No. No no no no no. It wasn't happening. It was not happening.

"Kyoko! Kyoko!" Sayaka was shouting, worry and panic bleeding into her voice as she grasped Kyoko's hand with all her might. "Stay with me. You idiot, why would you do that!?"

Kyoko shot her that stupid, perfect grin, wincing even as she did, and said, "My partner was in trouble, so I saved her. That's… that's what partners do, right? And hey - is calling me an idiot any way to reward your savior? I could be wrong, but I think common protocol… is a kiss."

"This is no time for jokes, Kyoko!"

Sayaka? Kyoko? Mami's voice in their heads, tinged with concern. I heard Kyoko scream. It sounded bad, is she alright?

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, mom. Just focus on gettin' rid of Walpurgisnacht's minions for Homura, okay?"

Sayaka glared at her, and intejected, "She's not fine! She-she pushed me out of the way of a falling thing and got herself impaled and thank God it missed her Soul Gem but it still looks bad and we're both out of Grief Seeds and-"

I'm on my way there right now! Mami assured, voice almost as composed as ever, but betraying the the slightest hint of fear that Sayaka couldn't miss. She guessed Kyoko couldn't either.

Kyoko's survival is important. Homura piped up. I'll be able to handle myself until your return, Mami.

"No! Come on, you two, you know better! This… this is too important to risk on me. Me and Sayaka got Walpurgisnacht reeling, and now might be your only chance! Mami needs to keep her minions off of you so you can blow Wally sky high! You need to do this before Wally gets her second wind!"

"No!" Sayaka exclaimed. "Kyoko… Kyoko needs to get healed up, it's important for-for the fight, right, Homura? Homura, tell her!"

Kyoko… Homura began, as if she was struggling to find an argument against it.

"I didn't get hurt like this for my health, you guys. You need to finish it. That's what I came here for, and I won't have myself… getting impaled… for nothin'."

...Kyoko. Mami began, the shaking in her voice become worse with each word. Hold on. We-we will finish Walpurgisnacht as quickly as we can, and there will be plenty of Grief Seeds to spare, just like you wanted. You will be fine.

"Heh. ...Mami? Did I… did I ever say sorry? I probably should, huh?" Sayaka clenched her teeth. Too serious. Too final. They could all hear it in her voice. That… wasn't a good sign.

No. And there was never any need, because you were always forgiven - and I promise, when this fight is done, I'll bake some cake, just the way you like it. Just like old times. I promise!

"There's no better incentive than your cake, Mami," Kyoko joked. "And Homura? I-"

No. No last words. Not today. We will all live. Especially you, Kyoko Sakura. You are far too stubborn for anything else... I will, however, say one thing. Thank you, Kyoko. For more than you could know.

"Heh, thanks. Coming from miss time loop girl, getting a comment about my stubbornness means a lot. And you're welcome. Now shut up and kick Wally's ass for me! Sayaka's got my back, and she's been staring at it long enough to know how to protect it. I'll be fine. Focus on the fight!" Mami and Homura mentally checked out of the conversation, but Sayaka could feel their renewed determination and drive to end the battle as quickly as possible. Kyoko turned her head towards Sayaka and grinned shakily, almost as if in defiance of her pain, in defiance of the current situation. "We should… we should talk privately, huh?"

Sayaka shook her head strongly. "There-there'll be a lot of time to talk later, Kyoko! You can-you can joke around and be a butt and then be really, really sweet when I least expect it and then ruin the moment by-by asking for food and all of that later, okay!? After this. You need… you need to conserve your strength, okay?" Kyoko shook her head, and that grin got a little bit sadder.

"Nah. I know… I know when I'm done. We're out of grief seeds, the others have to stop Walpurgisnacht, the injury's pretty bad and I'm runnin' out of magic… this is it."

"Don't say that!" Sayaka begged. She could feel the tears coming, and she tried to hold them back because she knew Kyoko didn't want to see them - not right now. But she couldn't. "You… you never give up. You always keep on fighting, no matter what, and-and I need you, okay!? I need you so much - more than anything. You saved me and made me believe that the world could be good again, that I could be good again and...and you make me happy. Make me smile and laugh and I-I love seeing your grin, and that little smile, and-and your fang and I-I feel like-like I'm alive, really alive, whenever I'm with you - that's when I'm living, and I've only known you for a few weeks, but it feels like I always have and I want to know you for-forever, so-so you… you can't go. Please."

