Disclaimer We do not own the gist of Fairy Tail nor the accepted OC's other than our own, plot and Guild we've created!
Accepting OC's for Team Two [Is STILL OPEN!]!
!OC Form on my profile!
Teaser Summary "A Lotus has many colors and meanings, but do you know the reason? The reason why Lotus are mythical?" After an incident that cause Mythical Lotus' best Team to disband, the two set off to form their own to fill the void they both bear. Or will the past of the new additions and themselves make that void grow?
Chapter Note: Contains mild nudity and language. Chapter happens to not be edited (like most will). Ending is set up for a OC introduction.
Percentage of Chapter Edited: {20% out of 100%}
Note: Welcome FT Fandom! I bring yet another FT OC story to you whilst collaborating with SkyVic! Our care is in your hands! Please, read this first chapter and I'll meet you at the bottom.
[The Past: December 5th]
The boy stumbled over his own feet, panting as all the adrenaline drained from his system as he strayed away from the now furthest town.
"D-Damn…" he breathed, resting his hands on his knees whilst he bent down to the ground. Today was just too much running for his unfit body; he couldn't keep this kind of activity up on a daily basis. Heck, it'll probably kill him!
Huffing out puffs and inhaling oxygen at the same time as he so desperately needed, he straightened to a stance and examined his surroundings.
Trees covered his vision from all sides while their branches roofed the view of the dusk sky that he knew was soon to be pitching black. Dirt and dry leaves littered the ground underneath his leathered shoes.
Fortunately for himself, the forest he now resides in is silent – much to his liking.
'Now I need shelter for tonight…' he muttered, his murky dark eyes bouncing about for anything that would find suitable for just one night. One night…
How long had he been roaming Fiore for a place to stay? How long has it been since he last saw his mother or brother? The only ones that were on his side yet…
'Six months…' he answered himself but scrunched up his nose at that sum. Has it really been just six months? Only that much time had pass?
He jerked his head violently, his waist long black hair whipping his sides while his lengthy bangs lashed at his cheeks.
No, no. That count was wrong. The weather nowadays was becoming chilly: the cool air napped at his exposed skin everywhere he went. October must have passed as so has November. If so, then his birthday had already passed as well…
"Happy Birthday… Len…" There was a ring in his raspy tone at his so-called name, his eyes having a stinging feel to them, "…Happy fourteenth birthday…" he smiled bitterly at the ground, burning holes at his booted toes. He wasn't going to shed tears over something like this – even if he wanted too. He wasn't raised to be weak… so why did they leave? His courage? His backbone?
Drip. Drip.
Blinking his eyes furiously to keep his tears at bay, the boy jerked his head downward to his left hand and released a heavy sigh of disappointment.
"I can't…" his voice creaked and filled with defeat as he lifted the object in hand; reaching eye level as he observed the dripping liquid. "I can't believe they shot my water bottle!" He whined, making a childlike face of disgust at the silver container. And just like his face, he threw a childlike tantrum by throwing the metal bottle with all the strength he could muster deep into the forest to his right to only end up huffing and puffing from exhaustion.
Was he going to regret that? Probably tomorrow or later tonight but right now, he couldn't care less.
"Stupid guards and their stupid… stupid." he snarled for all to hear, his anger crystal clear within his tone.
Carelessly kicking the ground with little to no anger, his leathered toe managed to kick a small dirt rock into the woods with a soft but firm thud.
He paused at the sound.
And what a strange sound it was indeed.
It didn't sound like that piece of hard dirt hit a tree trunk or the dry leaves on the ground. The sound produced a more lenient echo then a concrete one.
Curious at what had caused that unique sound, he cautiously footed his way over into the darkening woods with not a care of what may be lurking within.
Crunch, crunch, the leaves screamed underneath his feet, aching in pain as his not so light steps slaughtered them. Warily, he looked around his surroundings for any signs of the guards from earlier or any beast that happen to be lurking around but came up empty-handed.
Or so he thought.
Crun – Grrrgh! Came a lurid and low growl from behind him, causing the frail boy to flinch at the proximity of the snarl. Not only did that growl trigger his emotions to go haywire, but what got him trembling in his dirty coat and ripped up pants was because of not one nor two but five growls at once.
He was definitely not alone in this forest.
Swallowing his heart in his throat, blinking away his unshed tears of terror, he conjured up what little courage he had and turned, deliberately, toward the beasts awaiting him.
And what luck he had.
