Reborn From The Ashes- gah, how amazing are the current episodes?! Jacqueline Jossa is one the best things to come out of British Soap, ever!
Chapter 10- the last chapter... Enjoy! xD
A few days had passed since the Jake drama and Lauren and Joey were finally happy, for now. She had a fear at the back of her mind something was just around the corner. They were hanging out in her room before work when Joey made a confession.
"I kinda have a confession to make"
"Go on, I'm listening" She replied, smiling at him.
"I've been looking at flats. Around here. With my sister. We are moving here" He told her, looking for a reaction, hopefully a good one.
"Oh, aye? Why's that?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"I thought that would be obvious, Lauren" He said, looking at her.
"Yes it is" She smiled before kissing him.
"Sorry to break the good mood but have you heard anything else from Jake?" Joey questioned, pulling away, sighing.
"Nope. Now don't kill the good mood, please" Lauren replied, kissing him again, pushing him down on her bed.
"Sharon just texted me saying we have a new barman" Lauren said, as they got changed after.
"That should be interesting" Joey replied, putting his shoes on.
"Yeah it should be. Come on, I'm starving. I want chicken from McKlunkies" She proclaimed, smiling.
"I thought it's meant to be the guy who is starving after sex?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
She shrugged "I like to break the stereotype"
They were walking into work after eating to see Jake in the bar area.
"Tell me you're kidding me right?" Lauren whispered to Joey. He sighed, raising his finger to lip before taking her by the hand to Sharon's office.
"You have employed my cousin? That's a bad idea, Sharon" He said, closing the door, sighing.
"Oh, Joey. Hi. Yes. I have. Impressive CV. Must run in the family" She replied, holding up a piece of paper.
"He's bad news, Sharon. He's been in prison. You don't want him dampening the reputation of the club" He sighed. Lauren reminded quiet. She didn't want to get involved but she knew she was right in thinking that something bad is happen.
"Everyone makes mistakes, Joey. I'm giving him a chance. Like you should be. He is family after all" Sharon replied, raising an eyebrow. He knew he wasn't getting anywhere and walked out of the office towards the bar. Lauren quickly followed as he charged towards his cousin.
"Right, I don't know what game you playing but I'm on to you. Go anywhere near Lauren when you don't need to be, I will kill you and that's a promise" Joey warned him, narrowing his eyes.
"Is that before or after I kill her?" Jake questioned, quietly but Lauren heard him. Joey grabbed him by the front of his t'shirt, slamming him against the bar.
"Listen to me now, get over yourself and get over this whole thing. What happened, I'm sorry, alright but at the end of the day, if I didn't get Jess a drink, she would of got one herself. She took advantage. She knew you wouldn't get her a drink but she knew I would. I was stupid I know but I didn't kill her. She killed herself" He told him, sighing. Jake pushed him away, angry.
"What crap have you been filling his head with you? You know nothing" Jake told Lauren, coldly.
"She hasn't told me anything, Jake. I finally realised you're the one trying to fill my head with crap because you feel guilty. Admit it, if you didn't go prison, Jess, she would be still be alive" Joey replied, crossing his arms.
"Shut up, you murdering son of a bitch!" Jake proclaimed, punching Joey. Lauren gasped, everything seemed to happening so quickly as Joey punched him back and a fight broke out. She didn't want to even attempt to break it up. It was getting violent and it hurt her to see Joey like this. She hurried into the office.
"Sharon, Joey and Jake, they are fighting" She said, a little out of breath. Sharon nodded, standing up and the two hurried to the bar when Lauren fainted. Joey was on the floor, unconscious.
Joey gasped, opening his eyes and seeing he was in the club. He looked around and there was no sign of Jake. He saw Lauren on the floor. He sighed and moved towards her.
"Lauren, baby, please, don't be dead, it's okay" He said, shaking her.
"She's not dead. Let her sleep. She is tired. We need to talk" A voice said behind him. A voice he hadn't hear in 2 years. He turned and saw the figure of Jessica walking towards him, wearing a long white dress. Her brown hair wavy and hung loose. Her piercing green eyes on him. He swallowed loudly. He had to be dreaming. This wasn't real.
"What the hell is this?" He questioned, standing up.
"Don't question it, Joey. You have stuff you want to tell me and ask me. Go on" She replied, pointing to a seat in the club. He sighed and sat down.
"I just want my cousin back, Jess but your death ruined any chance of that" He told her, his head in his hands
"And I'm sorry for that, I was selfish. I was weak" She said, sitting next to him.
"Yes you were selfish and weak but I didn't kill you. I realise that now" He proclaimed, sighing.
"No, you didn't. I killed myself" She said, taking his hand. It was warm against his. There was a time he craved her touch, loved it but now it didn't do anything for him.
"You don't feel that anymore don't you?" Jessica questioned, looking at their locked hands.
"No, I'm sorry. It reminds me of the good times but now.." Joey's voice trailed off, looking at Lauren on the floor.
"You love her, I know. I wanted to see you alone but I couldn't. She's part of you now. She's everywhere you go now. She's everything to you. She had to be here" Jessica replied, smiling weakly.
"I'll always love you, always, you were my first love but Lauren, she's something different" He told her, sighing.
"She's the love of your life. She's only been in your life a few months but she's the love of your life. You're gonna get married and have lots of children. You deserve happiness" She said, smiling sadly.
"So does Jake though. He is more messed up then me about you" He replied, sighing.
"That's the difference between you and him. You lost your way a bit but with Lauren's influence, you were able to realise what happened happened and now you have managed to move on. Jake is bitter, he is looking for someone to blame than himself. He refuses to blame himself but deep down he does" She told him, sighing.
"Can't you go and see him?" He suddenly asked, turning to her.
"It doesn't work like that. He doesn't allow himself to think of me hardly so how can I appear to him when he doesn't? You allow yourself to think of me and don't beat yourself up about it. That's why I am here. So you can make peace with yourself" She replied, squeezing his hand. He nodded, glancing at Lauren.
"I loved you, Jessica. I did. But I'm ready to move on" He replied, smiling when he felt warmth in the hand Jessica was holding but it wasn't her. It was Lauren.
Lauren kept a vigil at Joey's bedside in hospital, holding tightly onto his hand when she saw his eyes began to flicker. She sighed a sigh of relief when he opened his eyes, smiling when he saw her.
"You had me worried then" She said, smiling, kissing him gently.
"You can't get rid of me that easily" He replied, taking the time to look at her.
"What's wrong?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Nothing, nothing at all. I'm just happy to see you again that's all" He replied, smiling with both of them finally happy with their lives, for the next chapter whether it would bring marriage or children, they would do it together.