All of my views on my life had been broken in a measly hour. How could they have done this to me I thought they cared for me. No they just wanted my money hell my mother wasn't even a muggleborn she was a pureblood and not just any one either but the missing daughter to the Malfoys or in other words Lucius twin sister! How could this happen I was supposed to be just Harry Potter. Why am I just now at the age of fifteen finding out about this stuff the letter from my mother should have reached me when I was eleven which means someone probably Dumbles messed with their will. Great more crap on my plate.
To make matters worse my appearance changed my hair was still black but now it went to my butt and had blonde and red streaks through it. My eyes also seemed a brighter green and wings had sprouted out of my back being blacker than the night sky. Now if only the scars given to me by my so called family who I now knew not to even be related to me what so ever. I snarled as I read her letter once again:
My dear little Hadrian,
Hello son if you are getting this then your father and I are dead and you are eleven years old. If you are fifteen then it means that Albus has put you with the Dusleys and I am so sorry my poor baby. I hope I am wrong about them being the monsters they seem. I wished to tell you my secret My real name is Lilith Malfoy twin to Lucius Malfoy. I was stolen from my real family after my birth and adopted by the Evans. I have never told anyone this not even your father knows, but if you are with the Dusleys I want to take this letter to my brother it has a sample of my blood to prove it. I will also say that I am a secret supporter of Lord Voldemort he doesn't know it but I have been sending him information through snakes seeing as I have been able to speak to them since I was little. Your father was a secret supporter too. We have kept it a secret from both sides. Though your father has been helping with funds to the dark side. Oh look at me loosing tack of what I am trying to tell you. As you may have noticed you have a creature inheritance you are a death angel or one of deaths eyes. You get this from your father dear which is why he is a supporter of the dark he was a dark creature. There is a book you can get in Knockturn alley that should tell you more about them. Now to the second thing I need to tell you. You need to find your Mates yes you will have two and you're a submissive. I am so sorry that you have to learn this all from a letter just know that me and your father love you so much and don't trust Albus, a family of Weaslys, or many others from the light side.
With love your mummy Lily.
I snorted as tears leaked from my eyes. My mother seemed so silly though it was a shocker to find out they were hidden supporters of Voldemort. Why didn't they tell him maybe they would have lived instead of dying? I froze as I heard the locks being undone on my door and quickly hid the letter and stood facing the door. Vernon stepped in with a grunt his face purple from anger.
-Rape! you have been warned!-
I shivered as he growled, "So you're freakier then usual huh on your hands and knees with you clothing off."
I shivered and did as he ordered hoping for a quick punishment. I heard him remove his belt
and then his zipper go down I whimpered as I realized what he was going to do.
He laughed as he forced my legs further apart and entered me without any preparation. I bit my lip to keep from screaming as it felt like he was tearing me in half I felt blood run down my thighs and my chin. Though I refused to let him see me cry. He came inside of me burning my insides painfully. I felt something in me break at that. It felt like my very soul shattered into tiny little pieces.
- end-
I screeched my wings coming back out and knocking him away from me. A black robe with a hood covered me I slowly stood grabbing the letter my mother sent me and ran past him breaking through the window and bars easily. My wings flared open and I flew up high into the raining clouds until I was right in them hidden from any muggles view. I let out another screech of loss and pain I was dirty broken no mates would want me.
I kept flying feeling cold a numb inside and out. Eventually I found myself outside of Malfoy manor I would have the dark lord kill me I was not worthy for my mates why do I feel this way when he had raped me many time before why did this time affect me so much more. I landed outside the gate and walked through the wards since I had Malfoy blood running through my veins or outside of it right now since I still felt it dripping along my thighs and chin. I laughed as I felt many different magical signitures heading my way. They were probably panicking on how someone could get through their wards. I leaned again the pillar outside waiting for them to open the huge door to see me.
The two doors slammed open revealing just the Malfoys but I could sense the others hidden in the shadows waiting to attack. Lucius saw me and his eyes were the only sign that he was surprised.
