Rating: M for later chapters (lemons)

Disclaimer: Everything is Rick Riordan's (except for the plot)

Chapter One-3rd person

After a great night at the movies, Percy and Annabeth were ready to go back to camp. Little did Annabeth know that Percy had called in a few favors with some of the nymphs and dryads he had helped during the Battle of the Labyrinth. They had set up a wonderful candle-lit picnic for Percy and Annabeth. Unfortunately there was still a strict 11 o' clock curfew. "Meet me in my cabin as soon as you can," Percy whispered to her right before they headed off to their cabins. Annabeth smiled as she walked to the Athena cabin, wondering what her annoyingly cute boyfriend was up to.

She was looking forward to seeing Percy again that next thing she knew she was slipping into her bed. She checked once again to make sure that her invisibility cap was still under her pillow. She waited until she was sure that everyone was at least partially asleep before putting on her cap and slipping out of bed. She carefully opened the door and sneaked out into the cold night air. "Gods," she murmured, "why didn't I think to bring a jacket." She raced across the cold grass as fast as she could heading toward Percy's cabin. Slipping inside she didn't Percy anywhere. Then suddenly an arm grabbed her from me behind and twisted her around. "I've been waiting for you." he said barely saying it before his lips crashed into hers, she could taste the sea on him.

She reached her arm up and grabbed his neck pulling him closer. When they finally pulled apart, after what seemed like a lifetime, he laughed. Oh gods, that laugh made her want him so much. How could she stand it? Her thoughts were interrupted when he pulled her close and gave her a quick kiss on the nose. "Lets go," he said, pulling her outside and behind the cabin, then into the woods. They walked for what seemed like forever, with his arms around her so she wasn't cold until Percy stopped.

His smile was the last thing Annabeth saw before his hand was covering her eyes as he continued forward, guiding her along with him. "Percy, wha-" "Shhhh," he interrupted, "I'm taking you to your surprise." After a few more feet he kissed her and then removed his hand. He watched as her mouth dropped open. "Oh my gods Percy!" she exclaimed gaping at the scene in front of her. They were standing in a clearing which had candles surrounding a blanket, on that blanket there was a picnic basket and a mound of pillows. Percy admired the nymph's work. Percy took her hand and together, they sat down on the blanket. "Told you I had a surprise planned." said Percy as he pulled a couple of Cokes out of the basket. "I had to pay a Hermes kid 5 drachmas for these on such short notice, but it was worth it," he said as he popped the tabs.