Golden Protector

Chapter 26: Day and Night


Ron burst through the hospital wing doors.

Pomfrey rushed out of her office when she heard the doors bang open with such force. "What is it?" She asked when she saw the Weasley boy standing in the door way.

"You have two patients coming." Ron answered with a serious worried voice. His tone made the nurse comprehend that this was more than just a Quidditch accident.

Madame Pomfrey immediately rushed to prepare two beds. Placing bandages and blood replenishing potions on a rolling tray as she asked "What happened?" The hospital doors banged open once again. She could see Mr. Potter being carried in by two uniformed aurors. She indicated for them to place him on the bed.

Observing the bleeding wound she said in observation. "What caused these? It looks like some type of animal attack." It was too late in the day for it to be from Hagrid's Care of Magical Creature's class.

"It's a werewolf slash." One of the aurors retorted.

"What do you mean they're wounds were caused by a werewolf?" Madame Pomfrey screeched.

"Greyback got into the castle." Hermione responded.

Madame Pomfrey was shuffling from bed to bed. She accessed her two patients' conditions and concluded that Potter was worse off. He had three bloody slashes against his upper chest. Granger helped her prop him up so that she could wrap bandages across his upper body so he wouldn't bleed out.

If the wounds were made by anything else Poppy could easily close them but a werewolf wound was resilient against healing magic. It was dark magic of the worse kind. It would just have to heal the muggle way. She hoped it didn't have severely affect to the boy's health.

Once she was sure Potter was stable she turned to her other patient who had been forced out of his animagus form by McGonagall while she was treating Potter. The boy was unconscious but it didn't seem like it was caused by any injury he had. Other than some bruises he seemed fine.

Luckily the Slytherin just had a small cut. Pomfrey furrowed her brows when she noticed its curious shape; a crescent moon. She could tell that this was more than a slip of a finger nail. The moon was deliberately carved into the boys flesh as if a mark of ownership. She shook her head sadly.

Though it was small it was bleeding a good bit because of its location. The pulse point was one of the worse places to get injured. After cleaning it she placed a cotton ball over it to soak up the blood and placed a bandage over top of it. Taking off the spell the boy fell into a natural sleep from his exhaustion.

"Are they going to be ok?" McGonagall asked as she observed the unconscious forms. These two boys had graced Hogwart's hospital beds too many times. Hopefully this would be the last.

"They just need to sleep." Pomfrey wiped her hands on her apron.


It wasn't until the next morning either of the boys had regained consciousness. After checking them both over Madame Pomfrey cleared Draco but she said that Harry would have to stay until his wounds had stopped bleeding.

Harry didn't mind being trapped in the hospital wing. He wasn't ready yet to interact with the curious student population. He also knew that once he was released the aurors would be allowed to question him.

During her break period McGonagall decided to pay them a visit. "How are you doing my boy?" She asked Mr. Potter since Mr. Malfoy was sleeping. More out of being lazy than the fact that he was injured. The only reason he was still here was because Harry hadn't been let go yet.

"I'm a little baffled. I never imagined my animagus form to be a werewolf." Harry said incredulous at what happened. He had only a vague memory of transforming but he remembered the surreal feeling of having the strength and speed to take Greyback down.

"Maybe your body reasoned that nothing else but another werewolf could take out Greyback. I'm sure if the situation was less dire you'd get different results." McGonagall speculated. She had read of some cases where a person's animagus forms could change to fit a situation.

"I'm just afraid to change in a room with other people now." Harry contemplated his fear out loud.

"If you want we can try it in a secure area first?" McGonagall suggested to make him feel better. "When you get better." She patted his hand and got up to leave. "I must get back to work."


Madame Pomfrey examined Harry's wound and deemed him able to be released by tomorrow morning in time for classes. She changed his bandage and left him to attend to another patient.

Draco rubbed the scab on his neck as he observed it in a hand mirror as he sat on the hospital bed. The wound had clotted over and was no longer bleeding. "Do you think it's going to scar?"

"More than likely but at least it'll be a cute scar." Harry leaned over and kissed the moon shape. He kind of liked the placement of it too. "Unlike mine." He gestured to the bloody bandage he had across his chest.

"I'll have to call you more than scar head." Draco said contemplatively. "Scar-Man."

"That is horrible." Harry winced at the name. "It makes me sound like I'm just one giant walking scar or some weird super hero."

"A man can try." Draco shrugged. "I'm sure Pansy will have some suggestions."

"At least my new scar will look heroic." Harry alleged. "Though you're the one who's going to have to look at it." He wrapped his arm around the blonde thinking about how the other boy would most likely be the only one who would be able to see it because it would be easily covered by a shirt. They participated in stuff together that required a lot less.

"I think they'll look sexy." Draco stroked over the bandages, avoiding the wounded area.

"I already think yours is cute." Harry retorted.

"So your scars are sexy and mine gets to be cute?" Draco queried sarcastically as he put his hands on his hips to show his displeasure.

"It's just the way it is." Harry answered as he kissed the frown off the other boy's face. His kisses started to move away from Malfoy's face and down his neck. When he reached the new scar he bit into it making the blonde groan. He sucked the pulse point, pulling back he smirked in accomplishment as he saw the hickey that was forming. His fingers stroked over the moon feeling the raised flesh.

