Disclaimer: Okay so last I checked, I'm not from Japan or England, so I'm not Akira Toriyama or J.K. Rowling, so I don't own HP or DBZ.

"Hey kid, these are your friends?" Piccolo said looking at his one student.

"Yeah, this is Harry and Jack, the ones from my letters." Gohan said as he pointed at his two friends, who were still in shock, "What are you doing here anyway Piccolo?"

"Remember my letter?"


It has been a few days since Gohan had sent his letter to Piccolo and he was in the Great Hall waiting for the owls to arrive hoping that today was the day that he got the reply from his mentor. Sure enough, there she was, Sapphire was flying towards her owner with the letter tied to her leg, she perched on Ernie's left shoulder and hooted happily at him.

When Gohan untied the letter, she helped herself to some milk from Justin's goblet before flying off to some adventure with the other owls.

Dear Gohan,

Remember to protect those who can't defend for themselves. If more attacks occur Dende will know and will tell me so no need to tell me about any more attacks. If enough attacks happen then Dende and I will have to pay a visit to Hogwarts. Until then stay calm no matter who gets attacked, look for anything suspicious.


Your Mentor,


End of Flashback

"Oh yeah," Gohan replied.

Then Gohan noticed the most beautiful bird. The feathers of the bird were crimson red and it's tail was a gleaming gold, it had black eyes and a golden beak. It was next to Dumbledore's desk, Jack and Harry noticed it too. Harry approached the bird to get a closer look, but as he did it was engulfed in flames and turned in ash. Now Gohan knew what it was, it was a phoenix for sure.

Dumbledore walked in with Dende not far behind.

"I didn't do anything!" Harry quickly said.

"Professor Dumbledore, is that really a phoenix?" Jack asked.

"Indeed it is Mr. Sophornia, and about time too. He's been looking dreadful for days; I've told him to move on."

Harry stood there dumbfounded. Gohan decided to help him understand.

"Phoenixes burn to ashes and then with those ashes come back to life, but as a chick."

As if on cue, an ugly, small bird's head popped from the pile of ash, it had no feathers to cover its skin.

"Ah phoenixes, fascinating creatures aren't they? They are immortal and their tears have amazing healing powers," Dumbledore commented.

"So who got attacked this time?" Dende asked, and for the first time Jack and Harry took notice of the Guardian of Earth.

"Justin, and when I get my hands on this Heir-" Gohan started but was stopped by his mentor.

"Gohan I know how you feel right now, your ki is rising rapidly, but you have to calm down."

"So he's a ki user Gohan?" Harry asked.

"Who do you think taught me?" Gohan responded, "My father was usually busy training and my mother gave up fighting ever since she married my father, I had to learn from someone."

"And him too I'm guessing," Jack said pointing at Dende.

"Well, you could say that, I don't use it to fight like they do, but I use it to sense the life on Earth. I also look for anyone who might cause trouble."

"So you take care of the Earth or something?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I sever as Earth's Guardian. I look after the life here and make sure everything is in order. Which is why I'm here, to help with the problem at hand."

"Now that we got you all introduced, let's start asking the questions. Mr. Son, Mr. Sophornia, Mr. Potter would you all like to explain what exactly happened?"

"Well Jack and I were exploring the castle," Gohan started, "when I felt three kis, one was the same one that I felt that night when I found Colin, another was of Nearly Headless Nick, and the last one was Justin's. I ran with Jack to the area where I felt the three ki signatures, when we got there Harry was already there and Nick and Justin were already petrified."

"I was walking to the Gryffindor common room, when I tripped over Justin who was there already petrified," Harry said, "Then I saw Nearly Headless Nick next to him. I was in shock not that I stayed that way for long, because yet again I was at the scene and people will have more reason to think I'm the Heir. Then Jack and Gohan came."

"Mr. Sophornia would you like to add more?" Dumbledore asked that rather quite boy.

"No, Professor, Gohan explained what happened perfectly."

"Very well, you may all head back to your dorms now," Dumbledore said.

"One thing," Piccolo said looking at Gohan.

"What is it Piccolo?" the boy asked.

"Have you been slacking?"

"No, I've been training when I can."

"We'll see if you're telling the truth at Christmas."

And with that, they left the office and separated, Gohan and Jack heading to Hufflepuff Basement and Harry heading to Gryffindor Tower.

When Harry entered the common room, he was immediately bombarded with questions from both Ron and Hermione on what happened.

"Where did Professor Mcgonagall take you guys?'

"Are you in trouble?"

"Is everything alright?"

"What happened?"