I chuckled hoarsely voice hoarse from screaming, "Lord Malfoy, Lady Malfoy and Little Malfoy I wish to speak to your Lord."
I saw Draco cringe at the sound of my gravelly voice and Lucius stated flatly, "I am sorry I have no clue what you speak of Sir may I ask who you are?"
I walked forward leaving a trail of blood behind me hissing, "I am your worst enemy Malfoy I am Harry Potter!" Blood spilled from my mouth landing front of me making me laugh at the irony get it Iron-y. Suddenly all of the people that had been hiding were in full view with Voldemort among them. I crackled at the sight of them pointing their wands at me.
Voldemort red eyes narrowed, "Potter what are you doing out of the safety of Dumbledore?"
I coughed splattering blood all over the foyer smirking when some splattered Draco making him sneer in disgust, "Oh my seems I made a mess all over the shiny white floor Aunty would be so displeased with me why Voldy I came to grant you a wish you want me dead don't you?"
Draco snorted, "So you came here to die you got to be up to something Potter,"
Voldemort raised his wand fully at me and stated, "Oh yes I do want you dead Potter, but I wish to see your face as the light leaves your eyes,"
I shrugged pulling the hood down and said, "There now you see my face kill me you stupid bastard do I have to get on my hands and knees like my Uncle tells me to?"
Voldemort looked confused, "Why do you wish to die Potter?"
I felt the Numbness return to my shattered soul and felt my eyes dim, my voice void of any emotion, "Why should I answer you sure you can torture me I already wish to die so that won't make me tell you anything?"
Voldemort sighed lowered his wand and pointed to two masked men, "Grab him and put him in a cell do no damage to him he is mine to play with."
It felt like forever since I had been left in the dark cell they put me in. I found I didn't care that they gave me food and water I just ignored it sometimes even slid it back out counting the meals they had given me I would estimate that I have been here for a week. Bored out of my mind I collect five of the cups of water that have been given to me over the days and tore off a piece of my robe dipping it in to the cup and started to wipe the crusted blood and semen off my thighs.
I was half way up my legs with them wide open when Voldemort himself along with Snape and Lucius came into my cell only for them to freeze their eyes wide. I looked up at them and Shrugged and got back to cleaning the blood off. This also revealed all of the scars covering my legs and thighs.
Severus shivered and snapped, "Where did you get all of those and what happened to you?"
I raised my head again and said emotionlessly, "My Uncle played with me too hard like usual Professor he never prepares me ever since I was three years old."
I smiled at their palling faces, "Do you want to punish me too?"
Lucius stepped forward and kneeled down in front of me and said gently, "Why didn't you tell anyone what was happening?"
I snarled, "I told Dumblewhore, Minerva, Hermione, Ron, and Sirius only one of them believed me and is trying to get me out of that hell hole, but thanks to Wormtail he can't have me,"
Lucius eyes widened and shook his head, "Dumbledore couldn't have known he would never leave his golden boy in a abusive family," He said it like he was trying to convince himself.
I smirked, "Fool he has done it before with another boy too who was named Tom Riddle he wanted weak minded soldiers who followed his every whim."
Voldemort growled, "How do you know that?"
I snorted, "My mother knew much more then you could ever guess she sent me her notebook with everything she knew about you and the Dark side and Dumbledore with his flaming chickens." I saw the looks of surprise on there faces and crackled that is until I felt pain hit me in the lung blood spilling from them. Shit one of my broken ribs must have punctured one of my lungs. I quickly closed my mouth before it could come out and swallowed it. Oh god that is so gross and I couldn't breathe! Well this was a way to die.
Severus Stared at me and stated, "My lord he is not breathing,"
Well that got the Dark Lords attention He lunged forward forcing my mouth open only for the blood to flow out in a stream on to Voldemort's hand. For the first time since I was little I found tears falling down my cheeks in front of another person. I just wanted to die why couldn't I just be free of everything people wanted from me?