There, in a pack of five, were Feral Ruby's; silk black fur, spiked and short while baring a pair of soulless crimson blood eyes. The beasts' takes on the appearance of a wolf that happens to be two times the regular size in fantasy tales yet its features are slimmer and they have no define arch for their necks.
Why couldn't he had gotten the Feral Jade's; the more passive wolf's that only were angered if their territory were trespassed or in harm? But no, he got Feral Ruby's; Magical beast almost as rare as a Blue Moon, Magical beast that could kill him within a split second; Magical beasts that feed on Mage's for their Magic powers and drain them to their very soul, leaving them for dead.
What a birthday present, he thought grimly.
In an instant (after that thought), the one that stood in the middle, most likely the leader, lunged toward the boy at full velocity from the push of its hind legs.
Eyes wide with fear, the boy panicked. And when humans were in panic, they did impulsive things.
Hastily, he took large steps backward - eyes solely focused on the creature but stopped shortly around three due to his left heel getting caught on a root. Stumbling to his left - his upper body pulling him down - he dodged the Feral Rudy's first attack but he wasn't about to let a cool breath of relief pass just yet.
Stumbling on his hands - pain sprouting through his right palm and up his arm - he kicked off the ground and sprinted his way through the forest.
Looking down at the fairly deep cut on his palm, he continued his pace with a curse. If he didn't at least cover that up he could get infected even if that's the least of his fears at that point.
Drawing in a deep breath and trying to keep his hands from quivering too much, he pulled out a thin twig, threw it to the ground then proceeded forward. Tearing a piece of cloth from his sleeve, he wrapped it around his palm and tied it just as a low branch came to view.
Dodging and pushing low branches whilst jumping a few sprouted roots, he pushed himself to sprint faster and blocked out the sound of the creatures shadowing him.
The deeper he went into the forest, the harder it was to navigate his way through the thick trees and piles of dead leaves hiding roots to trip him. The sky above - what little he could see anyways - was darkening and soon the New Moon would show.
Wheezing out oxygen and tripping over hidden roots, he took a shape turn on wet leaves. 'Wet?' He caught himself before he lost his balance but something wielded him to look back; called him to gaze behind even though his ears lead proof that the pack was not very far.
He peered over his shoulder and drew in breath at the proximity of the pack. 'Seriously, I hope today isn't my birthday 'cause this is the worst gift ever.' He was probably right but at least this gift held more emotions then the last thirteen years. Turning back, his eyes widen as he tried to stop himself but force pulled him forward causing him to smack his forehead against the thick tree trunk.
Palming his forehead, he wailed in pain, "Aghh!" Stumbling backward, he tripped over his pant hem and landed with a solid thump on his spine. "Shi – Urgh!"
The Feral Rudy's made their move to the laying boy.
'Dang it!' The boy hissed in pain as two Feral Ruby's took a taste test on his thighs. Wiggling like a worm, he managed to get the two to let go for a split second but they quickly regained their loss.
'Don't wimp out... Don't wimp out...' he chanted inwardly, rocking his body left then right, trying to loosen the hold of the creatures. 'Don't be a wuss. Ignore the sound... Ignore the -' he cringed as his elbows contacted with the necks of the Feral Rudy's', the hurtful sound of the creature tugging at his heartstrings.
With a three second opening, he bolted from the ground at speed even he was surprised at.
Thump. Thump.
He was God forsaken tired. Could he possibly outrun these creatures?
No. It's not humanly possible to outrun a creature; foolish to even think you can.
Thump. Thump.
Should he climb a tree? Would those creatures' wait all night and dawn for him to come down?
Thump. Thump.
Maybe he should just give up? Give into the fears lurking around the corner, peering over his shoulder until the right time to pounce. He had a good go at life alone but he knew he couldn't survive on his own.
He was weak and pathetic.
He was a boy that would forever need his Mommy and Daddy.
Thump. Thump.
'Why even?' He wanted to cry; scream until his lungs bled from the pressure. He wanted to vanish from this land and live anew. Maybe he'll be reborn as someone their parents didn't cast out?
He could only wish and God knew with these beasts after him he had plenty of time to think while they slowly kill him.
Thump. Thud!
Lying face first, arms and legs spread out - feeling like they'll disintegrate at any moment, especially his ankles and wrist - he awaited the beasts to pounce on him whole. Awaits his forever death.
But it didn't come.
Did he lose them? Did they give up? Found something - someone - else to feed off? Was he so lucky?
With little energy he could muster - adrenaline resting at a whopping zero -; he flipped himself over just in time to see a Celeste beast leap over him.