"If you both calm down, I could tell you," Harry told them.

As soon as the two Gryffindors calmed down they went to sit at their favorite spots next to the fireplace, Harry looked around to make sure no one was looking or in hearing range. Fortunately, no one else was in the common room to being with, Harry guessed that they are all huddled in their dorms sharing rumors with their roommates.

"Okay so she took us to Dumbledore's office, and in there Dumbledore was with two other people, they both had antennas and green skin. One was young and the other was tall. The tall one is apparently Gohan's mentor and his name is Piccolo."

"WHAT!" Hermione screamed. Then she calmed herself down and started saying things under her breath that sounded strangely like, "No, it's can't be the same person, it just can't, it can't, it just can't be."

"Hermione, you heard of Piccolo?" Ron asked confused.

"Well, I won't know if it's the same Piccolo, but years and years ago, the was a man name King Piccolo, he ended up gaining control over the world because the King of Earth stepped down. King Piccolo decided that he was going to destroy a city every year. He also mad laws that benefitted criminals."

"Man this man is worst than You-know-Who," Ron commented.

"My grandparents knowing this took my father on vacation to visit as many cities as possible before they all got destroyed. They went to West City in Japan first, but the thing is, that was the same city King Piccolo decided to destroy first."

"What happened?" Harry asked.

"Not everyone is sure, but we all know that King Piccolo got killed by a boy with a tail, since my father knew about only one person with a tail, he immediately concluded that it was that person and my family has greatly honored him ever since."

"Who is he then?" Ron asked.

"He's Gohan's father, Goku Son."

"So what you are saying is that Gohan's mentor is a man who should be dead because of his father?" Harry summarized

"The story doesn't end there Harry," Hermione retorted, "Years later after the death of King Piccolo, at the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament another person who looked like King Piccolo entered it and made it all the way to the Finals along with Gohan's father. It is believed that the man was King Piccolo's son and his name was Piccolo Jr., even though he entered the tournament under a different name. Anyway, Goku beaten him and the tournament ended with Goku getting married and becoming the World's Strongest Man."

"Is it possible that Piccolo Jr. is the same Piccolo who's Gohan's mentor," Ron asked.

"That's my point, I'm wondering if it is him!" Hermione exclaimed.

"But how is that possible? It seems... just odd don't you think? Piccolo Jr. being Gohan's mentor and all, can you show me a picture of him?" Harry asked.

"Well, I don't have a picture of him now, but I do know about a book in the library that might," Hermione replied, "but I can't go to the library now, it's closed."

And with that the Gryffindors called it a day. Now let's take a look at what the Badgers were doing, shall we?

Gohan and Jack had just entered the Hufflepuff common room, where they immediately received a death glare from Ernie who was sitting at one of the tables in the common room doing last minute homework with a girl named Hannah Abbott and another girl named Susan Bones. Gohan shrugged it off, it's nothing compared to the death glares he's gotten before, whereas Jack gulped.

"Oh look who came, the traitors," Ernie said.

"We aren't traitors, and shut your mouth if you know what's good for you, I'm not in the mood," Gohan responded coldly, his Saiyan side was surfacing and his human side was trying to keep it down but with little victory.

"Not in the mood to be reminded that you're the reason Justin is petrified," Ernie snarled, "Your father would be ashamed of you."

And with that, Gohan's Saiyan side finally won his little inner battle. He turned to Ernie's direction slowly, then giving him his best death glare and then formed a small ki blast in his hand, which he then realized and it hit Ernie right in the chest. It sent him flying to the wall, and even when he did hit the wall he made a dent. His Hogwarts robes were bloody and his face was filled with a shocked expression.

"Let that be a lesson to you Ernie," Gohan told him coldly, "It's one thing to call me a traitor, and another to accuse me of hurting a friend which I would never do, but when you bring my father into it you crossed the line."

With that he left to the dorm that he shared with them. When he entered the room, his Human side filled him with multiple emotions. Fear of what would happen if this got leaked to anyone outside of the people who were in the common room, expulsion probably. Sadden by the mention of his father. Anger that Ernie had the nerve. And the oddest of them all, satisfaction that he blowed off some anger, maybe it was his Saiyan side, it has surfaced a lot since the Cell Games.

Just then a curious Jack walked into the room sitting on his bed.

"Gohan what was that all about?"

"I don't know what came over me," Gohan started his lie, "maybe it was because he said all those things and my anger got the better of me."

"Hey it was sorta true right?" Gohan thought to himself.

:time break:

Ernie, Hannah, and Susan kept quite about what happened in the common room, but that didn't stop them on trying to attack Gohan and Jack when they can and sending the occasional glare.

