Betrayal Part-1

"W-what?" Naruto couldn't believe it. The love of his life confessed that she loved him. It's to good to be true. He's thinking with his heart not his head.

"Yes, Naruto! I realized...THAT I LOVE YOU!" the intensity in her voice, her 'passion', further helped Naruto clear the doubt in his head. Naruto's head cracked, an his mind exploded. Shock, was written all over his face. His hands were cold, his throat was dry. His mind was trying to process was she just said, but he kept repeating it in his mind over, and over. She loves me! Naruto's eyes widen, and sky-blue eyes shimmered. Tears threatening to come out.

He grasped Sakura by the hands, and pulled her in closer to his body. "S-sakura? D-do y-you really l-l-l-love me?" Naruto swallowed the lump in his throat as he said 'love'. Sakura signed, and smile softly. "Y-yes Naruto. I love you." she replied. She reached to touch his face, but he grasped her hand again. He put her hands to his face, and cried.

Sakura watched as her teammate, friend, and 'lover' cry his heart out to her. His second goal in life 'fulfilled'. It broke her heart knowing that she didn't really love him. More like a brother yes, but lover, no. Her heart was torn in two.

"S-sakura...I don't know what to say?" Sakura touched his face, and dried the tears that where still on his face. He grabbed his cheeks, and drew him closer to her. "How about this?" she kissed him right in the mouth. Warm, sweet, soft. Those were the beginning feelings that they felt.

Naruto's mind exploded into a shower of confusion. But that was all washed away when he felt her lips. He closed his eyes to enjoy the moment, and pulled her closer. She allowed it, and pulled his head closer. Their kiss felt like it lasted for hours, but in the outside it was only a thirty seconds. Hey pulled away from each other. Saliva followed their lips as they separated. Naruto looked at her with undying love, but Sakura looked hesitant, before her look changed into doubt.

Naruto thought with his heart, not his head.

The crowd of Lee, Kiba, Sai, Kakashi, Yamato watched in shock as they actually kissed. Lee most of all was devastated. S-Sakura...He didn't want to cry, but he did. So he did the next best thing to hide it. "OH! WHAT YOUTH!" Lee put his right arm over his eyes, and cried.

Of Love lost.

Kiba smelled the lie, as well as Kakashi. It was obvious to them that Sakura deceived Naruto. She played with his love for her, and used it for her advantage. Kiba gritted his teeth, anger washing over him like spilled beans on your plate. I'm going to have a talk with her. Kakashi just shock his head in disappointment. fool. Kakashi thought with a grimaced face. If you act like that no one will like you. Kakashi looked at Yamato, and nodded. And I thought you matured...

Yamato suddenly spoke up after a long, awkward silence. "Naruto..." he called out, "...let's go." Naruto looked at Yamato, then back at Sakura. He reluctantly released her, and approached his squad leader. He nodded at Yamato, but before he jumped away. He gave one last glance at Sakura before leaving.

Right when Naruto was out of range, Kiba approached Sakura, well more like stomped over to her. He gave her a nasty glare, and said. "How can you play like him Sakura! You're his teammate! How can-."

Before he finished his sentence Sakura slapped him, hard. She glared at him with fury in her lime-green eyes. "Don't you ever tell me what I can, or can't do Kiba! What I do is my own business! Not yours!" she was prepared to strike him again when Kakashi's voice stopped her.

"Sakura stop!." it was more of a demand than an actual order. Sakura turned to glare at her sensei, but instead she felt like shrinking under his glare. "Stop you're foolishness! You're a shinobi, so act like one! If you are doing this to fill your own void of loneliness, then don't bother to drag Naruto into this!" Sakura took a step back as she clenched her fist. Lee was the one the voiced his thoughts next.

"Stop. All of you." Kakashi, and Kiba where the only ones surprised at how quiet he said it. He sounded hurt, but other than that he masked his other emotions perfectly. "Don't fight now that we are so close to war." Kakashi, and Kiba begrudgingly nodded at that. Kiba grunted as a respond before walking up to his partner, Akamaru.