'What the... I thought there were only two kinds...?' But with another glance, he noticed that only the bottom was 'dyed' blue. Same went for the other two beasts that rest beside the one that leaped over him, but their color was more lithe. 'God. I'm going to die and the last thing that's gunna run through my mind is what correct color to use... I'm pathetic!' But teal seemed to match and satisfy his conscious.
"Cele, Razz, Gyun! Shoo these beasts away!" A loud and commanding female voice ordered; the three Feral Jade's - are they still considered Jade's? - obeyed orders and dashed off at the pack of five, easily over coming with power and force.
The boy soon found himself being lifted an inch or so off the ground, a strong grip around his waist line whilst the other cradled the back of his neck, slowly turning the boy's head to face the woman.
She looked about... fifty? Forties? 'Hundreds...' He was never good with numbers anyhow. Nevertheless, the older woman's grey eyes took in the frail boy's status, her grip tighten once her eyes had passed over his ankles and wrist.
"This isn't good... This isn't good at all..." she mumbled; whatever confidence she had in the beginning was running low. She was gentle and he couldn't help but let his tears fall. She noticed and hushed the boy in a soothing motion, "It's okay, child. Nothing bad is going to happen to you." The care in her voice, it made his heart ting. Just her presence itself made him want his Mother. Want to cradle in her arms, feel the warmth of her love for he was the child of horrid mistakes in the eyes of sociality.
"Wha... una... Wha... a... na... en? Ha... ha... happ-en?" His voice felt small, his throat feeling raw from something he didn't know and it hurt like Hell to breathe and talk.
She smiled faintly at him, a twinkle in her lovely eyes, "It seems the process has already started... Child, I'm going to put you to rest." she caught the fear, if not for a split second, in his eyes, "Not as in rest, but to sleep for an hour or so for you won't have to deal with the pain consciously." She didn't know if she was mistaken or not, but she saw a flash of relief upon his features.
"Cele!" she summoned; the beast - along with the other two - arrived in an instant, "I need you to do me a favor." she gestured toward the boy in her arms, "And Razz, Gyun, I want you to report to Chris; tell him that I need to make a quick stop at the Magic Council and to head straight home."
The teal beasts stared for a second then headed off in the direction the boy assumed they came from. His eyes dragged back to the woman as the lighter teal beast walked over.
"Now, Cele is going to cast you to sleep. I do not want you to fight it because it will only cause you pain, honey. Just relax." She spoke to him as the beast leaned over him, staring solely into his murky eyes, filling his head with warmth and lightness.
"Relax, child. Relax." Was he putting up a fight? It didn't seem so to him, but then again, he really can't feel his own body anymore, not even the roaming hands of the older woman.
His vision was growing blurring as he head started to drop and that's when he caught a quick glimpse of his ankles; crimson liquid poured from the wounds and over his pants. Afraid, his eyes snapped to his wrists to only meet with the same scene. When did that happen? When?
Instead of nibbling on his thighs, were they crunching down on his ankles? And his wrists, when did they ever get to his wrists? When he was lying on the ground, ready to give up life?
"There you go..." her voice was a blur now, soft and distant, "That a girl."
.[The Present: August 30th].
'So far, the coast is clear...' the teen peered around the corner then tip-toed his way from wall to wall within the corridor, hesitating at each door he passed. 'Should've taken it last night, maan! Last night~!' He wailed within his head, a pout forming upon his face.
A solid minute had passed and for a split second, the teen wondered if he was going the right direction. 'I really need to stop getting distracted...'
With soft steps, the teen made his way un-sensed through the hall-
Click. Click.
'Fuu-!' In panic, the teen quickly swung a door to his right and bolted in with his side resting against the door, listening in on the pair of footsteps.
"... didn't come back last night, huh?" the teen heard an older women speak with an undertone.
"Hm. He had me worry but Haru said he came back early morning," a much lighter and younger female answered.
"I swear, these kids spend all their free time dilly-dallying."
"Oh, they're young, Alice. Let them live a little!"
"Oh ho-ho! I'll let the others live. Just not h-."
"You can't hold a grudge forever..."
"Watch me..."
The teen held his breath until he was sure the pair of ladies were long gone. 'I have a hunch on who they're talking about...' Once he was positive the women had left, a sigh of relief left his lips. Rolling his shoulders to rid the tension of them, the young adult turned.
A breathless "Oh" escaped his circled lips, "Would you look at that..." the teen spoke thickly, his lightly tinted chestnut eyes bounced around the room taking in the pale blue walls, white tile floor and yellow lockers in rows.
