Okay, This story is going to be full of twists, angst, happiness and shockers...I promise, I will update EVERYDAY and take in ideas and advise, I might have a few grammar mistakes though.

Thanks for choosing my story to read! I'll post a couple of chapters to see if it's a success:

Because I update everyday and have some good twists and plans coming up can you review? If I don't get alot of Reviews i delete the story,so if you want the story to "Survive" please review x

- Charlotte x

WARNING: First chapter may have some boring parts but I'm just getting started on the ANGST and TWISTS and HORROR

Chapter One

Morganas screams echoed through the hall and her chambers, Guinevere winced in her place beside Morgana who lay sweating on the bed. "Keep going Morgana" Arthur held his wifes hand, "You try pushing a baby out, Agggghhh! It hurts so much" Morgana screamed and tightened her grip on Arthurs hand.

Gaius and Guinevere encouraged Morgana to keep going, Morgana screamed as she pushed again. "Your doing well M'lady, Your child is almost here" Gaius smiled. He had treated Morgana since she was a child, now here she was future queen of Camelot and married to Prince Arthur.

"What will you name your baby Morgana" Guinevere smiled as she wiped Morganas sweating brow. "Uugggghhh! We-we had decided Marielle if...AGGGGHHHHH! Or-or AGGGGGGHHHH!" Morgana didn't finish her sentence, she pushed as hard as she could to stop the agony.

Gaius smiled, Gwen gasped. A babies cry rang out the room, Arthur felt his chest swell and grinned. Gaius held up a perfect little baby wrapped in a cloth.

"Your baby" Gaius gently handed the newborn over to Morgana who cradled it, smiling. "Hello baby" she stroked its soft cheek, Arthur sat next to Morgana and looked at his baby's perfect face.

"Is it a boy?" Gwen almost squealed, Morgana removed the cloth and Arthur stifled a gasp. "A boy" Morgana grinned and kissed her babies forhead, "I have a son?" They all looked at Arthur. "Yes sire, you have a son...what will you name him my lord?" Gaius was eager to know.

"Morgana?" Arthur looked down at his wife, "I...I was thinking, maybe...Mordred?" Morgana prayed Arthur would say yes. "Mordred?...I like it" Arthur nodded his head.

"Hello Mordred" Morgana cooed.

Gwen smiled softly as she watched Morgana sleeping in the chair, Mordred, still a few months old, was screaming the turrets off the castle everynight.

Arthur had even had to cancel training because he was so tired. Gwen walked over to Mordreds silk cot and picked him up, she knew when he started crying there was no way to shut him up unless he was in Morgana's or Arthurs arms.

Mordred let out a wail, "Oh no you don't little Sire" Gwen hurried from the room and carried him down the stairs, "Your mother needs rest, lets see Merlin" Gwen smiled at Mordred as he opened his beautiful green eyes. He was going to be very handsome.

Gwen knocked on Gauis's door and heard a gruff, "Enter". Gwen walked in to see Gauis adding herbs into a mixture he was making with a mortor and pestal. "Gwen" Gaius put his stinking mixture down and greeted her.

"Is something wrong with Mordred?" "No, not at all...Morgana was sleeping and you know how Mordred has been crying all night so I thought I would give her a rest and visit Merlin" Gwen looked past Gauis's shoulder at Merlins room, "He's hunting with Arthur, maybe you should get back to the Lady Morgana".

Gwen knew how Erratic Morgana behaved if she was separated from her son for to long.

Morgana stirred in her sleep, it was another nightmare.

Morganas Nightmare: A druid man ran through the forest with a smaller form, shouts from all around caused them to stop. The surroundings where blurred at every edge and angle in Morgana's dream. The man turned and tugged the small form in front of him. Morgana gasped in her sleep, Those eyes...she knew those Emerald eyes anywhere, Mordred. He was maybe 10 in her dream.

"Mordred?" Morgana called in her sleep. The druid pulled out a jewel encrusted dagger, "No...No...NO!" Morgana screamed outloud, her screams echoed the hallway.

The druid smiled before raising the dagger above Mordreds head.

"NOO!" Morgana shot awake and gasped, she was in her chair. Morgana started to try to breath normally, "Mordred?" Morgana walked over to the cot.

"No... Gwen? GWEN! GWEN!" Morgana panicked as she saw the empty cot. She ran out into the hall and startled a servant, "My Lady Morgana, is everything alright?" she asked.

Morgana ignored her and ran down the stone stairs, "GWEN? ARTHUR?" she shouted, tears welling in her blue eyes. "My lady?" Gwen rounded the corner with Mordred in her arms.

"Mordred!" Morgana sighed and ran to her son, taking him in her arms. "Shh Mummys here now" Morgana hugged Mordred. "What did you think you were DOING?" Morgana stared at Gwen.