Draco pulled Potter back into a kiss. The brunette hissed in pain when his chest hit his. He scooted back to put some distance between their chests but Potter dragged him back in so that he was straddling his hips so both their groins were touching. His hands moved down Potter's back that was bare other than the bandages because they thought the blood would just soak through a shirt.

Harry thrust his hips up to cause some friction between them. He slipped his hands up the back of the blonde's pajamas and then his hands moved back down and teased the waist band. Their passion for each other was mounting, and they were close to just mounting each other in the middle of the hospital wing.

They were suddenly separated by a spell to opposite ends of the hospital bed.

"Get back in your own beds now!" Madame Pomfrey snapped. "Don't make me use a cold shower spell on you. This a hospital wing not some brothel for you to have sex in." Harry scrambled back to his own bed. The nurse gave them a narrowed eye look before retreating back to her office. They didn't dare move towards each other not wanting to anger the nurse. Eyeing each other from their respective beds.

They made an interesting pair. Now they both had scars on their chests and scars in the shape of something near their faces if not on them. A lightning bolt and a crescent moon; Harry felt like they represented their personalities.

Not exactly day and night but close.

They made their debeau back into society at breakfast the next morning.

As they walked to the Gryffindor table a lot of eyes followed them. Many rumors had been spread about what happened by people who were they and some who just claimed to be. Some believed that Harry had even died in the altercation.

Some students had the paper in hand while they pointed at him

"What did Skeeter write now?" Harry asked anxiously as they sat down beside his friends.

"Surprisingly it isn't that bad. She actually painted you in a good light." Hermione slid the paper over for him to see. "It must've been because of that letter I sent her."

"Oh no. They have a picture." Harry cried in dismay. It was a clear shot as him as a werewolf tackling Greyback. It kept rewinding and repeating it again.

"Yeah well, Colin's brother was there and he carries that camera around for sentimental reasons." Ron shrugged as he refilled his plate for seconds.

Draco leaned over Potter's shoulder to read as he continued to bemoan the image. "Granger is right. For once Skeeter wrote something proper. This could only help you with the aurors."

"In what way?" Harry asked as he leaned on his hand.

"If the aurors try to press any charges against you for taking the responsibility of killing Greyback into your own hands, the public will be in outrage." Draco explained. "Skeeter makes it sound like the aurors were doing nothing and you felt for the safety of the public you had to do something."

"I won't get in trouble for that." Harry said with confidence at first. "Will I?" He turned to ask Hermione with an unsure tone.

She looked thoughtful. "It's really hard to tell. You did kill someone one in a time of peace. Since you are a civilian and not a part of the law force, you technically committed a crime of murder, according to written law." Hermione said thinking very technically about the situation.

"You mean they might charge me with murder?" Harry asked and his voice grew higher in pitch at the end.

"I highly doubt that." Draco rolled his eyes at his overreaction. "Greyback was a wanted criminal and would have just been sentence to death if he was arrested. You also being who you are, there will be exceptions. You are practically the aurors mascot."

"Thanks that makes me feel loads better." Harry said sarcastically to his boyfriend's version of comfort.

"He's right, Harry." Hermione put a hand on his shoulder. "You are the savior of the wizarding world. If they locked you up for a killing a known Death Eater supporter people would be rioting in the streets."

"I guess you're right." Harry sighed and breathed deeply to try and calm down.

"So when she says it, you believe her, but when I do, you shrug me off." Draco asked disgruntled, crossed his arms. "I'm your boyfriend."

"I'm so sorry my illustrious paramour, could you every forgive me?" Harry asked dramatically. He knew the blonde hadn't been serious in his anger.

"I will for only the price of a kiss." Draco replied back in the same over the top tone.

"We're in public." Harry replied denying his request.

"So, it's not like we're in a secret relationship." Draco said before he leaned over to kiss the brunette.

Harry leaned back with wide eyes. "Draco." He looked around as if to see if anyone had noticed.

Draco sighed at his modesty. He almost found it endearing. Grabbing the Gryffindor tie he pulled him into a deep kiss. Potter tried to push him away at first but then he melted into the kiss and started to return it back just as enthusiastically. When he was sipped some tong he knew that Harry had finally forgotten where they were.

Pulling back to catch their breath. "You won't go to Azkaban for it. So relax, everything will be alright." Draco said to reassure him before kissing him more sweetly.

A throat cleared behind them. Pulling apart they turned to see the potion master with an unimpressed expression.

"Hi Severus." Draco greeted his godfather.

"Could you refrain from doing that in public?" Snape asked with his no nonsense teachers voice.

"You mean can we refrain from doing it in your presence?" Draco asked rhetorically.

"Exactly." Snape nodded and continued his path to the teachers table.

"Good thing he came along. I thought you two would mount each other at the breakfast table." Ron claimed with a queasy look on his face.

"We wouldn't have gone that far in public. How much time do we have before class starts?" Harry asked turning to the Slytherin because he always carried a pocket watch on him.

"Not enough time for a quickie. If that's what you are planning?" Draco shook his head at his partner's disappointed look.

"What is with you two? You seem more sex crazed than usual." Hermione asked looked suspiciously between the couple. Once their relationship can become public they had not been shy about their public displays of affection but this was extreme compared to how they were acting before.

