Charlie sighed with relief as she and Nyota filed out of the building. "Thank you again for letting me borrow your book. I don't know how I am going to pass the exam without it."

"No problem. It's in my room, if you don't mind the walk."

"Not at all," she replied. Suddenly, a smirk appeared on her face. "By the way, being there for the Kobayashi Maru reminded me that I have another very important question for you: are you and the commander still an item?"

"Do you want me to lend you my book or not?"

"Don't be so touchy – I'm just curious! We're friends and I feel like we should discuss these sorts of things with each other. It's merely a suggestion."

"You don't seem interested in discussing your relationship. However, for your information, Commander Spock and I are still together."

"Hey, if you want to know anything about Ryan, you are perfectly welcome to ask." Her face pinched up a little bit. "I still can't imagine dating a Vulcan, though. I mean, I don't have anything against him but…"

"But?" she asked tersely.

Since Nyota was beginning to get tense, Charlie decided to drop the subject. "Never mind."

The two friends arrived at Lt. Uhura's room and opened the door. Inside, they found Uhura's roommate with a man, which wouldn't have been so startling had it not been Ryan – Charlie's boyfriend.

"Ryan, what the hell are you doing?" she demanded.

"Charlie? What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing on top of Gaila? Put your damn pants on!" Her body was shaking, but she was trying to control herself. It wouldn't do to just fly off the handle in Nyota's room.

"You too, Gaila," Uhura demanded, pulling the Orion girl out of the room to give Charlie and Ryan some privacy.

"Why?" Charlie demanded. Ryan began to sputter and turn even more red than he already was, but Charlie quickly put an end to it. "I have the right to know. Why, after four years together, did you decide to cheat on me. With her of all people! You realize that she has slept with half of the academy!"

"Leave Gaila out of this, Charlie." Despite the imminent destruction of their relationship, his face was stone hard, uncaring. "Our relationship has problems which you simply refuse to acknowledge."

"What problems. We've happily been together four years and I assumed that our relationship was going to turn into…" she waited for him to finish her thought, as he so often did.

"Turn into what? Marriage? Charlie, you're a medical officer in star fleet and we both know what that means."

"No we don't. You're in star fleet, too."

"I'm a JAG and probably will never be assigned off planet. As a medical officer, you will probably be off planet fairly often."

"I had assumed that we would work through that. It's not uncommon anymore."

"Look, Charlie, I care about you a lot but you can't give me what I want. I want someone who's going to always be there for me. Beyond that, I'm bored. You used to keep me on my toes and everything was an exciting adventure and now all you have time for is your exams."

"I'm not exciting enough for you? What would you suggest? That I quite star fleet and opt for a career in chainsaw juggling?" Acidic sarcasm dripped off her lips like venom.

"Gaila's entering the annual student boxing tournament. You probably haven't heard of it since you've never broken a rule in your life, but it's held every year and kept secret from the staff." He handed her an invitation which he had received. "Look, Charlie, it's been great, but we just aren't going to work anymore. I guess that now is as good a time as ever for a clean break." His face was still as hard and cold as it had been throughout the entire conversation when he left her in the room alone.

Charlie stared at the boxing tournament invitation that was crumpled in her hands. Fine. If Ryan wanted her to be more exciting, then she could be more exciting.

McCoy's P.O.V.

"Jim, I don't know if this is such a good idea. This entire thing has to violate at least thirty academy rules and if we get caught here, I'm not sure what they're going to do with us."

"Relax, Bones, have a beer. And, be prepared to make bets on the fighters. What could be better than watching a bunch of half-naked women beat the shit out of each other?"

After they had both had a beer, McCoy's nerves began to calm themselves, and Jim Kirk placed his bet on the Orion girl named Gaila. As the tournament wore on, it began to become clear that Kirk's bet was a good one. The Orion girl had not been beaten by one opponent yet and there was only one girl left.

"Charlie Jacobs, let's see if you can break Gaila's streak," came the voice of the announcer.

At this, one of the women near Kirk and McCoy knocked back a shot and went up onto the platform, putting on a pair of gloves as she went. McCoy wasn't sure why, but once she took her stance, a look of absolute terror crossed the face of Gaila. However, it was too late to back out because the bell had rung, signaling the beginning of the fight and the new opponent showed no mercy. She landed blow after blow on the Orion girl and McCoy could not believe the power behind each and every one of the punches. Gaila hadn't gotten on punch in before she was down for the count, and she stayed down.

"Ladies and gentleman, it appears we have a new champion: Charlie Jacobs. Now, if anyone would like to challenge her, then they are free to come forward."As another girl put her boxing gloves on, the new champion downed an entire beer in less than thirty seconds.

The rest of the evening went on in a similar fashion, with Charlie winning time and again. Each time, she would drink another beer and McCoy was beginning to get worried. That much alcohol couldn't be good for anyone, especially not someone who was as short as she was. However, he decided to let loose for the night and ignore the doctor in him that wanted to tell her to stop with the beer. He even began placing bets on her.

