I ship Callie and Brandon so much! This idea came to me while I was re-watching the pilot episode. Not sure if it will be a one-shot yet. Depends on the feedback I get! Hope you guys like it!

No amount of alcohol can wash his name from my mouth.


I see him every time I close my eyes. Lying in a pool of blood. So small. So innocent. So undeserving of death. And it's all my fault.

"Just let me talk to Jude for one second!" I begged, inching toward my brother, who stood frozen by the sink. "Look, I'm sorry about your car-"

"Get the hell out of my home!" my foster dad yelled. He aimed the gun at my head. "I swear to God I'll kill you, you worthless bitch."

"No, don't shoot her!" Brandon shouted. My foster dad turned around and pointed the gun at Brandon while I grabbed Jude into my arms and shielded him with my body. Oh God, Brandon was going to die because of me. Why didn't he just go to his stupid piano concert? He doesn't even know me! Why should he care if I die?

"Shut up, kid!"

Jude wrapped his thin arms around my waist and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "I'm scared, Callie," he whispered.

"We're gonna be fine," I told him. "I promise, Jude."

But I'd broken my promise.

"Leave him alone!" I screamed, praying I could distract him long enough for Brandon to get away. "I'm the one who beat the crap out of your stupid truck!"

"You should have stayed in Juvy, bitch." He laughed as he aimed the gun at my head. His finger tightened on the trigger.

This was it. I was going to die. "Close your eyes, Jude," I whispered. "Don't watch."

A gunshot went off.

Jude crumpled to the floor, a bullet in his brain. My foster dad stood over his body and laughed until Stef burst into the house and shot him twice in the chest.

He still had a smile on his face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Brandon.

"I wanted to check on you," he said. He sat down beside me on my bed. "I was worried about you, Cal."

I took a long drink from the bottle. It burned my throat like acid. "How sweet of you," I muttered.

"Are you okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm great! I kind of wish my brother wasn't dead, but other than that I'm awesome."

Brandon sighed. "Yeah, that was a stupid question." He put his hand on my knee and smiled sadly at me. He noticed the bottle in my hand. "Are you drunk?"

I laughed and handed the bottle to him. "Maybe. Want a drink?"

"You know my mom's a cop, right?"

"Don't you ever break the rules? Do something bad for once? Stef doesn't have to know."

Brandon gently took the bottle from me and set it on the dresser. "I think you've had enough to drink. You should get some sleep."

Sleeping meant nightmares. Nightmares meant reliving Jude's death over and over again.

"You know, beds are good for other activities…" I slid my hand up his thigh.

Brandon laughed nervously and removed my hand. "Um…Callie, I know you're hurting. I miss Jude too. But this would be a…mistake."

I frowned. "Look, I know I'm not Talya, but I really don't want to be alone tonight."

"And I don't want you to be alone! Where's Mariana? This is her room too."

"She's sleeping over at Lexi's house."

I stood up and almost fell over. Maybe I did have too much to drink. Stef was going to be so mad. I'll probably get sent back to Juvy. Whatever. Jude doesn't need me to protect him anymore.

Brandon grabbed my arm and pulled me back down onto the bed. "Don't fall over, Cal," he teased me, smiling. His bright blue eyes sparkled. He tucked a strand of my dark hair behind my ear.

And then he was kissing me. His lips crashed against mine and my hands tangled in his hair. We fell onto the bed together.

Brandon lifted my shirt to uncover my stomach. He ran his hands over the scars where my foster dad had kicked me in the stomach. "So beautiful," he whispered, kissing the ugly bruises.