"We just spent the past week in the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey made us stand an arm's length apart at all times after she had to separate us the first time." Harry explained in a dead tone. "We haven't so much as been able to kiss each other good morning or night, since the day I woke up."

"There isn't even enough privacy to wank in the hospital wing." Draco commented like he was talking about the weather as he took a sip of coffee.

"So you are sex deprived?" Hermione raised an eyebrow. She was never able to understand boy's need for constant sexual release. With two males in a relationship together they must be insatiable. "Hurry up and eat. Class will be starting soon." Hermione reminded them of the diminishing time frame.

"Alright." Ron said to show he heard her. Grabbing a couple biscuits he stuffed them in his robe later for a snack.

They all stood up and made their way to double potions.


It felt weird being back in classes. Even though he had only been in the hospital wing for a week it felt like he had been gone a whole month. Harry tried to go through the normal motions.

Like usual Snape paired Malfoy and Potter together. It was too much trouble for him to redo his usual fallback seating arrangement.

Draco prepared the cauldron while Harry fetched the ingredients. They were making a simple blood replenishing potion. Harry had just started to chop the ingredients when there was a knock at the class room door.

Snape walked over and answered it. "What?" He asked, annoyed that someone had dared to disturb his class.

"Mr. Potter is wanted in the headmistress' office." The random student claimed.

"What for?" Snape asked with narrowed eyes.

"Some aurors are here who wish to ask him some questions." The boy answered. Snape nodded and signaled that the boy could leave.

"They certainly didn't waste any time." Harry commented as he stood and started to pack his things back into his bag.

"Just remember you did nothing wrong and you'll be fine." Draco said to comfort him. Seeing his nervous expression he grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into a light lip lock, pulling back quickly. "A kiss for good luck." The blonde claimed with a smirk.

"Draco!" Snape cried at the act of affection in his presence.

"Sorry." Draco apologized and raised both his hands in the air like it was a stickup; to show he wasn't touching Potter anymore.

"Hopefully I won't be long." Harry slung his bag over his shoulder and left the class room quickly so that they could get back to work.


Harry ascended the steps to the headmistress's office. Knocking on the door he waited until he was granted entrance. Stepping in he observed the room's occupants. Of course McGonagall was there but it was the two nameless aurors he was sizing up. One was tall and skinny while the other had a large mustache.

"If this is about me killing Greyback it was self-defense." Harry claimed defensively. "You can't arrest me for that."

"The incident with Greyback is why we are here but there is no mention of arresting you." The auror that was tall and skinny assured him. "Since you are actually an honorary auror at the time of the incident and you were protecting your charge from the assailant, there will be no charges pressed against you."

"I actually forgot that." Harry sighed in relief. So he will not get treated as a civilian.

"But like any death caused in the line of duty, paper work will have to be filed. If you were an actual recruit you would be removed from the line of duty and re-evaluated." The auror with a mustache explained the circumstances. "This is a special case though, so we just want to ask you a couple questions about your state of mind at the time. Let us introduce ourselves, my name is Snider and this is my partner Henry."

"Oh, ok." Harry nodded in agreement and took a seat. "You know that when he threatened to snap Draco's neck that I panicked and actually managed to transform into a werewolf myself." He started.

"Yes, that has been front page news of the Prophet all week. It is second hand information though so we want to hear it from you." Henry exclaimed. "How did you manage that?"

"Well, all semester I have been taking an Animagus course with Professor McGonagall." He nodded at the Head Mistress. "I had been close for weeks to successfully trans forming. This must have just finally given me the final push. Though I don't think a werewolf is my form."

"Why do you think this unusual occurrence happened?" The Snider asked while writing on his note pad.

"If I may intrude." McGonagall raised a hand to show she wanted to speak. "As an expert in transfiguration, it is my opinion that his magic judged the situation and it must have concluded that nothing but another werewolf could survive the confrontation. I think Mr. Potter's animagus form is in the dog family and it was pushed further than normal. It is unlikely to happen again"

"It is claimed that you broke Greyback's neck." The auror Henry asked.

"When I was fighting Greyback I felt this, animal instinct take over. It was kill or be killed. I never would have done that in my right frame of mind." Harry

"You were injured during the fight?" The auror Snider asked reading over his notes.

"Yes, a scratch across the chest." Harry answered, gesturing to his shirt that covered the bandages.

"Were you infected by the attack in any way? Any change in eating habits or aggressiveness?" Henry asked curiously.

"So far no, though it may be too hard to tell." Harry shrugged as he thought back to his actions the past week. "Madame Pomfrey was surprised because of the size of the wound that I didn't show any ill effects. She suspects it's because I was a werewolf when I got it so it must have been nullified when I transformed back to normal."

"That will be all. We'll file the report and have this done with." Snider stood and put his notepad away.

"We hope to see you in training camp this summer." They shook his hand as they got up to leave. Flooing back to the ministry to file their report.

Harry got out just in time for the beginning of lunch.


It was close to curfew but Harry was making his way out of Gryffindor tower. Since he had Pure Blood culture class that after noon he'd only seen Draco for a small time during lunch before he had to go to Muggle studies himself. The blonde had invited him to spend the night.

While they had been eating with their friends Draco had leaned over and whispered what he wanted to do with him in his ear. Harry wouldn't be surprised if he looked like a tomato after he was blushing so deeply.