Charlie's P.O.V.

The shirt she had originally been wearing had been soaked through with sweat from the fights, so she opted to take the shirt off and fight only in her sports bra and shorts. She hadn't expected for things to go this far. All she had wanted was to beat the shit out of Gaila and prove to Ryan that he had made the wrong decision. Although her vision was spinning, she noticed him staring at her in the audience. From there, she decided 'to hell with it!'. She was already in an underground boxing tournament which went against school policy, absolutely wasted, and half naked in front of a crowd. So, to top things off she decided to make Ryan jealous by making out with the nearest guy. At first, she didn't know who it was, because she had just grabbed the guy nearest to her. However, she only noticed after she had kissed him that it was none other than Leonard McCoy, who she shared the majority of her classes with.

She began to stutter a few slurred apologies, except she noticed a very familiar face across the room and he locked eyes with her. It was Commander Spock, there to shut down the tournament. The entire room went into chaos as soon as they noticed the commander as he was not known for being merciful when it came to rule-breaking. Her only hope was the drunkenly stumble out of the room without being caught by one of the many men he had brought with him.

She slipped out a back door, but before she could go anywhere, she found a garbage can to vomit in, silently cursing herself for drinking so much.

After vomiting, she was about to slip away before being grabbed on the should by none other than Commander Spock himself. "Cadet Jacobs, are you aware that you have just been apprehended at an establishment that is in violation of no less than thirty-three academy rules and regulations?"

"Yes, sir," she replied. Although, in truth, she was having a little trouble hearing due to how drunk she was.

"You realize then that I have no choice but to – "

"Could you please hold that thought, Commander?" she asked as Ryan slipped out the same door she had.

"Charlie, you have no idea how badass that was," he began before he noticed Commander Spock. However, before he could comment any further, she punched him so hard that he was knocked out.

"Cadet, you have just added yet another violation to the long list of charges already brought against you."

"Yes, sir." I should have just done that last week when he broke up with me, she groaned internally, as Spock hauled her away. On a positive note, though, there were a lot of other Cadets who had seen her deck Ryan. She hoped that they would tell all of their friends.

The next morning, she endured embarrassment after embarrassment as Spock presented his case against her. This evidence included a video of her, half-naked, drinking beer and planting one on Dr. McCoy.

"Please, Commander," she interjected, feeling nothing but chagrin for her behavior the night before. "Has this not been embarrassment enough? I accept whatever punishment you deem fit, but please end this," she begged. She could see McCoy turning bright red in the audience and his friend Jim Kirk trying not to go into hysterical fits of laughter.

"I still have three more exhibits to submit as evidence, Cadet Jacobs," the commander informed her.

"I think that is enough, Commander Spock. I believe we all get the picture of what occurred last night. And, as Cadet Jacobs is the last student we are taking care of, I'm sure everyone would like to hurry this along. This tribunal has only a few more questions. You are familiar with the Cadet's academic history?" asked the head of the Tribunal.

"Yes, sir," Spock replied.

"What is your assessment?"

"Cadet Jacobs had a spotless record until last night and the entire incident seems entirely uncharacteristic. Her academic record as a star fleet medical officer is equally impressive. It is due to her previously untarnished record that I do not recommend she be expelled. What concerns me most is her assault on a fellow officer in my presence. I hope she will explain this."

"As all in this room are now aware," she began painfully. "I was very intoxicated the night of the incident. I scarcely remember punching my fellow Cadet, nevertheless my motives for it." It was a lie, and she could see out of the corner of her eye that Spock didn't believe a word of it.

"I think we have all we need, Cadet Jacobs," said the head of the Tribunal. "We rule that you will not be expelled but instead be confined to quarters for a week. I trust that this is satisfactory for everyone?" At this, he turned to Spock.

"Yes, sir," the Vulcan replied.

As Charlie headed to her quarters, she was intercepted briefly by Uhura. "What were you thinking?"

"I wasn't thinking. I believe that that was the stupidest thing I have done in my entire life, and probably the most stupid thing ever done on campus."

"I'm sorry," Uhura said. "I shouldn't have left you alone. I should have talked to you." She stared down at her feet a moment. "I'm also sorry about Spock. I know he can be a little harsh."

"He was just doing his job, and this entire mess is my own damn fault for going after Gaila and Ryan. Oh, and do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"The commander suspects that I'm lying about why I punched Ryan. Please don't share any details with him. The last thing I need is for the entire campus to know that my wild night was due to a pathetic breakdown after he dumped me."

"That is very enlightening, Cadet." There was no mistaking that voice.

"He's behind me, isn't he?" Charlie asked and Uhura nodded.

"I am here to escort you to your quarters where you are to remain for an entire week while you are not in class."

"Yes, Commander," she sighed as she resigned herself to the fact that she had effectively destroyed her entire reputation in one night.

A/N: Just let me know what you think, I guess.