Many people signed up to go home over the Holidays, very few people wanted to stay with the Heir of Slytherin roaming loose. Out of those people who decided to stay there was Jack, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They also include Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle making it the perfect chance to use the Polyjuice Potion.

Then came the morning that the students were leaving for the holidays.

"Bye guys make sure to tell me how it goes with the Ployjucie Potion," Gohan said through a compartment window of the Hogwarts Express.

"Bye Gohan, tell your family we said hi!"

"We'll tell you everything that happens."

"So long hope you have a good vacation."

Then the train started and Gohan was waving at his friends until they were long gone. He then took a look in his compartment, it was empty save a first year who was in a deep sleep. Gohan checked for any nearby kis that might spot him and when he made sure that no one would spot him, he opened the window and flew out of it. He enjoyed the fly, it was a long time since he last flew into the air at high speeds. The wind went against his face and he let his tongue out to catch the falling snow. Although it was cold, he didn't mind, remembering the first few nights of his training when he was young.

He took his time soaring in the air.

Then he landed on the snow that was on the ground of the forest the surrounded the Son household, unlike other places it wasn't snowing anymore and the area was actually sunny.

Then he walked into the house, but before he could announce that he was home he was greeted with a tight hug from his mother that had the strength of a Saiyan, if that was even possible.

"My baby's home!" she cried out.

"Yeah mom, where's Goten?" he asked.

"He's playing outside with Trunks, Bulma came to visit."

He walked outside to find the blue-haired scientist in a coat watching Goten and Trunks, who were playing with some blocks.

"Hey Bulma," Gohan said.

"Oh, Gohan, hi," the scientist responded," how's Hogwarts?"

"It's great, I'm a great person at casting spells and I'm an okay potions maker."

"Okay, Gohan sweetie I know you just got here, but can you go and get these things for the Christmas Party," Chichi said as she handed him a list.

Bulma then said," I should probably get going too, I have to do things for the party. Bye Chichi, bye Gohan."

"Bye Bulma," both Sons said at the same time.

She took out a capsule from her pocket and threw it on the ground then she picked up little Trunks and flew off.

Gohan then headed out of the house and flew until he saw the small village that his family always bought groceries from, the last time he's been to this town was before the Cell Games, when he met Lime, not much had changed since, only people were no longer scared of any threat and were now roaming the village freely.

He entered the store that was ran by Lime and her family. Lime has grown a little since he last saw her, but she still had her brown hair made into two braids, and her eyes were still the same shade of green.

Gohan looked at the list and got everything on it from the shelves and then put them on the counter.

"Okay sir that will be-" Lime stopped mid-sentence when she saw who was paying, "Gohan?"

"Yep, it's me."

"Gohan, it's been so long," Lime told him, "you look different when your hair and eyes are black."

"Yeah, how have you been?"

"Great! Now my parents are back and all, although there has been some strange things lately."

"Really? Like what?"

"Well, one time, one of the boys was taunting me and what happened was that a tree branch fell on his head but there were no trees nearby. Another time, a customer refused to pay saying that our prices were too high and then a lot of the windows of the shop shattered. Also last week, the boys were taunting me again and then suddenly they weren't able to speak."

"Wow that sure is strange."

Gohan knew what was going on now, Lime's a witch no doubt about it. He decided to wait for her letter to arrive to tell her. He payed her and then flew back home.

When he landed he heard his mother crying and immediately ran into the home where he found her in the living room sobbing on a man.

The man wore an orange gi with matching blue wrist bands and a belt. His hair stuck out at random angles and little Goten was playing with the halo on the man's head.

"Dad," was all that came out of Gohan's mouth before he joined the family reunion.

Meanwhile at Hogwarts...

Ron and Harry were playing Wizard Chess, when Hermione ran into the common room with a big leather book in her hands.

"I found it!" she gasped catching her breath.

"Found what?" Harry asked.

"The book that has a picture of Piccolo Jr.," she answered, still catching her breath.

She showed them a page in the book and there on one side was a description titled Demon King Piccolo and His Son and on the other side was a picture of Piccolo laughing evilly.

Harry got a horrified look on his face.

"Yeah it's him, the Piccolo Gohan knows and this Piccolo are the same."

Goku's here! But for how long? And the Golden Trio finally found something out, how's Gohan going to explain that! P.S. I had this chapter done for a while now but I wanted to upload it on Friday the 13th, plus I kept having inner debates with myself on what should happen.

And on a quick note,

Nick Potter: Maybe...