Ooooh! NEW NaLi story! :)

So this one is a bit different then 21 days. For example, Natsu and the others are in high school. Except Lisanna of course. So far, I have no idea what Gildarts will be, but I will think of it while the story progresses.

Also, I got this idea from a manga called Bakuman. One of their mangas was called, 'What God gave me...' so I decided to write a story just like it.

Now that I'm done explaining, ON WITH THE STORY!

Happy: AYE!

Chapter 1: The sent angel

Where's there's a human who has darkness in their heart, an angel comes to them and brings light into their life. One specific angel though, did just that, but also brought light into herself. Oh, did I tell you that light is the angel's word for love?

"And that!" Natsu punched the last man, as the man clutched his stomach and fell to the ground. Natsu panted and eyed the four other man, waiting to see if they would do attack him again. "Serves you all right." Natsu walked out of the ally, his hands in his pockets, and walked away. As Natsu walked down the street, he didn't know that he was being spied on.

By God. God looked at him, and frowned. He knew that Natsu was known for being the most loneliest but toughest boy in his high school, and decided to do something about. He called out to an angel, "Bring me the new angel."

The angel nodded and quickly flew away, a couple minutes later, he returned with the summoned angel. Her blue eyes scanned the place she was in, and when she scanned God, she looked frightened, and began tearing up.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't know what I did wrong, but please don't send me to hell! I don't want to go there!" The blue-eyed angel said, and began crying. God smiled and comforted her.

"You didn't do anything wrong my child," he said, "I am just here to send you back to Earth. Where you will help a child who needs light in his life." With a way of his hand he showed a pink-haired boy walking down a street in the dark. "His name is Natsu Dragneel. And you will bring light into his life."

God then showed another picture, this time a blond girl with chocolate brown eyes writing something on a piece of paper. "This girl is Lucy Heartfilia. You must bring both her and Natsu together in order for Natsu to have light in his life." He looked at the angel. "Do you understand?"

The angel nodded. "Yes. I will try to bring light into his life." She promised, smiling. She was going to go back to Earth! Usually angels forget their old life -sometimes their own name- on Earth. Lisanna was one of them who forgot their old life, but she wanted to remember, so she could have a chance to see them again.

"Very well, child. Good luck." With a wave of his hand, the blue-eyed angel slowly disappeared. He smiled as he knew very well what would happen next.

"Good Luck...Lisanna..."


When Lisanna arrived on earth, she noticed that place looked dark. With her wings, she flew around the place, exploring it, but then she remembered her mission. But first, she needed to find Natsu Dragneel. She searched around, but still couldn't find Natsu. Just when she was about to give up hope, she remembered that she had the power to sense him.

So she used her sensing power, and instantly found Natsu just a couple blocks away. She flew toward her destination, and when she arrived there, from up high she saw him walking down a street, just like what God showed her.

She smiled. "Natsu!" She called out, but Natsu just kept on walking. She was confused, but then realized that she had to be close to him for him to hear her. So she flew closer to him, and called out his name again. "Natsu!" Natsu still kept walking, not noticing her.

Lisanna then felt invisible, like he wasn't just ignoring her. She couldn't be heard. She was dead.

Lisanna began to tear up, and she flew down, her wings began to close. She couldn't feel the sidewalk, and she realized all over again that she was dead. She was alone. But before giving up, she looked up at the walking Natsu, and with a cry yelled, "NATSU!"

Natsu stopped. And Lisanna stood still, shock evident in her face. Natsu then looked around, "Hello? Anybody there?" When Natsu didn't receive a reply, he grunted and kept on walking. Lisanna quickly stood up, and yelled again, "NATSU!"

Lisanna ran to him, and tried to grab his shoulder, but it just passed through. "Eh?" She tried to grab his shoulder again, but it just passed through.

Natsu, on the other hand, felt something warm on his shoulders, but just ignored it. But when the warmth came again, he stopped walking. And turned around.

No one was there. Then again he heard a faint, "Natsu!" He was tired of hearing his name being called and yelled, "Whoever you are, show yourself! Quit saying my name!"

Lisanna heard this, and giggled for the first time since she got here. He could hear her! But he couldn't see her. So she had to find a way for her to be seen, that's when she felt something warm on her hip. She gasped as she saw a golden halo strapped at her side.

When the glow died down, she took it from the strap, and hesitantly put it on her head, and she began glowing.

"Whoa!" She said, and shielded her eyes from the blinding light. When she stopped glowing, she put her hands down and looked at a shocked Natsu. She waved her hand in front of his face. "Hello?"

Natsu instantly back away. "What the heck happened?! And who are you?!" His eyes were wide, and Lisanna looked at him.

"Y-You can see me?" She asked, surprised.

"Y-Yea." Natsu said, eyeing her. Without a thought, Lisanna wrapped her arms around him into a hug, and began crying.

"I'm seen! You can see me! I'm not dead anymore!" She laughed and cried, and Natsu instantly pushed her away.

"Whoa there! Who said you can cry on me? And who are you?!" Natsu asked again. Lisanna sniffled, and smiled.

"Sorry. It's just that..." She sniffled again, "I'm an angel who sent to help you find light. My name is Lisanna Strauss." She held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you Natsu."

Natsu just stared at her, his mouth open. Lisanna blushed and looked away. "It's not nice to stare at angels." She said, and Natsu broke away from his trance.

"S-Sorry." He blushed, but then looked at her again. "'re an angel?"

Lisanna nodded. She was surprised to see him smiling at her. "Cool!" He said, and held out his hand. "My name is Natsu Dragneel. And I was raised by a dragon."

WOOHOO! I finished a chapter of a new story! I hope you guys like this one! :)