Harry was making his way through the charms corridor when he heard someone cast "Acio invisibility cloak." He tried to grab the fabric but it was ripped away before he could. He huffed when he saw who it was.

"Go back to your own rooms Potter." Snape stood with an unimpressed expression on his face. He had found it suspicious when his god son was trying to rush him out of his chambers like he was expecting someone. He stood in an alcove and waited for the approaching footsteps.

"But… we were just." Harry couldn't really think of any excuse why he would be here after curfew. The truth kept coming to the forefront of his mind. Malfoy had invited him here tonight so they could finally have sex.

"No buts. Go." Snape was unshakable. He knew what the two boys were planning on doing together. It was easier when they hated each other. Throwing the invisibility cloak at the boy. He watched in satisfaction when Potter retreated back to the lion's den.

The portrait hole opened and Draco peaked out. When he saw his godfather still standing there and his boyfriends disappearing form he stomped his foot. "You ruin everything!" He exclaimed and then slammed the portrait closed with force.

Severus rolled his eyes. Teenagers are so dramatic. He returned back to his chambers for a nightcap.


Since O.W.L exams were coming up in two months of course Hermione was demanding they study religiously in the library. Ron and Harry knew it was futile to argue with her, since Malfoy was dating Potter he was dragged along to these long dragged out sessions.

Draco knew that his studies were important but this was just ridiculous. His marks were the second highest in the whole school and he even found these sessions unbearable. He was wishing for anything that could get him out of this.

He felt a tap on his shoulder, a first year Hufflepuff was there. "Head Mistress McGonagall wishes to speak to you." The boy said his reason for being there.

"I guess I better go see what she wants." Draco exclaimed as he pushed his chair out from the table trying not to show how excited he was to get out of there.

"I'll go with you." Harry claimed as he tried to escape.

"Sit back down. " Hermione commanded him aggressively. "You don't have the marks to be slacking off with your n.e.w.t.s coming up so soon." Harry sat back down with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Draco kissed Potter on the cheek and practically skipped out of the library. He was all happy for the excuse until he found it the real reason for it.


"What do you mean I have to move out of my quarters?" Draco asked aghast sitting in front of the headmistress's desk.

"I am ordering you to move into your new teachers' quarters in the Dungeon. You don't need all that room for just you. We are getting a new Muggle studies teacher and she needs those rooms for her daughter." McGonagall informed him.

"I've seen those rooms before and they have nothing on actual teacher quarters." Draco exclaimed with dread.

"When you become a full teacher you'll get upgraded." McGonagall brushed off his complaints. "Remember come graduation you will be a member of Hogwarts faculty. Staying in these rooms are part of the process."

"I know." Draco sighed as he got up to leave. Accepting defeat in the matter.

"I'll have Snape show you your new room." The Headmistress called after her student.


Harry knocked on the door.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Draco greeted as he opened the door. "Really I mean humble." He gestured to the room that only held a bed, fireplace and desk.

"It may only have the bare essentials and it's below your standards but you won't have to live here for long. We should start looking for a house." Harry suggested as he sat on the bed.

"As fast as we can." Draco nodded enthusiastically as he looked around his new rooms. "I miss having a window already." The blonde complained.

"You've been spoiled after a couple months with a window when for years you lived underground in the dungeon." Harry mocked the blonde.

"The Slytherin dorm rooms had windows that looked into the lake. Still windows." Draco replied defensively.

To shut him up Harry leaned in and kissed him. Malfoy walked in between his legs and cupped his face and deepened the kiss. He put his his arms around the Slytherin's waist. Since the blonde had already gotten ready for bed he was only wearing his silk pajamas so he could feel is muscles shifting under the thin material.

Harry pulled back to catch his breath. He pushed Malfoy away lightly and walked towards the door to lock it.

"Why'd you stop?" Draco asked disgruntled about being left high and dry. He crossed his arms and tapped his foot.

"I just realized. We are actually alone with a door with a lock instead of a portrait." Harry exclaimed with a smirk as he stalked over and pushed the blonde down on the bed. He climbed on top of Malfoy and straddled his hips.

"I see where your going with this." Draco smiled and grabbed the hair at the hair at the nape of potter's neck to pull him into a deep kiss. He could feel the brunets fingers steadily undoing the buttons on his shirt. He shrugged off the material so his upper half was left bare.

Harry slipped his shirt over his head so they would equally be undressed. Using his hands he explored all the pale skin that had been revealed to him. He stroked his hips and them moved up to his nipples. Malfoy moaned into his mouth and then bit his lip embarrassed at the sound he let out.

Draco clutched at the brunets jean glad ass when his neck was then attacked. He was sure that he would look like a leeper by the end of the night. He ground his erection up into the matching one to show his need.

Groaning at the intense sensation against the blondes skin. Harry got the message loud and clear. They'd waited long enough in their relationship and it was time they went all the way. "Do you have any lube?"

"I'm a teenage boy. That's a stupid question." Draco pushed Potter off of him so he could retrieve the item from his side table. On his hands and knees he dug around for the bottle that should be in this drawer if he remembered right when he unpacked.

Watching the blondes ass sway in the air was too much of a temptation for Harry. Sliding up behind him he cupped the cheeks through the silky material. He could tell Malfoy wasn't wearing anything under his sleeping pants. Grabbing the elastic he slid the material away to reveal bare skin.

