"Merida!" Mum yelled as she threw back the shades in my room with a huge smile on her face, "A lady always rises early!" She told me and I groaned as I got out of bed. Mum instantly looked over my dirty night gown with distaste while I worked on getting the tangles out of my fiery red hair. My mother liked it back and 'in style' while I liked it while and free but that doesn't mean that I liked to have tangles in it. Before I could even continue with brushing my hair my Mum took over. She combed it and stuffed it down so I could wear my dress properly and I groaned, knowing that she was taking me somewhere. Obviously somewhere I didn't want to go. I wanted to go to the forest and practice shooting arrows, not make a public appearance with me Mum. I slowly started to plan my escape as Mum went on, giving me this huge lecture about how to be lady-like. Why do I have to be lady-like anyway? I know how and I choose not too because I want as little freedom!

About an hour later I was walking with Mum through the market place while the triplets ran to who knows where... I wish I could have followed them so I could do something fun. Rather than walking with Mum and listening to her talk with the shop owners. My head popped up when I heard the familiar clank of an arrow hitting its target. Mum saw my reaction to the noise and narrowed her eyes, "Don't you dare, Merida." I looked at her and gave her a small smile, "Of course not Mum," I said though I had my fingers crossed behind my back. But Mum just nodded in satisfaction and went on with shopping in the market until we went with everyone and saw two men, aiming their next arrows at targets yards away from them. I bit my lip as I watched and slowly drifted away from Mum but I made sure to make it look like I was going to talk to a girl around my age that was just a few feet away. Once she wasn't looking I slipped off in to the forest.

(Jack's P.O.V)

"Aww, come on Easter Kangaroo why can't we watch it? No one will see us!" I whined as I followed Bunnymund out of the whole in the ground and with a tap of the six-foot bunny's foot the whole was gone.

Leaving a small, delicate flower in its place though. The Pooka turned to me with a glare directed straight at me, "Because knowing you Frosty, I know something will go wrong," he said simply and I opened my mouth to protest but nothing came out and I closed it. He had a point. The last three times today where I had made rounds with him I had asked if we could stay or watch something and they all ended up in disasters... Mostly a everyone slipping on the ice I made disaster. And Bunnymund had to drag my but out of it each and every single time. But come on! I'm the Guardian of fun and I have to do something to entertain myself while I follow the oversized bunny all over the world! I continued to pester Bunnymund about it until he finally let out a groan and turned at an unbelievable speed, his paw ready to punch me in the face. "Oi swear mate, if you don't shut up I'll make ya," he said and I smirked a little. "You wouldn't dare," I said simply as I began to walk away, to the outside of the woods where all the people where. Bunnymund quickly followed me to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid but lets face it... Who can stop me from doing something stupid? All of a sudden both Bunny and I hear this. "MERIDA! STOP!"

We glanced at each other and ran to the source of the sound, standing right in the middle of a field. A woman with long brown hair walked through us and toward a girl with red hair. I watched in amazement as the girl, I'm guessing its the Merida girl, bent down making her dress rip where it had been sewn together as she raised her arrow. "Merida!" The woman called again, getting closer, but the red head didn't listen and let the arrow to. I watched in amazement as it flew towards the target, actually splitting a previous arrow in half, and hit the bullseye with a thud. I looked over at Bunny to see his jaw drop as he stared at the girl. I have to know who that is, I thought to myself simply as I looked over at her but my smile was replaced by a frown when I saw the brown haired woman yelling at the girl. The red head yelled something ack and marched off in to the woods.

Before the Easter Kangaroo could protest I was off after her.

(Merida's P.O.V)

Ugh! Why did Mum have to make sure that I could never do anything fun?! It was all about being lady like and doing what your expected to do! No freedom, no fun, and defiantly no bow and arrows. Why couldn't she accept the fact that I will never be like that?! Ever! I was busy fuming out my frustration to notice that the departure dropped about five degrees in one second. I ran a hand through my hair that had some tangles in it and continued to mutter. The departure dropped again and I began to shiver.

"Stupid Jack Frost, why must ya make it so cold?!" I yelled out to no one in particular. I mean it's not like Jack Frost himself was listening, he wasn't real.

Another five degrees dropped and I shivered then felt something cold and wet but soft touch my cheek, then my hair, and my dress. I looked up and cried out in surprise. It was snowing! And the weird part is it was only snowing in the clearing that I was in, everywhere else there was not a single snowflake touching it. I laughed as I began to run around and play in the snow. I didn't notice that I was on a now frozen lake until I slipped. I cried out and closed my eyes, waiting for the impact but it never came. Instead I was caught by something cold yet strong and whatever it was put me back on my feet. I heard a tinkling sound of laughter and I opened my eyes but no one was there. "I must be imagining things," I said to myself as I shook my head, carefully walking off the ice.

"How could you be imagining this?!" A voice yelled and I spun around then let out a startled cry.

I looked up and my gaze was met by a pair of frost blue eyes that belonged to a boy that was pale, almost sickly pale, with spikes sow white hair. He gave me a small smile and even his teeth were white as snow.

"Sorry about that," the boy said as he leaned against a brown staff like thing, "I'm Jack. Jack Frost," he said with a small smile and I laughed a little. "Really?" I asked but then I saw the serious expression on his face and I gasped. "Your real!" I exclaimed in excitement. I used to love Jack Frost when I was younger! This is so cool! I'm standing here with the Jack Frost. Jack watched me dance around in excitement with a stupid grin on my face and he let out a small laugh. "I like your shooting skills," he told me and I froze.

Jack Frost saw me shoot an arrow?

A/N: I am sooooooo sorry if I did Merida in any kind of wrong way. I have only seen clips and pieces of the movie Brave so it's kind of weird for me to be writing this but I really wanted to. I would also appreciate it if you read my other ROTg stories.

And there's a story that's a Jackunzle story (JackXRapunzle) that you should check out but it's not mine.