"Let's go buddy." the dog gave a single bark as a response, and followed his master/partner. They both jumped away. Back to the Leaf Village.

Kakashi watched as the two dogs jumped away, he turned to look back at Sakura, and said. "Let's go Sakura."

Sakura turned to look back at her sensei. "But S-Sasuke-kun." she stuttered.

Now it all made sense no. She came here for Sasuke, not Naruto. He sighed to himself. How could I have let it go so far, without even knowing it. "Sakura..." he said with authority, but with a little softness in his voice. "...Sasuke is a lost cause. Don't let you're false love for him bring you down." he was meet with a blank stare.

"Sensei..." her voice was so quiet that Kakashi was barely able to hear. "...It's not 'false' love. I do love him. So that's why I must save him from himself." Kakashi instantly knew what she was going with. He shook his head slowly. "No Sakura. What you're doing is selfish. To both yourself, as well as Naruto. How do you think he feels. It's not about you as much as you think." Kakashi turned his back on her.

He tilted his head to look at her from his side, and said. "And even if you do meet him, what makes you think YOU will be able to beat him. Now, come on let's go back." As much as she hated it, Sakura nodded. She clenched her fist so hard that a few bones cracked under pressure. She forced herself a smile, "OK sensei.." she gave him a sweet smile, but Kakashi knew other wise.

Kakashi nodded, slowly, and jumped away with Sakura right behind him.

Lee watched the exchange with a mixture of emotions deep within. He slowly nodded to himself. New found determination wailing up inside of him, and he jumped towards the trees to catch up with them.

3 Months Later, Valley of the End

"Sasuke! You don't know how long I waited for this day to come!" the smirk in the raven haired teen further fueled the annoyance in the blonde's voice.

"Dobe! You know as well as I do that you won't be able to beat me!" Sasuke's smirk grew bigger, if not possible. Naruto merely laughed, which irritated the raven haired shinobi. "What's so funny! You think this is a game!" Sasuke's eyes flashed from red to onyx-black with every second Naruto's laughter continued.

Naruto wiped the tear from his eyes, and looked right at the raven haired shinobi. Not afraid to look into his sharingan eyes. "They say that arrogance is 'poetic'! I just realized how right that is! Your arrogance Sasuke. Is outstanding!" Naruto smirked as Sasuke's eyes flashed with anger at his remark.

As angry as he got, Sasuke stopped. It's OK Sasuke. Deep breathes. Sasuke smirked returned, and the annoyance on Naruto's returned. "All talk Naruto! But after this, no more!" with that the raven haired shinobi rushed at the blonde with impressive speed. He disappeared from sight, and reappeared right behind the blonde. The smirk in his face still plastered on his face. Naruto was the one who smirked last as he, too, disappeared.

Sasuke looked around the area in shook. He was actually surprised at how fast he had gottenin so little time. He actually smiled, not his usual smirk, but a smile. Sasuke was smiling. Finally a challenge. He caught Naruto's movement from the corner of his eyes, and punched his arm forward knocking the wind right out of him. And with him of all people. My 'brother.'

Sasuke ducked under a kick that Naruto threw, and gave out his own kick. Naruto tried to dodge while in mid-air, but he couldn't. Sasuke's foot connected to Naruto's stomach. The blonde haired shinobi's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and gasped. A few cracks were heard as he went flying to Uchiha Madara's statue. Sasuke looked at the crater, where Naruto's body went, with a smirk. He shushined out the Senju statue, and reappeared in front of the blonde. As he was about to punch him, the blonde haired shinobi's body burst into smoke. Shadow clones! Sasuke turned his head just in time to see the blonde with a rasengan in his hand. You can play it that way!

Sasuke formed the three hand signs needed for his move, and he grabbed his wrist. His hand shook as electricity started to gather. A ball of lightning appeared, and just as it did. Sasuke put the ball of lightning in front of him.

Ra...sen...gan! The blonde haired shinobi yelled out.

Chidori! As the blonde one, the raven haired shinobi shouted out his attack with equal ferociousness.