"I'm sorry Morgana, You were sleeping and I took Mordred to see Merlin but he was out so-" Gwen started to talk fast."It's Okay Gwen, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shouted" Morgana cut in.

Gwen smiled and followed Morgana back upto her chambers.

"And then that is the lower town, But if you want to go to the market stalls then the..." Merlin smiled as he watched Arthur hold his baby son and show him his kingdom. Merlin noticed Arthur changed from the Prince of Camelot to Doting father when he was around Mordred.

Merlin knew Arthur adored his son more than anything in this world but there was something radiating off baby.

The Great Dragon had warned Merlin that Morgana is a witch and she must die, she had a aura of power radiating of her and danger and Merlin didn't entirely trust her but Mordred had something else...

Power,Danger and...something else, Merlin didn't want to think Mordred had magic like Morgana but it was possible, he had to see the Great Dragon.

"Merlin, Prepare a picnic basket and go to Morgana" Arthur told Merlin, "Ohhhh are we planning a romantic picnic" Merlin grinned. "No, I'm planning to prepare a picnic basket, invite Morgana then use for her target practice" Arthur replied sarcastically.

"Clotpole" Merlin muttered, Arthur threw an apple at him. "Ow".

Merlin put in fruits and chicken then stole two peices of cake of the big-mouthed cook to put in the basket. Gwen told Morgana for him and Morgana arrived in the courtyard, her long black hair in waves, her dress was an ivy green with satin sleeves.

She carried Mordred and the passers by bowed as she met Arthur with the Horses, Gwen and Merlin followed on as they left the city and made for the forest.

Arthur had decided to stop by a river and under an oak tree, 3 guards spread out widely and kept watch. Morgana propped Mordred up, he was almost One year old now and his hair was black and unusually thick for his age.

Morgana lay on her side and bit into an apple while Arthur chopped apple and gave it to Mordred to chew on. Merlin stayed under another tree with Gwen.

"They look sweet together" she smiled as she watched Morgana and Arthur laugh when Mordred crawled wobbily and attempted to chew on Arthurs boot.

Merlin nodded and gave Gwen a plum. "Thanks".

Merlin looked back at Mordred who was now out of Morgana and Arthurs attention. Mordred looked up at the plum tree Merlin and Gwen where under, His green eyes flashed gold and a ripe plum fell onto Merlins lap.

Merlins heart skipped a beat at what he saw. He picked up the plum and looked at Mordred who went back to trying to chew Arthurs boot.

"SIRE!" A guard shouted, Arthur rolled out the way of an arrow that hit the tree trunk. "It's an Ambush!" He shouted as bandit druids ran out from the bushes. Morgana grabbed Mordred and pulled the hood on her cape over her head.

"Run! Morgana Run!" Arthur shouted. Morgana and Gwen ran as fast as they could down the river but two druids gave chase.

"Gwen, they want me and Arthur, take Mordred please! Raise the alarm with Uther" Morgana kissed the top of Mordreds head and gave him to her.

Gwen ran down the river bank and disappeared out of the druids sight.

Morgana turned and threw a dagger in the chest of one druid, the other grabbed her and forced her to the ground. Morgana looked up in time to see Gwen trip and Mordred sit up on the grass.

Morgana gasped as a druid raised his crossbow to Mordred. "NOOOOOOOOO!" Morganas scream was so loud and powerful the trees shook, The druids flew metres backwards in the air and Morgana's eyes flashed gold.

She saw it in the river, her reflection of gold eyes. Magic and she knew it but nothing was as powerful as protecting her son.

Morgana felt herself being dragged up and blinfolded before passing out.

Gwen felt tears flow freely down her cheeks as she ran through the trees, it was dark and she had no idea where she was going.

Mordred was getting heavier and heavier in her weary arms as she made her way to find Camelot. Merlin,Morgana and Arthur could be dead for all she knew. "Ma!" Mordred called, Gwen stopped...these were his first words.

"We'll find them" Gwen promised and lay down exhausted, she reluctantly let sleep take over her.

Morgana woke up, she was in a tent on a bed. Morgana slowly sat up and took in the tents surrondings, It was plain, her cape was hanging on a stick. Druids. Morgana recalled last nights events and jumped from the bed.

Arthur? Merlin? Morgana prayed Gwen had taken Mordred to safety, she heard voices outside...a male and female.

"She is not to be harmed! I have waited to long for this to let her go" the female said.

"But she is Uthers ward, Princess of Camelot and if she learnt of her powers it could end disastrously"

"Shhhh Malum, she's awake" Morgana put on her shoes and made ready to run until a beautiful woman walked in, she had blonde curls and dark eyes.

"Morgana! Do not be frightened, we're not going to hurt you...we have come to help you" she said, "Who are you? I want to be returned to my husband and son" Morgana snapped. "Son? You have a son?" "Answer my question, who are you?" "Morgana...I'm your sister...Morgause, I'm here to help you understand your magic".