Healing & Recovery

*AN: Hey, ladies & gentleman, Sairahiniel SakuraAeris1497 here! What's up? I hope those of you following my account are enjoying the fanfiction I've been writing. I had an idea of a Zoom fanfiction after watching the movie recently and I wanted to do a Conner/OC fanfiction, set after the events of the movie. Please let me know if my OC comes across as Mary Sue-ish or if I'm not portraying the characters correctly. I do not own Zenith, Zoom, or any other references from the movie. Please enjoy & thank you for your time and consideration. Your comments and feedback really help so once again, thanks and good luck to any future authors and writers out there. Luv u!*

Chapter 1: Cure Acquired!

It had been 4 months since the events of the battle at Area 52, and everyone had gone their seperate ways; they had their own life's to live, after all: Cindy was in kindergarten, doing various school plays and using her strength to help out around school, literally. Tucker made it on the school soccer team and was adored by all his teammates for his goal saves. Dylan and Summer led a good love-life as the young man stopped making 'Code Dylans' and Summer joined the cheerleading squad, finally going from a loser to a popular girl in a matter of months. Connor, however, had a difficult time compared to his teammates. He still felt guilt and grief over killing his old teammates 30 years ago, almost killing Jack and Cindy, and everything in between thus far. Jack and Marsha, as well as the others tried to help him recover, but it just wasn't working out for them. They had all tried everything, but they needed someone with a better approach. Someone who had gone through the same kind of pain as Connor. All they needed was someone who could heal someone who felt like all hope was lost, a chance encounter, perhaps...

Jack and Marsha were sitting in the female scientist's office, thinking about how to help Connor. He had been having nightmares for the past couple of weeks, recently, and only sedatives made him sleep. They needed to find him a cure and they needed to find it fast before Connor began taking his anger out on himself. Just as they started to think again, a message came in on Marsha's computer. It was from Grant and it read:

'Marsha, Jack,
You are never going to believe this! I have found someone with special abilities while out and about in town. I don't know what to call it other than telepathy of some sort. We could find use for their gift somehow and maybe they can be of use to Zenith. The person I speak of is a young girl of about 18 from looks alone. She doesn't say much, technically anything at all, but she is very kind and gentle. She goes to the same school as Dylan, Summer, and Connor but she is never in their classes, or maybe she is. Who knows? I certainly don't. I will send her to you at 8 a.m. Don't be late! Other than that, good luck and please make her feel welcome. Go Team Zenith!


Marsha and Jack read the message, often doing double takes and blinking their eyes repeatingly. They stared at the screen for several minutes before Marsha gasped, "A new...m-member? So soon?"

"Well, Zenith's popular now, so who wouldn't join? They come for me, you know?"

"Oh really? I thought they came to save the world, not for looking at flab."

"Well, they do but-Hey!" Marsha giggled innocently at Jack's reaction before the laughter subsided into complete silence. The two stared at each other before Jack sighed, "So, we have to meet this girl tomorrow at 8?"

"That's what Grant said."

"Well, as much as I like sleeping in, adding a new 'family' member is a big thing for this group. We can always find a use for a telepath and maybe, she may be the 'one' that can help us with our problem."

"I like your thinking, Jack. Let's just hope she is the one."

"I hope so too...Well, I'm going to bed, so I'll see you on the morning. Goodnight, Marsha."

"Goodnight, Jack." The man departed from the office and made it to his bedroom, sleeping peacefully for the night. In that night, no sound came from Connor's bedroom but Jack still worried for his brother. Never in his life had he seen a man so scared of a distant memory. Connor had almost CRIED just thinking about those 30 years ago and it caused emotions and pangs of guilt and grief to his heart that were not normally shown to the world. Connor was depressed and needed a cure, but no one knew how to help him. Not even Summer could help him and she was an empath! Connor needed to see pain in another's eyes, to help someone who was struggling recover. If he could help someone else, maybe he cold heal himself and who knows? Maybe something good could come out of it. Jack smiled in his sleep, thinking about this mystery girl and how she could help Connor in her own special way.

Beep! Beep! Beep!- The noise was heard as loud as a siren. Jack tossed and turned as he reached for that stupid alarm clock. He squirmed to find that darned clock before he finally shot out of bed like a cheetah and slammed the button, ceasing that blasted beeping. He groggily rubbed his eyes down to his jaw as he rolled out of bed to get ready to meet the new member of Zenith. He did his daily routine of brushing his teeth, putting on a fresh shirt and pants, and brushing his hair (well, at least what hair he had left). He quickly ate in the mess hall before he met Marsha outside her office. The two walked to the lab together when Grant approached them, "Oh, you're early!"

"Yeah, we are." Jack sighed before he yawned.

"Where is she?" Marsha asked, looking around for the girl.

"Who?" Grant cocked his head, confused, before Marsha exclaimed, "The girl!"

"Oh, the girl! Right! Follow me and introduce you two." The two followed Grant down the hallway until they reached an ivory door. The door slid open and revealed a room where a young girl, technically young lady, was awake and reading a book. As soon as the door opened, the woman rose from the chair she sat on and greeted Grant with a chaste yet gentle nod. Marsha smiled at the girl while Jack just stared with his arms crossed over his chest. "Hello, my dear. I'm Marsha and this is my partner, Jack. We're the leaders of the new Team Zenith and it's nice to have you here. Welcome to the family."

"Yeah-Uhh-What she said! Welcome to the family." Jack stuttered as he struggled to stay awake before the girl giggled innocently. She struggled to stop the urge to laugh but found it difficult and let loose some giggles. Marsha looked to Grant and inquired, "Does she speak, Grant, or is she mute?"

"She is neither, Doctor. She is capable of talking but she's very shy and prefers to use telepathy to communicate. I hope this won't interfere with her teamwork with the others, will it?"

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Thank you, Grant, and we'll be sure to make her welcome here."

"Yeah, Grant. Thanks!"

"You're welcome and good luck." With that, Grant took off to do research or something while Jack and Marsha led the girl to where the others were: The mess hall.