Draco froze in his search when he felt Potter removed his pants so that he was fully revealed to him. When he felt a hand stroke his erection he moaned and dropped to his front arms with his ass still in the air. He ground into the hand.

Smirking at the blondes positive reaction. "Where's that lube?" Harry asked as he removed his hand to spread Malfoy's cheeks. He stroked around his opening not daring to penetrate him without some lubrication first.

Reaching around blindly Draco felt his hand clutch around a familiar bottle. Thrusting the bottle at the brunet. "Get on with it." He demanded.

Uncorking the bottle Harry poured some of the liquid over his hand. leaning back so he could see what he was doing he placed his point finger at the opening. carefully he pushed it in and Malfoy moaned at the sudden intrusion. "You ok?

"Fine. stay still." Draco huffed getting used to the feeling. Experimentally he thrust back against the digit lightly and then with more power so that the finger would go deeper. When it hit something withing him he moaned loudly.

Harry gulped at the heat that surrounded his finger. It was a hug turn on to watch the digit disappear in and out of Malfoy. When he suddenly let off a loud moan he was worried something might be wrong. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No. Right there" Draco moaned as he fucked himself on the finger. "More." He demanded losing himself to the intense feeling. He groaned when the finger was removed from his body.

Harry put some more lube on his hand before wriggling two fingers into Malfoy's entrance. He paused to allow the muscles to relax before scissoring his fingers to stretch him further. The sounds the blond was producing was giving him more confidence at what he was doing.

"Deeper." Malfoy directed him. Harry understood now that the over the top reaction before was because the blonde had found the right angled to hit his prostate. Trying to recreate the same angle he thrust the digits deeper and hit the nerve dead on.

Crying out loudly Draco bit into the pillow to muffle the noise. Thrusting back he met the movement and felt like he was going to cum before they even started. "I think I'm ready." He claimed.

"You sure?" Harry asked removing his fingers so he would have his hands free. Pouring out a large amount of lube into his hand he covered his whole length. Placing three fingers into Malfoy just to be sure he was ready he met little resistance so he removed them satisfied. Sliding up behind him he placed the tip of his penis at the entrance and slipped the tip inside.

Draco thought the fingering had fully prepared him but this felt totally different. His whole body tense Potter didn't move because he could probably feel Draco's muscles tensing. He let out a deep breath he had been holding when he felt the burning feeling of being fully stretched.

"Relax." Potter told him removing his length and then dipping it back in a couple times very shallowly so only the tip entered. The repeated movement got him used to the girth of the length. Feeling more prepared Draco thrust back lightly and then hard deciding to bight the bullet; impaling himself.

They both froze and groaned when he was fully filled.

"Oh my god." Harry exclaimed at the tightness and heat that fully surrounded his length. He had to resist cumming prematurely right then.

"Fuck me already." Malfoy commanded him impatiently. It spurred Harry into motion realizing he was just kneeling there. He lightly pulled back till it was just the tip inside and then thrust back in slowly getting used to the movement. It was surreal to finally be doing this; sex. He wasn't a virgin anymore.

Potter was slowly thrusting in and out of him. Once the burn had receded and he got used to the movement he felt like he needed more now. This slow climb was torture. "Harder!" He cried demandingly.

Following instruction Harry used more force. Trying to imitate the same angle from before with his fingers he thrust deeply and received a long moan to show that he had been successful in his calculations."So close." The blonde moaned. Hitting Malfoy's prostate repeatedly. He reached around to his front and stroked his length.

"I'm going to cum." Draco moaned as he clutched the sheets in his hands. With a final tug on his length he felt his release into Potters palm. The aftershocks of his orgasm rocked his whole body.

Malfoy's walls squeezed his length tighter when he orgasmed and he felt his own release follow swiftly. He emptied himself inside his boyfriend for the first time. Collapsing on top of him they both sagged to the bed out of breath.

"You're heavy." Draco complained at the weight on top of him once he'd calmed down.

Harry carefully removed himself from his boyfriend's body. He laid down on the sheets beside him and tried to catch his breath. "How was it for you?" Harry asked nervously.

They could feel the sweat cooling on their bodies.

When Potter pulled out of him Draco felt empty. Now that he had come down from his high he could feel the ache in his ass but it was a pleasant feeling somehow. It was a reminder of what he had just done with the person he loved.

"You'll do." Draco replied with a found smile. He leaned over and kissed his boyfriend tiredly. "Go to sleep." He demanded as he wrapped his arms around Potter. Not allowing him to leave his bed until hey had to get up for classes the next day.


In a room three doors down Severus grind his teeth. "Haven't those two head of silencing charms?" He asked the empty air with displeasure as he flicked his wand.


The rest of the semester seemed to fly by. Harry and Draco's relationship only seemed to grow stronger.

Before they knew it they were on the Hogwarts express on their way home.

It was a tight squeeze for them all to fit into the train compartment. Since Harry and Draco refused to be separated both group of friends wanted to be with them.

"Are you sure that you want to go to Malfoy Manor?" Ron asked gesturing to the sleeping blonde. Of course Draco got the window seat claiming he wanted to look at the scenery only to fall asleep on Harry's shoulder as soon as the train moved.

