Disclaimer: We do not own Hetalia!
To our dearest readers,
No, this letter is not some message saying 'ha, fooled you! There is no Midlife Empire and we're done writing stories!' No. This is a letter of epiphanies, apologies, and assurances. Please read it if you love Prussia.
Four days ago we received a review on RVA that shocked us into revelation. Just six months ago we were nothing more than twin sisters attending college in Wisconsin. Now, we're practically a worldwide phenomenon. If you could consider us that. Bringmebacktolife was reading RVA at the local pool when she started to cry during a chapter. A stranger walked up and asked if she was alright. Back explained about RVA and he said he'd read it too. We never realized so many people are reading the story they might meet another person who's reading it. Thank you so much for all you do for us. We really appreciate it.
We would like to apologize for our last story. To be frank, it was a piece of crap. If we'd actually liked it, it probably could have been decent. But it wasn't. And then we ended up throwing a bunch of confusing stuff in there (like magic for the colonies) and we killed Prussia. In Midlife Empire, we are making it our goal to set everything straight. All will be fixed and chaos will be restored.
Yes, we killed Prussia. The beloved ex-nation we'd used to create a couple everyone adored. But do you honestly believe we would just kill Prussia without having a reason? We aren't that heartless. Don't worry, we have plans.
Hang in there.
Lot of love,
Castor and Pollux, the Gemini Twins
Onto the warnings!
We don't own Hetalia.
We have a lot of OCs and the characters will be OOC.
This story will be rated 'T' but it might change to rated 'M'. We never know.
We do not mean to offend anyone with this story.
A big hello to Dala, Medusa, Bhudda, Naru, LYS, Missy, Milana, and, now, Bringmebacktolife!
Castor . . .
And Pollux . . .
Are proud to present . . .
Enjoy! Please review!