Kyoko's grin fell away, and she looked... sad. Somehow that tore Sayaka's heart up just as much. "I'm sorry, Saya. I… I really am. You… god this hurts, so-so I'm sorry, if this isn't eloquent, but… but you're my best friend. More, really."

"Don't stop!" Sayaka pleaded, gripping Kyoko's hand tighter.

"Bantering with you, fighting with you, being with you… it's the most I've felt at peace since… ever. It felt so right. Like it was what I was meant to do. You… you saved me too. You… you gave me hope, and something to fight for. Something to live for, really."

"Exactly, so just-just keep on living!"

"Meeting you.. it was the best moment of my life. It… it made everything more than worth it, and this… this ain't your fault. I need you to know that. Don't go beatin' yourself up over it. I can't… I can't stand to see you hurt, so... so dying so you won't? I can accept that."

"You aren't going to die, I swear. You can't!"

"I think… becoming a Witch, you have to be in misery, right? You have to be filled with overwhelming regret? I don't… I don't have that. Going out like this, for you… I'm at peace with that. So I don't think… I don't think I'll become a Witch, I think I'll just… die, but if I'm wrong, you…"

"It. Won't. Happen." Sayaka steadfastly refused.

"Heh. Stubborn ass. Guess that was part of why we got along so well, huh? You… you made me so happy. Figures it couldn't last. But I shouldn't get greedy - a few… a few moments in heaven is better than none, right? You… you were home… and god, I'm sorry, I should've… I should've said this way sooner but I was too chickenshit, and it's so cowardly to say this on my way out, but I… I kinda really lov-"

"No," Sayaka cut her off, certain and steely. Her other hand grabbed Kyoko's as well, and she held it with all her strength. "You don't… you don't get to say that. Not like this. Cause I have to say it too, and both of us will say it. The right way. When... when we're both fine, and have the future in front of us. That's-that's when we'll say it. And we will say it, because you are Kyoko Sakura!"

Sayaka could feel… something pouring out from her, and shrugged it off. It was just catharsis, as she dared the world to take Kyoko from her. "Sayaka-" Kyoko began, but she wasn't finished.

"No, listen! You are strong, and the most stubborn person I've ever met besides me. And you never leave a person alone, which is what you'd do to me if you left! I need you, and I'm the other most stubborn person I've met, so when the two of us together demand that you stay, you will." Sayaka took in her surroundings, and noted with confusion that the area around them was glowing blue. It didn't matter. She had to focus on Kyoko.


"Let me finish, okay? And-and we'll keep awkwardly flirting with each other and making each other blush and stutter, fighting together like-like we're one person split in two. We'll make the stupidest jokes and spend half the time pretending we don't both think they're funny and the other half cracking up and-and we'll just stay. Here. Home. Got that?" Finished with her speech, breathing heavily, she looked down at Kyoko and noticed that.. that all that remained of Kyoko's wound was a thin, fading scar. "What…"

"I tried to tell ya," Kyoko began with a smirk, "So uh... did you just find out you could do that now, or did you just wanna save it for the right moment? Cause I don't blame ya if it was the second, that speech was real badass and kinda hot, so brav-" She was interrupted by Sayaka leaping at her and engulfing her in a tight hug.

"I thought… I was so afraid I would lose you!" she was sobbing, Kyoko's face melted into an expression of sympathy and compassion and care as she wrapped her arms tenderly around Sayaka and held her close.

"I was too. But you didn't. I'm still here. Cause you're amazing."

"I… I'm sorry, I'm crying like a baby when you were the one impaled and I-"

"Hey, hey, no, it's fine. I like the crying. Wait, uh, that sounds bad, I uh, don't like you crying, it actually hurts my soul, but… but you should let out whatever you have to when I'm around, okay? And I'm… I'm glad. That you care so much." Sayaka broke the hug, and glared at Kyoko with red eyes.

"Of course I care, i-idiot! And I swear, if you ever get yourself impaled trying to save me again, I'll heal you just so I can stab you again for being so s-stupid!"

"Hey, no fair! I can't heal you and then stab ya when you're being stupid enough to almost get impaled! That doesn't seem right, in my opinio-" Kyoko was interrupted by a resounding explosion, and the cackling, piercing sound of Walpurgisnacht's death cry. Or laugh. Whatever. They could see the Grief Seeds falling, and grins formed on their faces.

"Is it… is it really over?" Sayaka asked

No, Sayaka Miki, Homura's telepathic voice dryly put in. The Grief Seeds falling are just a daring and clever gambit by Walpurgisnacht, and my explosion was just a prank her and I set up to brighten your mood.