"Yeah, I'm not quite ready to head back to Grimmauld Place. I was actually thinking since Draco and I are looking to buy a place in Hogsmeade that I would sign the house over to your family." Harry revealed. He had agreed to accompany Draco back to Malfoy Manor so that he could spend some time with his mother

"Really?" Ron asked with wide eyes. "That would take a load off my parents. They have been trying to find a house big enough for all of us but they've all been out of our price range."

"I'm sure. That house is way too big for Draco and me. Your family will make good use of it." Harry said sincerely. Ron clasps his hand on his shoulder then turned to Zambini and challenged him to a game of wizard's chess.

"You're too nice."

Harry jumped at the sudden voice so close to him. "I thought you were asleep." He turned his head to the blonde who was still feigning unconsciousness.

Draco smirked and opened his eyes to peak at him. "You're really going to give the Weasley's the Great House of Black?" He asked as he sat up and stretched.

"Believe me there is nothing great about it. I doubt you would want to live there once you see it." Harry explained why he felt no loss. "I would rather it be put to good use instead of remaining empty."

"I guess so. " Draco shrugged the issue off.


When the train pulled into Kings Cross station they were surprised to see Mrs. Malfoy on the platform waiting for them. Her long blonde hair and fancy dress robes made her stand out in the crowd. She had a couple of aurors escorting her also.

Dropping his trunk almost on Weasley's foot Malfoy dashed off.

"Hey." Ron complained checking on his foot.

"You're fine." Hermione assured him that the trunk didn't even touch his person.

"I guess I better get going." Harry gestured to the blonde who was disappearing through the crowd.

"Don't be a stranger." Ron clasped a hand on his shoulder in farewell.

"I'll stop by to Grimmauld place to see you soon." Harry reassured his best friend before he turned and floated the two trunks behind him.

Pushing his way through the crowd "Mother!" Draco yelled as he ran over. Throwing his arms around her warmly he gave her a hug.

"I'm so happy to your finally back from school. The manor has been so empty without you." Narcissa whispered in his ear. She kissed him on the cheek and stepped back.

"Practically a ghost town with all several dozen of those aurors running around." Draco said sarcastically gesturing to the large auror escort with a raised an eyebrow.

"You know 20 of them have nothing on you." She retorted smiled with glee truly happy. "Hello Mr. Potter, it's lovely to see you again." She greeted him warmly as he approached.

Harry dropped the trunks he had to float over. "Mrs. Malfoy" Nodded his head in greeting. "Thanks for leaving me to deal with our trunks." He complained at the blonde.

"You're welcome." Draco replied with a smirk. His mother smiled at their antics.

Suddenly they were blinded by camera flashes. "Mr. Potter!" A random reporter called out from the crowd and others followed asking question about his relationship with Malfoy. The aurors immediately started to escort them out of the station.


With a pop their appeared in front of the gates of Malfoy manor. With only a touch of Mrs. Malfoy's hand they swung open to allow them entrance to the grounds. Harry paused to eye the albino peacocks and Draco grabbed his hand to encourage him to follow so he didn't fall behind.

When they arrived at the front step they were surprised when the door was opened before they could turn the handle.

Harry gasped as he saw the last person he expected to see outside of Azkaban.

"Father!" Draco cried and in rare show of affection he hugged his missing parent. Lucius was stiff in his arms at first but he relaxed after a minute and gave him a squeeze in return.

"Lucius!" His mother cried as she joined them in their embrace. It was as much of a surprise to her as it was for her son. "How are you here?" She asked cupping her husband's face.

"Let's talk inside." Lucius suggested. He froze when he noticed the other occupants. The aurors were expected but the other. "Potter?" Lucius said as if he was surprised to see him there.

"Lucius." Harry nodded at the man.

"Let's go inside. I'll have some of the elves set up tea." Mrs. Malfoy suggested, not wanting to have the confrontation on the front step.


The aurors scattered to give them some privacy.

"You've been busy I see, mother." Draco commented as they sat in the once dreary parlor. Gone were the thick curtains that blocked all the light

"I had to do something to keep myself busy so I refurbished the manor." Mr. Malfoy replied.

"Where did all my furniture go?" Lucius demanded as he looked around the now sleek clean surroundings. His dusty antiques were gone.

"Don't worry dear. I just put them in the Malfoy vault in Gringotts." Narcissa shrugged his worries off. The house elves had hardly put the tea tray down before she rushed into the topic of conversation. "I need to know how you came to be here?"

"I was able to get an early release because I gave up so much information on the Death Eaters actions." Lucius explained how he was there. "I'm still under house arrest for the foreseeable future but at least now I'm able to be with my wife and son." Lucius let out a long sigh at his situation.

Narcissa patted his shoulder.

"You look awful father." Draco pointed out his less than stellar appearance.

Harry agreed, the once very refined man was run down. He had bags under his eyes and his porcelain skin had taken a sickly grey tone compared to its former glowing quality. His once shiny locks were dull and tangled.

"Even with the dementors Azkaban is a hard place. Hardly any personal hygiene to speak of." Lucius grimaced as if he could smell himself. "It will take me a while to recover."

"When did you get back?" Narcissa asked her husband.