As both attacks almost connected, Sasuke reached out to grab his sword. He was about to slice at him when the Naruto in front of him turned into smoke. Another shadow clone! Grrrr... AsSasuke's attacked continued forward, he looked up, and a single rasengan was seen coming down on him. His eyes widened as the attack connected to his face.

Rasengan! The blonde haired shinobi shouted in triumph.

The force of the attack sent Sasuke flying into the cold water below. The Uchiha pushed chakra into his body as he landed in the river. He got up, and glared at the smug blonde one.

"All wet, eh?" Naruto taunted.

"Fuck you!" he responded. Naruto laughed to himself.

"You know..." Naruto began, " that I think about it your hair style resembles a duck's ass!" the way the blonde shinobi said it, further pissed the raven one off. But Naruto wasn't done yet.

"If you put your whole body into the river, only allowing your hair to stick out, I bet you will probably lose fan-girls that way! Just make sure you place a mouth in front of your hair, and it'll really look like a duck!"

Sasuke's face color changed from white to red in a matter of seconds. Anger, frustration, embarrassment? The list goes on, and on. Sasuke forced himself to calm down, before smirking, again.

"At least I had fan-girls!" Naruto's eyes widened at his implication, "All you had was ramen!"

Naruto's eyes turned red, and his nails lengthened. "You bastard!" Naruto jumped down into the ravine below, with the intention to kill him. "Make fun of me! OK! But! Make fun of RAMEN! YOUR DEAD!" Sasuke's short verbal victory was cut short as Naruto punched him in the face. He followed up with a back kick, followed by reverse kick. Sasuke went crashing down into the bottom of the cold water below.

The anger inside the raven haired shinobi reached it's all time high. He channeled a huge amount of chakra into his eyes, and it morphed into his Mangekyō Sharingan. On his left eye he had his brother's pin-wheel eye. While in the other he had the Jewish star. His aura turned colder than before, as he blasted a concentrated amount of flames, black flames to be exact, on to the surface.

Naruto stood onto of the water, anger flowing through him like a calm river. His ears twitched a bit, and he felt something hot in his feet. He heard a sizzling noise, and add that with the heat he felt. Somethings burning! He looked down into the bottom of the river just in time to see a huge concentrated blast of black flames racing towards him.


Naruto channeled his red chakra into is legs, and with a burst of speed he disappeared, and reappeared on top of the statue, just as the black flame came flying out the river towards the sky. The black flames stopped, and exploded. The black flames turned into tiny black flames, and they hit the ground all around the area.

Naruto looked down on the ravine just in time to see his rival stand back up.

"You brought this upon yourself Naruto! If you only let me go, I wouldn't have hated you as much!" Sasuke flew through hand signs before exclaiming. Fire Style: Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique!

Naruto just stood there as the attacks came onto him. E held his arm out, and channeled his blue chakra into is hands. Rasengan! He exclaimed. The fire attack hit the rasengan, making the flames go around Naruto, in a counter clock wise form. Naruto smirked at his accomplishment, but that was short lived as Sasuke came from behind with his sword drawn. Pointed right at him.

Chidori Current! Sasuke exclaimed. Electricity traveled through his sword, and continued t travel even after the sword ended. The electrical sword pierced Naruto's heart, but he burst into smoke, again.

Shadow clones again! Damn him. A fist to the face brought him out of thoughts, and down onto the floor. He tried to stand up, but a huge gust of air blew him away, falling right back into the river.

Shadow Clone Technique! Sasuke heard from mid-air.

Naruto looked at his clones with seriousness. "You know what to do." the clones nodded, and jumped away leaving only Naruto, and Sasuke there. Naruto closed his eyes, and took a deep breathe. But to Sasuke, it was an open attack. It's like he wants me to finish him. He smirked at that, but then his face turned cold. I need more power! To be using Mangekyō so early... Sasuke's hand was suddenly encased in lightning as he shouted.

