift into a emerald hue? Why does he look so…so…

"I was fourteen. My father was a maniac; you should know his name. Dr. Jaeger."

Oh the man knew that name very well: the cause of the epidemic,creator of monsters, father of all vampires…

"I'm his only son…Eren Jaeger."

If the higher ups knew that they were keeping a Jaeger captive beneath their very home would shake their bones and frighten them to the core.

"I've only had this…disease for two years. I was just a normal human boy, living with my normal human family…" The boy took a deep breath. "Then he took me into the basement; he said I was sick and I needed to be cured. He injected me with that…crimson liquid…and I…" The young vampire trailed off, looking down at his chained ankles.

Rivaille was in a conflict. Could he take these boy's words to heart? But those tears…vampires had no remorse. They attacked humans for fun, sucking them dry and playing with their limbs and organs like immature children. They didn't care for humanity. But Eren…

The corporal made a decision; he fought for humanity and no one else. His knees buckled beneath him as he got close to the boy. Green eyes widened in shock as the man unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a pale and scarred neck and chest. Grabbing Eren by the face, he put their foreheads together so he could stare into his eyes.

"Listen here, Jaeger. The higher-ups don't know who you are, and I intend to keep it that way. Only I know about this and nobody else, got it?" The kid nodded. "I'm still not sure if you're a human or whatever, but I won't let you die." Green eyes slowly melded to red as the smell of blood reached the boy's nose. "You are only to drink me; I don't care if the guards bring you sheep's blood to keep you alive. My blood will be the one you crave…the one you need. Only I can keep you alive."

Fangs reached out tentatively, begging for a taste. When the older man made no move to protest, he leaned forward and pierced the skin, letting the red drug slide down his throat in pure ecstasy. Eren slurped, sucked, and bit down hard, moaning and shaking as his first meal in a long time was finally granted to him.

"Become addicted to me, Eren Jaeger."