"Not long after you did." Lucius admitted. "What is Potter doing here?" Lucius inquired since it was bugging him. He was out of the loop of things since he didn't get the prophet in prison. Everything he knew was from letters from his wife and son. If they didn't want him to know something all they had to do was leave it out.

"Well you see…" Draco shifted uncomfortably. He thought he'd have several months let alone years before he had to tell his father about his romantic relationship with the once thorn in his side.

"We're dating." Harry blurted out. It seemed like Draco would take forever because of his fear of his father's reaction. He had no such trouble. If Lucius upset Draco though he would rip him a new one. Mr. Malfoy's eye brows raised in surprise at the new information he was just supplied with.

"If you'll excuse me. I'm going to bath and then head to bed early." Lucius said and stood at the same instant like he just wanted to get out of there.

"All right dear. I'll be up in a minute" Mrs. Malfoy stood and kiss her shocked husband on the cheek. "I just have to owl Andromeda about coming over for tea tomorrow." She sashayed off to the owlery.

"We should unpack." Draco exclaimed as he grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him towards the stairs and out of the room. "Good night father."

Lucius blinked in surprise. He'd missed a lot during his short stint in Azkaban. His son was now dating the boy who lived and his wife had made up with her estranged sister. Shaking his head he walked off to have a long bath before bed to wash the filth off his person.

'What is the world coming to?' Lucius asked himself.


The house elves had placed their trunks in Draco's room.

The blonde opened his trunks (plural) and magic-ed them back into the cupboards they had originally come from. "Done." He said when he was happy with the placement of everything.

Harry just plopped himself on the large king sized bed since he didn't see the point in unpacking all his stuff. Hopefully they wouldn't be staying here for too long.

"Making yourself at home?" Draco asked sarcastically when he noticed his boyfriend's position on the bed.

"Oh yeah." Harry spread out across the covers taking up as much room as possible. Until he was tackled making the bed bounced. They struggled together play fighting until Harry managed to pin the blonde underneath him.

Kissing him deeply and tugging at his robes to indicate he wanted him to undress Ever since that first time he hadn't been able to keep his hands to himself.

"Your incorrigible." Draco exclaimed flicking his wand to lock the door and put up a strong silencing charm. After the embarrassing talk from Severus that first time he had been much more discrete with their love making.


"Your father didn't seem too impressed with our relationship." Harry commented about earlier while they were basking in the after glow.

"Well it's a shock to his system. You didn't have to spring it on him like that." Draco berated him for how he handled the situation.

"If it was left up to you we would still be listening to you stutter your was through an explanation." Harry teased the blonde.

'I'll give you that." Draco rested his head on his shoulder. "I've just always felt this strong need to gain my father's approval and I know this is something he won't approve at first."

"Do you think we'll ever have his approval?" Harry asked. He was worried that it would put a strain on their relationship.

"I'm sure my mother will sort him out." Draco said with a smirk.

"I'm sure she's glad to have your father back." Harry commented on how happy the return of her husband made the woman. "At least now you don't have to feel guilty about leaving your mother alone.

"Now she'll have company other than me. I don't want to even think about what my parents are doing right now." Draco exclaimed.

"I doubt they are having sex." Harry replied.

"You don't know my parents." Draco shuddered at the thought of what his eyes had witnessed in the past when he didn't knock before he entered a room.


The next morning Harry was the first to wake up. Draco was lying sprawled across the sheets still dead asleep. He didn't think the blonde would appreciate being woken up.

He thought he would try and find the kitchen so he wondered down stairs.

He found Lucius reading the prophet at the breakfast table.

"So, you're dating my son?" Lucius asked inquisitive as he looked at him.

Harry froze at the question. He wasn't prepared yet to be interrogated by the protective parents. This was his first real meet the parents since he didn't have much relationship experience. Especially when that parent was Lucius Malfoy.

It didn't help that he could see the picture of Draco and him making out in the great hall on the front of the paper that the man had just been reading. "Yeah-Yes." Harry stuttered at the sudden question.

"How serious are you in your relationship?" Mr. Malfoy asked as he folded his paper and stood to stalk towards him.

"I'm very serious about Draco and I plan on us being together for a really long time." Harry tried to reply calmly to the interrogation he was being put under.

"You better." Leaning into Potter's personal space Lucius threatened. "If you hurt my son in any way they won't be able to find pieces of you."

"Understood." Harry nodded in understanding of the man's warning.

The ex-death eater sat back in his chair with reading paper like he didn't just threaten death to his son's boyfriend. Just in time for his wife and son to enter the room. They both took a seat beside their significant other.

Noticing the tense atmosphere in the room Mrs. Malfoy smacked her husband on the back of the head.

"What was that for?" Lucius complained with narrowed eyes at his wife.

"You know what you did." Narcissa replied sending a pointed look at Harry who had to hide a smile behind his hand at the couple's antics.

"You cut your hair." Draco noticed the distinct change from the day before. Now it was shoulder height and in a short pony tail. It was the shortest he had ever seen his father's hair. He remembered even as a child that it was half way down his back.

"It was too damaged to be saveable." Lucius sighed at the poor state of his hair. As the head of the family he was supposed to have long hair to show his standing.

"Its hair It'll grow back" Narcissa patted her husband's shoulder. "How did your last term of school boys go?" She said to change the conversation to lighter topics.


Andromeda showed up the next day with Teddy in tow.

