Well hello there, friends! It's seriously been six months since I've updated, and I'm really sorry about that. I'm in my junior year of high school, and I have tons of work to get done. I'm also trying to get my college stuff sorted out. I hope you guys aren't too mad at me, and accept my peace offering. Lol, I'll try to start updating on a schedule! Love you guys!

"Max, thank God. Where have you been?" Booth asked, walking towards the man.

Max pushed past him, heading towards the nurse's station. "Who cares where I've been? Where's Tempe?" As he approached the nurse's station, he began yelling at the nurses to get their attention. "Excuse me! I need to know the room number of Temperance Brennan!"

Booth grabbed Max's arm and drug him over to the waiting room. "Calm down, Max!" Booth said in a loud whisper. "Bones is safe. She's in with the doctor right now. Just wait out here, and when the he comes out, I'll show you to her room."

Max stayed standing for a moment, but then finally slumped his shoulders and sat down. "What happened, Booth?"

Booth hesitated. He couldn't tell Max what had happened, but he couldn't completely ignore the question either. "She… was hurt. Assaulted." He said.

Max clenched up again, and nearly growled, "By who? How bad is she?"

"Max, I need you to calm down and focus. It's not my place to tell you the details. If Bones wants to share that with you, then that is her business. However, I'll tell you that I've already taken care of the person responsible. He's going to jail for a very long time." Booth assured.

"Give me a name, Booth." Max said.

Booth grabbed Max by the jacket and spoke angrily. "You are not going to pursue him, Max. Bones needs you right now. She needs her loving and caring father. Not the murderer that abandoned her. The father that will comfort her while she recovers. Do you understand me, Max? If I so much as get a feeling that you are going to pursue him, I will throw you in jail. I won't think twice." Booth's voice was deadly, and Max knew that he meant business.

Max took a moment, and then nodded. "Yeah, whatever. I'm sure you roughed him up good enough anyways." He said.

Booth nodded. "That's what I thought. Now before you go in, you need to know that she is pretty banged up. She won't really look like Bones, but you need to look at her like you would look at her any day of the week. She needs to feel like things are normal for right now."

Max looked at Booth with a serious sadness in his eyes. "You're not saying it, but I know what happened to her. People don't treat regular assault cases with this much care. Just… just tell me that that bastard will be put away for the rest of his life?"

Booth nodded. "I wouldn't be sitting here if that weren't the case." He assured the older man.

In Brennan's room, the doctor had just finished his examination. "Well Ms. Brennan, everything seems to be healing nicely. I do need to talk to you about your vaginal area. You cervix have harshly damaged as you know."

Brennan closed her eyes and nodded. "Yes, I was told that I will be unable to have children."

The doctor nodded. "Yes, that was my initial diagnosis. However, your cervix, merely in these few days, has healed tremendously. There is still severe damage, but with time, I believe that you may be able to conceive." He said.

"So there is no chance that I could become pregnant from the assault?" She asked bluntly.

The doctor thought for a moment. "It is highly unlikely. I'd say less than a one percent chance. Your cervix is still highly damaged, and conception would be nearly impossible" He said.

Brennan shook her head. "Could you prescribe me an emergency contraceptive just in case?" She asked.

The doctor shook his head. "With the damage that your cervix has sustained, an emergency contraceptive will only halt the healing process. Again, it is highly unlikely that you will become pregnant from the assault. Very improbable, reaching the impossible."

Brennan nodded. "Okay, I suppose I trust your judgment. Have my blood tests come back yet?"

"Yes, there appears to be no sexually transmitted infection apparent in your system. There could possibly be an infection lying dormant at the moment that will appear over time, but for now; you're clean." He informed.

She nodded in relief. "Thank you, doctor."

He nodded. "I'm finished here, if you would like to bring your visitor back in."

She shook her head. "No, he went home."

The doctor looked confused. "Really? When I spoke to him, he sounded very protective of you. He left you here without anyone with you?"

"Yes he is, but I asked him to go home. I don't need him here. I don't need anyone." She assured more to herself than to the doctor.

"Dr. Brennan, I don't mean to overstep my bounds, but you were raped. You were assaulted. People suffer psychologically after something like that. It doesn't just go away if you bury it. You have to address the problem. And shutting people who love you out is not going to help you." He urged.

"I hate psychology." She grumbled.

"Just think about it, Dr. Brennan. Don't shut your loved ones out." He said, walking out the door.

Brennan sighed, and slumped back into her bed.

Booth saw the doctor walk out of the room, and stood up. "Excuse me, Doctor?"

The doctor turned around and smiled. "Mr. Booth, Dr. Brennan informed me that you'd gone home." He said.

Booth nodded. "Yeah, well I was just about to leave when Bones' dad showed up. He was really upset, so I calmed him down. Do you think she's up for a visitor? He really wants to see her." He said.

"Well, I think right now she is feeling very confused about how she is supposed to handle things, so perhaps seeing her father will help her figure things out." He said.

Booth nodded, and motioned for Max to come with him. "Thank you, Doctor."

"Okay, her room is the third on the left. Remember; look at her as if it's any other day. I'm going to run home and get a shower, okay? I'll be back in about two hours." Booth said.

Max nodded. "Thanks, Booth. You know, for always being there for her. I know things between you two have been really tense, but she loves you. And I know you love her too."

"Max..." Booth warned.

"Shut up, will ya? I see right through the both of you, so don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about." He said.

Booth sighed. "I'll be back later." And with that, he left.

Again, sorry for my random AWOL time! I promise that I'll try to get back onto a schedule. Until then, please review! Love y'all!