The evils of tyranny are rarely seen, but by him who resists it.

You don't remember where you heard that saying,

Maybe it was school,

Or your Father,

Or maybe even your Mother.

You don't remember where you heard it,

But you do know that you feel it to be true.

You go through the motions of living.

Back to your school,

Your Mother,

Your Father,

But you hate it.

You hate it with a passion that could burn out the sun.

It glows fiery behind your eyes,




Scorching you as it wrenches its way out.

You have to live with this pain,

The ache of a lie.

Your lie,

The lie you've been living for the past ten years.

You want out.

You decided that long ago,

But how?

How do escape from something so thoroughly embedded into your very soul?

The only answer you can find is this,

You can't.

You can't and you won't and you'll live to suffer from those who would drain your very life from you.

You have to face them every day.

Walk by them,

Interact with them,

You don't have the option to ignore them.

All because you're different.

And what's different about you?

You honestly can't say.

You know you're all the same.

Deep down maybe,

But the same.

It's hidden from you,

The reasons anyone would treat a child this badly,

Even other children.

It doesn't make sense.

You hurt,

But you don't cry.

You can't.

Good little boys don't cry.

So you run.

You run as far away as you can possibly go,

But it isn't enough.

They always find you.

No matter where you go,

Where you hide,

Where you sneak and where you crawl and where you bury yourself into the obscure.

They always find you.

You just want peace.

You want to be able to recognize yourself in the mirror,

Underneath the pain,

Underneath the sadness,

The anger,

The hatred for those who hate you.

You don't understand these feelings.

In fact, it's probably better that you don't.

Someone so young shouldn't have to know so much about the world.


The world isn't fair.

That's another lesson you learned early on.

Just another lesson you learned too early on.

You never got the chance to be a child because of it.

Children are supposed to see the world in all of its glory.

It's beautiful,



Innocent glory.

Children aren't supposed to know suffering.

Aren't supposed to know hatred.

But you do.

You never got the chance to look at the world through the eyes of the young.

You never got to see the pretty, rainbow coloured world.

You see the world in black and white,

In all of its ugliness and cruelty.

That's how you know the world.

That's how it's always been,

That's how it probably always will be.

You accept that.

You understand the situation far too well.

But you can't help but wonder,

What if?

You still have faith that someday your life will change for the better,

That you will find something worth believing in.

You hold onto that sliver of a wish as you pick yourself up and dust yourself off.

And you dare to hope.


A/N: Well, here's another one. I really have a fun time writing these. I hope you enjoy reading them as I much as I enjoy writing them.

On another note, I had quite a few people guess whom it was about. Most were wrong, well, as wrong as you can be seeing as there was no right answer, but I had one person guess correctly. And to that one guest reviewer, yay! It was Danny! Can you guess this one? (And this one's easy)

Love, TLYS