Ok, so I wrote this forever ago just never got around to typing it up. So . . . review and ENJOY! 3

Bad Luck had been dismissed for the day at around 5 PM that day, but now it was 9:30 PM and Hiro still sat in the recording booth, tuning his guitar for the zillionth time. He couldn't help it. All he could think about was one certain blonde American. Ever since they first met their manager, K, Hiro has felt something for the strange, trigger-happy man. Only one thing . . . he had no idea what it was. He wanted to ask Shuichi, but thought better of it and crushed that idea. Then he thought of asking Suguru but Suguru was so insensitive that he didn't think that was a good idea either.

In the end, Hiro had to bottle everything up and cork it. Hiro looked at the clock to find that it was 9:45 and decided it was time to go. He put up his guitar, pocketed his pick, and headed for the stair well. It had been a pain for the last few days for everyone at NG because over the weekend, one of the elevators cables broke. No one had been in the elevator, but for safety precautions, all elevators were not to be used until they were all checked and any unstable cables, replaced.

Hiro understood it was for everyone's safety and all, but they could at least open the ones they've already checked, jeesh. On the way down, as Hiro was turning a corner, another man ran by and bumped into Hiro, causing him to lose his balance. Just before he could fall down the stairs, someone caught him.

"You alright?" Hiro looked up to blue eyes and blonde hair looking down at him. His heart starts to pound and he feels like he can't breathe. He starts to feel weak, but before he loses himself Hiro catches himself and stands up.

"Uh, ya. I'm fine. Thanks, K."

"No problem. We can't have our guitarist breaking his arm, am I right?" K straightens up and winks, all but making Hiro's heart stop.

"Ya, sure. Uh, are you headed back up?"

"Ya, I left a file in the booth. You didn't happen to grab it on your way out did you?"

"Ya, I did actually." Hiro pulled out the file he noticed before he left and grabbed it so no one could peek.

"Ah, thanks. Hey, do you want to walk down together?"

"Uh, sure." Hiro and K started to walk down the rest of the stairs together. Hiro couldn't over the weird feeling he'd had earlier when K had caught him. His heart was still pounding slightly, but he didn't know why. He was ready to burst.

"Oh, uh, actually there's something else I need to take care of. Have a good night, Hiro." And before Hiro could say anything, K was already gone, like something had spooked him. When K left, Hiro's heart settled down a bit and then he started to think about what just happened. His heart had been pounding, his head was a little fuzzy, he felt weak. What the heck?

'I feel like I've heard this before from someone. A girl maybe? . . . Wait a second. I have heard this. It was from Shu. He was talking about how he felt for Mr. Yuki. But if that's how Shu felt around Mr. Yuki and . . . now I'm feeling that way with K, does that mean . . . that I'm . . . ?'