Chidori Senbon! Tiny electrical needles raced towards the blonde, but he was prepared. A single clone burst with a loud poof, and got in between the attack, and his 'boss'. He took all the attacks without poofing back into nothing. But Sasuke didn't stop there.

Sasuke disappeared with a shushin, and reappeared behind the motionless blonde. He was prepared to strike him down when Naruto grabbed the blade with his bare hands. He opened his eyes, that resembled that of a toad, and gazed at the struggling shinobi.

He snapped his blade in two, and threw his blade aside. Sasuke looked at him with wide eyes. T-that blade was made out of the strongest material in the elemental nations! How can he-His eyes! An eye bloodline? Sasuke didn't have the time to ponder much as Naruto punched him in the chest. UH! It felt like I was punched by a building! Naruto grabbed the bowing raven by his hair, and threw him into the river, hard.

Sasuke went spiraling down onto the cold, now hard, water below. A huge blast of water, followed by rain washed the place away. Sasuke coughed a few times as he heard a shout.


Sasuke looked up to see the spinning ball of condensed wind hurling at him. Acting on impulse, Sasuke fired a low level fire technique on the ball, but the ball absorbed it. But it transformed into a flaming spinning ball with condensed wind around. Sasuke cut of his chakra from his feet, and he went down into the water just when the ball impacted into the spot he was at. The ball exploded in a flash of light, and flames. The wind ripped, and shredded everything around the area where the ball impacted. The water splashed, and splashed, until a huge hole in between was ripped through(A/N: If you have seen Dragonball Z where Goku does Spirit Bomb on Freeza. The after math in the ocean where there is a gaping hole in the ocean. It's like that, but smaller).

The force of the water was to much for the raven haired shinobi, so he tried to swim back up. But the current pushed him further down until his head slammed into a wall, hard. He lost his breathe in a process, and his lungs filled with water as he tried to breathe. To die like this. He was prepared to shut his eyes, but as he did, his world was blinded by a light. Pathetic...

Naruto grabbed the unconscious Uchiha by his hair, and pulled him up. He placed the unconscious teen on his right shoulder, and left.

Forty six minutes later. At the Leaf Village entrance gate.

Naruto, with the unconscious teen still on his shoulder, walked into the entrance with his head walked right up to the gate keepers, and said. "Mission accomplished! Akatsuki is no more!" a cheer ran out from the few civilians who heard this. The cheer attracted the rest of the village, and so they checked it out. More, and more of the villagers came to see what was the commotion. When there they joined in there fellow villager's cheer repeating, Hero! Hero! Over, and over again. Naruto, with the teen still over his shoulder, grinned like a fox, and rubbed his neck nervously.

"It was nothing." he said.

"I couldn't have done it without my fellow shinobi after all!" the crowd cheered louder at his modesty. But a familiar flop of pink hair attracted his attention. Sakura? He thought. She burst through the crowd with worry in here eyes.

"Where is he?" the crowd stopped as her voice stopped theirs. "I said where is he?" she was beginning to sound desperate, they realized. She looked around the crowd until she spotted a familiar blond haired shinobi with a raven haired shinobi on his shoulder. She ran up to them both with tears in her eyes.

Naruto expecting a hug, gently laid the down Uchiha onto the floor, and opened his arms a bit. But he was extremely disappointed when she ran right past him, and onto the floor where the Uchiha was at. She hugged his down form, further breaking his heart in the process, and kissed the Uchiha right in the cheeks, not caring about the crowd around them. Naruto looked at her with indifference, but on the inside he was crying. We been together for a few months. I thought we had something special. Naruto shook his head to get rid of those thoughts. No! She will not betray me! He gave one last look at the sobbing pink haired girl beofre turning away.

Naruto turned around with his head high, and walked right through the crowd. Even though the people around him patted him on the shoulders, and saying 'what a good job he had done.' He felt alone, he felt betrayed. Deep inside him he knew she was lying to him when she told him that she loved him. And now he has to pay for it.

Ignorance is a bliss.