With a lazy grin spreading across the teen's features, he let a breathless laugh escape with a shake of his head, "I be damned... I somehow subconsciously wandered into the place I was going..."
Unwrapping the black and orange towel from around his neck; adjusting folded clothes from his arm - he took caution steps toward the dark blue benches, throwing the clothes in a lazy-like manner on them.
With a deep sigh the teen closed his eyes as his hands reached toward the hem of his shirt and started to pull it over -
Thump! Clunk! -
The teen's elbows got caught within the shirt, his nose raised up from the pressure that his elbows were putting from pulling on the fabric, 'Shi- Someone's in here...' Panicking, the teen tried to foot his way out with his head stuck, causing the teen to trip over the bench, falling back first against the lockers; producing a loud slam of his bare back to echo about the walls.
"Urgh..." the teen moaned, rolling his head free as they fumbled to cover himself.
A gasp sounded to his right triggering the teen to snap his head toward the source and the sight before him made his brown eyes go wide with utter shook.
Standing before the stomach-baring teen that laid half off the bench was a young teenage girl with soaked platinum blonde hair, porcelain skin steamed with water droplets whilst having nothing but a pale blue towel to cover her full figure.
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
"What the fuck are you doing here?!"
The two shouted at once, embarrassment taking upon the female's expression whilst confusion flooded the latter's.
All too soon, the teen found objects flying at him at top speed from the girl's wrath as she proceeded to yell at the teen at the top of her lungs.
"Get out!" She cried in anger, throwing bottles of shampoo at the other.
"Ah! Shi-! Stop it! Fu-" the latter tried to dodge all the objects but her aim was just too good.
"Pervert! How dare you step foot into the girl's bathroom!" The girl huffed out her words, stomping her feet and shaking her fist since she apparently ran out of things to throw.
The teen frozen at her choice of words, 'What...?' He then took the chance to actually view the bathroom when it dawned on him that the place he usually goes to has orange lockers and not yellow. 'Damn colors! Where are you so alike!?'
Pulling the rest of his shirt over his stomach, he rose to his feet in panic and dove to pick up his discarded clothes and towel.
The action frightened the unstable girl, causing her to take a step back into a pale blue pole behind her and with a shocked "Ah!" came down her towel to meet the floor.
Silence engulfed the pair as the young male took in the girl's figure, minus the towel, with wide eyes and a jaw hitting the floor.
"Kyaaa!" She squirmed to get her towel with fumbling fingers, her face beat red from anger and embarrassment.
The boy stumbled backward toward the exit, clothes and towel in his left arm whilst his right waved at her for his dear life, "Wait! Wait! I- I- ..." he fumbled on his words, not being able to get her naked appearance out of his mind, "I -! Wa -"
Was that one of the benches above her head?...
"Aand that's how I almost avoided death..." said a black-haired teen who slumped over the bar counter, his voice sounding mumbled toward the end of his sentence. "I thought I'd die, Haru!" he gripped his strawberry smoothie in his left hand with a deep sigh, waiting for his friend's reaction to his short-lived tale.
A silver-haired male stood in front of the young male wiping a glass with a stern frown upon his features. His brown eyes, a lighter tint than the teen in front of him, darted at the boy's small high ponytail then smoothie then back. "You know..." he started, triggering the teen to gaze up at him with a pitiful look, "that's the funniest thing I've heard yet!" And then he laughed like it physically hurt him.
Chestnut eyes narrowed, "I'm glad my near death experience can cause such happiness to you, Haru." Bitterness poured out like venom.
"Ahaha! HOO-! Hahah! Oh maan... I just... I just...Ahah~!" Haru laughed, his hands long set down the fragile glass and started to slam the counter with powerful palms. People around only spared the duo one glance with a roll of their eyes. It was, in fact, a daily thing for the two.
"Sh-Shut up, dude! It's not that funny! Damn!" The teen hissed at the older male, watching in embarrassment and amusement as Haru made a fool of his self.
Haru took deep inhales to calm his self, "Oh... L-... Len... Pfft!" He went back to laughing but dimmed it down to a fit of chuckles.
Len glared daggers at the male.
Haru's light eyes held laughter whilst Len's held fury.
"O-Okay. Now, don't get so upset over this here, Len." Haru held back his chuckle once he noticed Len's white knuckles, "But let's look on the bright side..." he paused, taking in the boy's slight frown upon thin lips, "You've seen more naked girls in this guild than God himself."