"Teddy!" Harry cried as he took his godson into his arms. He chuckled as the once brown hair turned black to emanate him.

"Isn't that cute." Narcissa commented to her husband who just grumbled in response.

They conversed over tea a wide variety of topics catching up. Teddy started to get fussy after a while.

"He doesn't smell so he must be hungry." Andromeda commented. "Hold him for a second will you." Teddy was placed in Lucius' hands.

Draco knew it was a tactical move on his aunts part since their were multiple other people she could have asked. Even though Draco knew his father must have held him while he was a baby he just looked uncomfortable. It didn't seem like a natural action for the head of the Malfoy family.

Teddy turned and starred at the man who was holding him and Lucius starred back. He gasped in surprised when the hair and eye colour of the child changed to emanate his own.

Andromeda came back into the room with a bottle in hand. She walked over to retrieve her grandson from her brother in law. "Teddy only ever does that for people he likes. You should take it as a compliment." Andromeda commented noticing the new change in appearance.

Narcissa sat down beside her husband and kissed his cheek. Stroking a hand through his hair softly. Lucius softened under his wife's hold.

Harry was surprised how affectionate the Malfoy family was while alone. They were reserved when the aurors were in their presence. It didn't surprise him anymore the length Draco had gone through during the war for his family. Harry could tell that they really love each other.


It wasn't long after they graduated from Hogwarts that they received word of when the trial would happen.

Sitting in the stands in their finest formal robes they waited for their turn to talk. Draco was the only one sitting at the victim table with his arguer. He hated being referred to as the victim. Yes a crime was committed against him but did they have to rub it in. There was even a plaque on the table.

"We are here for the trial of Nathanial Garrott." The head auror announced to the room. Since Garrott had been on a mission when he had committed the crime it fell under the auror department's jurisdiction to decide on his punishment.

The doors at the back of the chamber were opened and Garrott was escorted in by two aurors to the chair to await his sentence.

Lucius glared at the man finally able to put the face to a name. He had received letters from his wife and son filling them in on what was happening in their life. When the letter containing Draco's rant about how he had been sexually assaulted by the auror who was supposed to be protecting him.

He slipped council members a couple coins to make sure the man got what he deserved. He wasn't completely free of his old ways. The auror assigned to watch him turned a blind eye since he thought the young auror deserved what he got.

"Nathanial Garrott, you have been charged with 4 counts of sexual harassment, 2 counts of assault, and 1 count of attempted rape." The head auror announced from the podium with his council for support. 'How do you plead?"

Garrott didn't have the urge to defend his honor and just kept quiet.

His arguer put a hand on his shoulder so it was Draco's guess that he had been instructed not to try and argue his case himself. Wizard Layers were trained to win at all costs. They probably made an elaborate plan together to spin a totally different tale from him.

"Will the arguers please approach the bench." The head auror indicated to the two lawyers. They exchanged some sheets of paper before returning to their positions by their charges. "Will you bring forward the first witness?" The head auror announce.

One by one they were called to the stand. Ron's firsthand account of the attempted rape made a strong impression on the council. Draco had to hold himself back from strangling Garrott when he took the stand and painted a tale of how he had seduced him and then turned on him when he caught a bigger fish, meaning Potter. Harry's follow up comments squished the idea from taking root in the council member's heads.

Once every one had spoken the head auror retired to the back room to converse and make a decision with his council.


The room immediately quieted when the head auror returned to the stand.

"We unanimously, find the defendant guilty of all charges of sexual harassment and assault." The judge announced to the courtroom. "Nathanial Garrott is to serve 3 months in Azkaban prison and 6 months under house arrest."

Garrott swore when shackles were placed on his wrists. Draco smiled as the ex-auror was led out of the court.


Harry and Draco apparated back to their new flat after the trial. They had turned down offers to go out and celebrate.

They had only moved into this house a two weeks ago. Many of their things were still boxed up because they hadn't had the time to unpack yet. It had taken a long time for them to agree on a house. Draco in true Malfoy fashion was picky. They finally settled on good sized stone house with green wooden shutters just off the main stripe of Hogsmeade.

"We need to celebrate. Finally we can put this all behind us" Draco loosened his tie as he moved some boxes onto the table to sort through them to try and find some wine glasses.

"Malfoy?" Harry asked for the blonde's attention and Draco hummed to show he was listening. "I accepted the job as the new Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts." Harry announced surprising the ex-slytherin. He had to save the box Malfoy had been sorting from falling to the ground and smashing all the breakable glass.

"But, you just entered the auror academy though." Draco looked at him in confusion.

"I made a deal that I would with the head auror but I never said how long I would be staying though." Harry shrugged, using what he thought as a loop whole to get out of it.

"So you seriously joined the auror academy and dropped out the next day? The head auror must be furious." Draco shook his head in amazement at his disrespect for the ministry. "You're crazy but I guess that is part of what I love about you."

"You better." Harry pulled the blonde into a deep kiss.

Draco pulled back to catch his breath. "So in the future I'll be the potion professor and you'll be the dark arts professor?" he asked with a raised eye brow.

"Kingsley was ready to leave. McGonagall mentioned she was scrambling to find someone to replace him so offered my services." Harry explained how it came around to this.

"We are going to be so cliché." Draco claimed thinking about their future together.

The End