"H-Homura!" Sayaka sputtered. "How much did you hear?"

Not much. I was somewhat too preoccupied fighting for my life against the most dangerous of all witches to listen in to your love confessions, do not worry.

"T-there weren't any love confessions!" Sayaka denied, feeling her cheeks burn.

There weren't? Mami chimed in gently, sounding both amused and relieved Kyoko, I'm so disappointed in you! A near death experience is the perfect time to confess – at least according to all the novels!

"Sorry for letting you down, Mami, but hey, I'm alive! Doesn't that count for something?"

...It counts for so much, Kyoko.

"Aw, geez. Don't you go getting sappy on me too! At least not before you make good on that cake you promised me!" Mami chuckled happily, and Kyoko's grin faded a little "And uh... sorry, you guys. For letting you face Walpurgisnacht alone."

Don't be ridiculous, Homura reprimanded. The two of you gave me the opening I needed, and weakened Walpurgisnacht to the point where I was able to finish it. You were invaluable. ...You have my thanks.

"You have ours too!" Sayaka exclaimed, and Kyoko nodded in agreement.

Mami is on her way to get you the Grief Seeds, Kyoko. Just hold on.

"Oh, no, no!" Kyoko hastily reassured them. "I'm fine right now! Sayaka healed me!"

...Did she now?

"Yeah, I did! I guess some things can still surprise you, huh Homura?"

...Indeed they can. It figures Kyubey would not mention this capability of Sayaka's, prone as he is to withholding information he feels does not need to be shared. Considering Sayaka's wish, however, I should've realized...Forgive me.

"Nah, don't worry about it," Kyoko reassured, waving off Homura's apology. "It turned out okay."

You two are alright then?

"Yeah, we are, Mami. Go check on Homura. I think… I think we need a moment alone."

Oooooh, here's the confession! Do not worry. I won't listen in. Much.

"M-Mami! Stop being so embarrassing, god!" Mami giggled happily, but a moment later it cut short.

...You know… I'm glad you are alright, don't you?

"...Yeah. I know. I'm… really happy you're okay too."

And of course, the same goes for you, Sayaka.

"Thanks, I was worried about you two too!"

We will give you some time… alone, then rendezvous at Mami's and I's location. Understood?

"Did you have to say alone like that, Homura?" Sayaka grumbled.

Like what? Homura tried to pass off innocently, but Sayaka could hear the mirth and teasing in her voice. After that, the two of them checked out, and Sayaka and Kyoko were left alone.

"...So," Kyoko started.

"So," Sayaka replied.

"I uh… I kinda remember that I was… was going to confess something before you so rudely interrupted me, and you had… had something similar to confess too, but you wanted us to wait until we were okay, s-so… here we are. Okay. W-with the future ahead of us and everything."


"...Should I go first or..."

"W-well, you did save me from impalement, s-so I think the confession falls on you."

"Y-yeah, but you saved me from dying! It should be you who goes first!"

"L-let's just say it at the same time then!"


"One," they began counting together, "Two…. Three!"

"I love you!" they both blurted, both turning matching shades of red.

"O-okay then." Kyoko spoke first. "I… I kinda made my big love speech beforehand…"

"S-same here."

"So uh… skip to the date plans then?"

"...Okay. There's… there's an amusement park that has a-a really fun teacup ride. We could… we could ride that, and the-the Ferris wheel, and-and stuff?"

...That sounds perfect. Really, I mean it, I just… thanks. For-for feeling the same… you know."

"Heh, here I was, about to thank you. You've… you've seen me at my worst, and you still…"

"Even at your worst, you're still the best. ...That was so cheesy, please forget I ever said that."

Sayaka giggled, and did a small hop so she'd be right in front of Kyoko's face. "Nope! That was really sweet! It's gonna stay here in my head so that I can squeal about it tonight in my bed."

"Heh. Course it is."

"...So. You said there was a protocol for this. Savior gets a kiss? Well, I saved you, you saved me… I think we uh… both deserve kisses, right?" Once again, their faces burned crimson.

"U-uh, y-yeah, of course! That's… that's how these stories with hope and courage and love are supposed to end, right? Heheheh…" Sayaka slowly leaned in, and Kyoko followed her lead, until finally…

It was the perfect fairytale ending.

A/N: After only four months, a new oneshot! GASP. Anyway, this was based an ask sent to my Tumblr that goes thusly: "Nurse Me-Kyoko and Sayaka." Thanks once more to my editor Professor-Piggy. Hope you liked!