That was like adding oil to a forest fire.
"Are you stupid?!" Len rose from his stool and leaned across the counter inches from Haru's face, "If you haven't noticed, I'm not that type of 'guy' who spends his free time perving around let alone things like 'seeing more naked girls then God himself' is an achievement!" He heaved a sigh at the wide-eyed gaping Haru whilst plopping back on his stool while spinning his glass with his index finger.
Haru blinked at the space in front of him. It wasn't in his intentions to fuel Len up like that but it did. With a shake of his head he leaned his forearms on the counter to meet Len's eye level which almost caused him to flinch, 'That kid seriously needs to get this emotions checked.' "Len, look - she'll soon forgive you once she goes and has a little gossip chat with the girls -"
"- and then everything will be a-okay because than she'll know -!" Haru was cut off by Len's index finger meeting his lips.
Len shook his head, his bangs getting caught in his lashes, "It won't be that simple, Haru. You know that." He sounded sorrowful. Did that kid...?
"Wait a second here, Len. Does that mean you..." he left the question hanging in the air for Len's grasp.
He took it and threw it down. "No, it's not like that! I don't!" his blush could be told otherwise, "It's just that I didn't want her to meet me like that, you know? She's a new recruit and this is how we meet?" he buried his face in his small hands, "Total bull..."
Haru placed his right hand atop the boy's head, rubbing the boy's lengthy bangs messing them up in the process. "Everything's gunna be fine. She'll grow on you like all the other girls in this guild. Of course, your shot at a romance is dead for now." he added quickly and dodged a slap from Len.
"Har. Har." he spoke dully, "But thanks for trying to cheer me up. It's the thought that counts."
"Pfft. That's bull! How much jewels you spent are what truly counts!" and the two proceeded to chat for a remaining of hours into the afternoon.
Five glasses of strawberry smoothies later, Len rose from his stool and stretched. "Well, I'll be heading out now."
Haru looked up from the sink, "Right now?" he glanced at the calendar behind him, "Ah, yeah. Right now is the best time."
Len nodded in agreement, untying his hair then retying it back and ran his finger through his smooth bangs. "I got to get a head start anyways before Shield beats me."
Haru had to laugh at that one, "Oh Len, I think even if you got a two-week head start, Shield would still beat you."
Len snapped his head at the silver-haired male, "Funny. You should quit and become a comedian." his monotone voice made Haru smile.
"Oh but Len, that's my part-time job!" It was a lie but seeing the pissed off expression on Len was worth it.
"Whatever. I'll see you in a week." He waved at him with the back of his hand and started walking.
"Ah! Do you have anything you want me to pass on to Shield in two-three hours from now?" It was a known fact that Shield awoke two to three past noon.
Len paused, his fingers wiggling by his side. With a smirk, he turned to face Haru as he stood by the exit, "Yeah, you bet! Tell Shield that this Little is about to show him how big he really is!" he hollered, temporarily forgetting he was in the guild hall until laughter bounced about the room. His face immediately warmed.
"I sure will, but he'll probably have the same reaction as everyone else here!"
"I-I-I didn't mean it th-that way!" He stuttered, his wide brown eyes scanning the room falling steady on the blonde girl from earlier who's enjoying his embarrassment. 'Why even…?'
With a huff, he stormed out of the guild hall and into town, leaving his guild mates to laugh at his awkwardness.
He walked the street of Magnolia which only resides a mile or so away from their guild building, Mythical Lotus. In fact, because their guild is more passive (for now), they lie on the outskirts of town, keeping free wild beast from entering and leaving the Top Guilds for the center.
In year X890, after many massive battles and wars between the lands and guilds, Earth Land has finally settled down. Although there is still a spark between Fiore and Caelum trade routes, everything has been stable and supply is up and running smoothly unlike seventy years ago.
"Val! How's it going?"
Len looked up and sent a charming smile at the old man in an apron, "Everything's good, Sir! Actually, I'm on my way over to the next land to scout for some teammates." The boy walked over to the man and into the store with his hands deep in his black fitting pants that almost swept the floor if it wasn't for his black and red flat sky board shoes.
"You are? Why not scout here?" the man asked as he turned to grab something from behind.
Len tried to peer over his shoulder, "Well, I was thinking of that but it's either Shield would find them faster or they'll all want to join Fairy Tail not Mythical Lotus. Oh! For me?" Len blinked than took the muffin from the man once he nodded.
