It wasn't until the next week that I met Mary but in that week before I did something I always said I wouldn't do. I never meant to do it, well looking back I must have at the time. It never meant to end that way, I was just comforting my childhood friend while her marriage was going through a rough patch and well you know how these things go and one thing led to another.


"Another?" Jack asked as he stood up to go to the bar.

"Yeah, I need to get drunk and forget about how rubbish my marriage is." Grace replied.

"Vodka?" Jack asked.


"A vodka for madam." Jack replied being gentlemanly as he placed the vodka down in front of her. "So what's going on then?"

"He's spending so much time down at the station and whenever he is home all he goes on about is how much he wants a baby. He hasn't understood yet that I'm not ready. All we do now a days is argue, something has to happen for a baby to be conceived and it most certainly hasn't happened in months."

"So what's the plan to fix this?"

"Get bladdered and forget all about my fail of a husband."

"Will he not be wondering where you are?"

"He's away on business but I reckon he's cheating."

"Why would he do that when he's got a gorgeous woman like you?!" That's when she leant forward and kissed him and well one thing led to another and soon enough they were back at his.

She lay sleeping as his breathing calmed back down, he'd just slept with his married child hood friend who was slightly drunk. Now what was he supposed to do? He couldn't even blame it on her drunken antics as he was sober and could have stopped it at any point but no, he let it go all the way so he was as much to blame as she was, if not more so.

He'd gotten dressed again into his pyjamas as soon as she'd moved out of his arms, but as he crawled out of bed he knew he'd woken her.

"Erm Jack... Did we?" Grace asked as she went a funny red colour.

"Yeah." He told her embarrassedly.

"Oh God. I have a husband, how the hell am I supposed to explain this?! Any smart ideas Jack? You were always the smart one."

"I don't know, I didn't have a plan for something like this because I didn't expect it to happen."

"Yeah, well it has." Grace told him bluntly.

"Alright well I don't condone lying but he's away on business, he never has to know. We both know that last night was a mistake.."

"Too right it was, no offence or anything." She added as an afterthought.

"So lets forget it then. We never have to speak of it again and we carry on as before, okay?"

"Well it's going to have to be isn't it." He nodded.

**************** Back to now********

It was my biggest mistake because well after that things never were the same between us. As promised though neither of us spoke of it again, we both moved on with our lives. I met the love of my life, Mary and got married and well Grace and Gordon worked at their marriage and then they had the most gorgeous baby I'd ever seen was born; Sandra Pullman.