Progress report:
The subject has taken well to the diary, she seems to love expressing her thoughts and emotions through written text. She has adapted well to the environment ever since the Rosalind and Robert Lutece brought her here on Father Comstock's orders. The Songbird was a genius contraption that the subject has responded to well and seems to enjoy its company. The syphon is beginning to take an effect on her abilities. Subject has a particular interest in Physics.
Diary Entry #1 Age 7 (Birth Date unknown)
Entry Begins
Date: January 6th 1899
Dear Diary
Songbird brought me a book today, this book, it was a clear, lined one instead of bringing me storybooks, on the front it was blue with a gold outline, looking very pretty! In big letters and in Red it said 'Diary'. It had a note attached that said clearly that I was to write in the diary every month, talking about what I'd done that month. How nice of Songbird to bring this to me, I've always wanted a diary, I've read about them in the books that I read and I thought that it would be nice to have one. I'm going to keep this book near me at all times so nobody else can read it because that's what I think you're supposed to do. Songbirds always so nice to me, sometimes he listens to me sing, he always plays with me when I ask. Once in awhile he even let me fly on his back around the tower! Songbird is always bringing me sweets and toys. I asked him to bring me something about science once and he gave me so many books. They were easy to understand and all were written by someone named Rosalind Lutece! I wish I could meet her. I sometimes wonder about why I have my powers. Yesterday I was thinking about some ice cream, I was going to ask Songbird but I closed my eyes for a moment and when I opened them my room was different, there was a huge tub of ice cream sitting on a table, I took it and when I blinked the table had gone and my room became normal again and the only thing left was the tub of ice cream. Songbird brought me a stuffed bear the other day, it was a really big one as well. I'd never seen anything like it!
It's really strange, last year I could bring a dog or cat from my wishes to me but now I can't, maybe it's what happens with everybody, as they grow up they can't make wishes anymore. It makes me want to never grow up. I hope Songbird isn't a wish otherwise he'll be gone when I grow up and then there's nobody I can talk to anymore since I only know Songbird. Father only visits me once every few weeks. He says that I can't come home with him because I have to stay here and learn. I love the days when Father visits me, he talks to me and listens. Songbird listens but he can't talk. Sometimes I wish I had a friend with me, somebody to talk to but all I can do is wish, it used to work, I had a friend who I'd talk to every night, she was a bit older than me and every night I'd close my eyes and every night when I opened them she would be there and we would talk for a while but I could ever bring her to me and I could never leave, after a few months she stopped coming. I've never been able to leave and go through to my wishes, I can only bring them to me.
Elizabeth Comstock
Entry Ends
The subject is appearing to lose interest in activities. Need to expand the subject's chambers further. Possible inclusion of a Library and a 'Creativity room'. Subject is becoming persistent with understanding her abilities also how the end of her finger is missing.
Songbird instructions: Bring her Art supplies, Books for educational purposes: Sciences, Mathematics, History and Geography (Religion will be taught at a later age). Also bring the subject musical instruments to entertain herself with as she has developed a love of singing.
New clothes are needed for the subject as she has grown out of her current clothes. Restock food and clean the chambers.
Interesting Points:
None seen since last report