"That's a shame but I ain't goin' to lie to you, Val." He smiled as Len took his first bite into the muffin.
Len's throat warmed at the sweet taste of strawberries. A short moan escaped him, "Ah man, this is de-lious!" He took another bite, slowly savoring the pastry. "How much do I owe you, old man?"
The man laughed and waved his hand in dismissal, "Nay! It's on the house, dear!"
Len choked after he swallowed, "I can't eat this for free... anymore old man! You'll make me feel like a freeloader again!" He whined like a child but still took another bite.
"Val, you're my regular and best customer around here! The least I can do is give you something free once in a while." He then bent down and took another muffin out.
"B-But then Shield might come and raid your sweets like water... Can I have two strawberries to go?" He added passively.
The old man laughed silently. Even though the kid had just said they didn't want to be a freeloader, here they are asking for two to go. "I don't worry about him. He gets his treat from my wife."
Len gasped with a hitch in his voice, "Uncalled for! She never lets me eat for free! Heck, I pay extra!"
The older male chuckled at the kid, placing four strawberry muffins into a white container with a handle. "Now, we both know that if she was thirty or so younger, she'll do more then give him free pastry's."
Len barked a laugh, quickly covering his mouth and saying a short "Sorry" because the old man was correct in every way. 'Damn Shield! Getting everything for half to free priced!' "Well, I'll be heading out now! See you later old man! Make sure to treat my team well when we come back!"
He chuckled, "Of course, Val!"
Len placed a hand on the door handle, the pastries in its arm, whilst bringing his other around the back of his head to lift his folly red hoodie up with the tiny fox ears upturned.
Jingle! Jingle!
"Oi, wait, Val!" Len stopped half in and out of the door frame, "I just remembered. One of the Academies is holding a graduation tournament this late afternoon. You might find some interesting teammates there."
Len's chestnut eyes beamed, "Thanks for the information!" He then headed out of the store in a flash to only return panting, "By the way, which Academy is it? There are three in Magnolia."
The man paused to think, and then said, "The East Academy. It's a senior one so they'll be around your age, more or less. But you better get there before Xel does." And with a nod, Len headed off toward the East part of town, munching down on his half eaten muffin.
Note: Well, that's that. We hoped you've enjoyed this lengthy first chapter! And now to point out some chapter notations (in which is more then long... would have never typed this if SkyVic didn't bug me about it...):
*"Len"/"Val" are SkyVic's OC, happening to bear more than two nicknames whilst her OC's surname is "Little" (as the play on words you've seen above). "Len" happens to be Team One's Leader.
*"Shield"/"Xel" are my OC's nicknames, "Shield" being my OC's surname.
*The time skip for Mythical Lotus is some number between 80 - 99 year skip. A 10 year or so time skip from Magic Academy so do not expect the Fairy Tail Cast to be active or the other OC's.
*There are a total of Three (3) Magic Academy's within Magnolia; the East, West and South. SkyVic's Magic Academy happens to be the South. Total of Magic Academy's (not all share the same name) within Fiore is 21.
Now rules for submitting! I honestly hope you're reading this for the better good (Remember, we're only taking Five [6] OC's total!):
* One (1) OC per a person (user).
* No Dragon Slayer's, please.
* No main major Magic such as: Ice Make Magic, Re-quip, Fire Magic, ect... Simply put; your OC may possess the Magic but must not have the same move set as Fairy Tail members nor same 'Magic' set (Ex: Gray and his Ice Magic 'move set' or Erza and her amour /w weapon Re-quip 'Magic-set'). Please be original!
* I do not accept Anonymous Reviewers who send in OC's (As it's against the rules).
* I will not even so as glance at your OC if you review it. Only submit OC's thru PM subjected as "Mythical Lotus: New OC [insert OC's name]".
* You must review the story (minimum of one, preferably the latest chapter) and Follow it to even be considered being accepted.
* Because I'm a very picky person, do not submit an already used OC! We want brand new OC's in this story, not OC's that appeared in others. (Please respect this rule!)
* Your OC must have a way of being introduced within their History! (That is one of the many key's to being accepted!)
* The rest of the rules are on the last chapter! Just... please, read it. Please!
** Each OC has an option of being in a MA within their child/teen years. Either they went or not.
*** If you have already submitted a OC for Team One, but weren't accepted, you have a second chance. But think about why your OC wasn't accepted the first time, and make changes. (Please no begging or bugging about OC's.)
Accepting OC's for Team Two [Is OPEN!]!
!OC Form on my profile!
Enjoy submitting~!