1. Cuddles (naked)

"What's that noise?"

At the sound of Phil's voice, Dan is tugged blearily from his dreams, and blinks rapidly, trying to adjust to the dark room. He rolls over and slings a long arm around Phil's waist, pulling them closer together. Phil stills suddenly at the contact of their skin, and then squirms further into Dan's embrace, sheltering in his warm and heavy hold.

"It's just a storm, it's all fine."

Phil rolls over and tucks his chin into Dan's neck, drowning in the sensation of his skin and the smell of Dan- slightly sweet, filled with memories. His face is warm and slightly wet, and Dan realises with a pang of guilt that he's been crying. He lifts one arm up and curls his hand around the back of Phil's head, protecting him from the onslaught of rain and hail that's beating against the windows.

"Will you tell me a story?"

He says it so quietly, almost as if he didn't want to be heard, that for a second Dan wonders if it was just his imagination. But then he feels a leg tangling between his own, twisting to ensnare his calf and trembling slightly with trepidation- Phil is still frightened. Dan lifts his chin slightly, resting it softly onto Phil's head.

"Once upon a time, there was a young girl called Buffy Summers. She wasn't your ordinary kind of girl though. She was brave and strong, and very pretty. Also she was a vampire slayer." He pauses, an idea grinning behind his eyes. "Also, she was a witch." Phil makes a small noise of confusion, but seems to have calmed down slightly in the distraction of Dan's voice.

"She was in her second year at a magical school named Hogwarts, where she studied magic with her friends, Luna, Willow, Xander and Draco. And sometimes, she would be called, by her slayer-senses, out to the forbidden forest, when it was very dark and late at night, and everyone else was fast asleep…"

The storm rages on outside, its fury seemingly endless.

I found a 30 day NSFW challenge! Looks like fun, will try to post a little thing every day :D Most will end up smutty but some, like this one, more fluff! Let me know what you think and which parts you like and I shall see you soon :D xxx panfs