"Why the hell didn't you tell me?! Jesus Christ, how long have you known?!" Sandra shouted angrily at Jack as he opened the front door.

"Woah woah. Calm down. I found out when I went with you to see your mum this morning."

"You said you knew nothing about my dad until 20 minutes ago."

"I was trying to figure it out myself; it was more than a little bit of a shock."

"You were friends with my dad. How could you sleep with my mum?!"

"I was drunk."

"Rubbish." Sandra shouted again.

"What do you want me to say? I was single, we'd both had a fair bit to drink and she was very attractive." She scoffed. "Don't tell me you've never slept with a married man."

"You know full well I have. It's not the same though."

"How isn't it?"

"I didn't end up blooming pregnant with a child and even if I did it would always know who its biological dad was."

"We could keep arguing about this but it's not going to change the facts."

"You're right." He sighed thinking that she'd calmed down. "I don't want to see you until I have to at the Hanson court case." With that she stormed off back to her car, he wasn't going to take the week off work. They had a case on and stuff to do and if he wasn't there she'd think she didn't have to deal with it and bottle it up, which never ended well.

"How could he? He was friends with my dad, how could he sleep with his wife?" Sandra spoke to herself softly as she sat on the bathroom floor; yet again her life had been turned upside down by the people who were supposed to care most about her. That was the reason she'd never done the family thing herself, she didn't want any child to hurt like she'd had to at the hands of those whom she loved. This next week was the time she needed to calm down and come round to the idea or maybe just try to forget about, however unlikely it was.

"Gerry mate I need your help." Jack began as Gerry picked up the phone.

"What makes you think I can help?"

"She listens to you. She pretends not to and like she couldn't care less but in reality she listens to you more than I've ever known her listen to anyone."

"What do you want then?"

"Talk her round, ask her to come and speak to me properly."

"Did you honestly not know?" Gerry sighed.
"Of course I didn't, do you think I'd have stayed so close waiting for it to come out and hurt her if I did?"

"I'm in then but when this goes pear shaped make sure she knows it's all down to you."