Naruto walked back into his apartment with his head down, ad his shoulder's down. He had a pair of sake on each of his hands, and an angry expression on his face. S-she fucking betrayed me! Tears fell from his angry face, and he quickly slapped his plams onto his face. He slumped down on to the floor, and cried. remembering the betrayal she inflicded on him today.


Naruto turned the corner to walk to the apartment where Saukra moved in a couple a days ago, with flowers in his hands. he was prepared to take her out for dinner again. To treat her like a princess, a queen, a jewel. As he turned however, he heard a giggle. He laughed to himself. He rememers who gigles like that. Sakura-chan. he thought with a smile. But his smile dropped as he peaked through the open door.

'Sasuke(giggle) you-Arh!' Sasuke continued to attack her stomach. Ocasionally licking her belly botton, as well as tickling her neck with his breathe.

Naruto's saliva got stuck on his throat as he continued t watch the scen unfold. No. he thought with dreed.

'Give it to me Sasuke.' she practicly begged for him.

Sasuke gave a single glance to the open door where he caught Naruto's eyes watching their naked forms'. He smirked, and mouthed a few words that Naruto caught.

'Of course Sakura-chan I'll give it to you all night long.' it was too much for the blonde, that he forced himself to look away. He clenched the flowers so hard, that it burst into flame. He ran from the scene. With the feeing of betrayal on his back.

Flashback end.

Naruto looked up from his slouched position, and clenched his fist. Remembering the words Sasuke mouthed to him. 'You beat me, I'll destroy you.'

Betrayal Part – 2

Naruto walked through the streets of Konoha with a cheerful expression on his face. He whistled a few times until his jaw started hurting. He passed several villagers that waved at him happily, and some of his local admires that wanted an autograph. He signed a few before continuing on his way. As he walked he bumped into someone when he wasn't looking.

"Oh! Sorry about that." he got up before dusting himself up first. He looked down to see who he bumped into, Hinata. "Hinata? Is that you? I haven't seen you since...Pein'" he gulped remembering her confession she told him. "How are you?" he scratched his neck nervously.

Hinata looked up, and her eyes hardened a bit. But she replaced her look with a gentle one. It's him. She thought. Her thoughts a little dark than usual. She masked her anger, and calmed down a little. "H-Hi N-Nruto-kun." God I hate acting like this, but I need to do it. Hinata pressed her fingers together, and looked down. Her hair covering her face.

"H-Hi Hinata." Naruto stuttered as well. He looked at her, and his eyes softened.


'Because I've always watched you. Admired you from a distance.' the wind blew in her face, while Naruto looked at her with wide eyes. What is she trying to say.

'I LOVE YOU!' she rushed forward with speed he did not expect her to posses, and was blown back with twice the force. He heard her scream of pain, and his heart broke.


Flashback End.

I should give her a chance. "Hinata?" slightly looked up to see Naruto's struggling body.

"Y-es?" she 'stuttered'. She mentally gave herself a pat on the back for her performance.

"H-how would y-you like to g-get some r-ramen?" it wasn't easy as it seemed, but he did it. I asked her out!

Did he just ask me out? Hinata blinked a little, and lost her composure outside. She gained an angry look, and replied. "What did you say!" she realized what she said, and how she said it, and because of that she covered her mouth, and looked down onto the ground again. Idiot! How can you-.

"I said if you want to go get some r-ramen." Now it was a little easier to say than last time. Naruto though, was a little shaken by her out burst. Was she this loud?

Hinata 'blushed', and nodded furiously. "U-uh y-y-yes N-Naruto-k-kun." it was soft, and almost whisper like, but Naruto heard her perfectly. He nodded, and grabbed her by the hand. She blushed, for real this time. Oh, god! He's holding my hand! She shook her head. No! Have to get rid of these feelings. I must have my revenge for what he did to me!

"Let's go then." he gave her a soft gentle smile, that made her blush again, and lead her to the ramen shop, two streets down.

(A/N: I am really bored, to almost no inspiration for this part. So quick summary. He takes her to ramen shop, they talk. She giggles. More dark thoughts out of Hinata. Naruto had a good time, and Hinata pretended to have a good time. Now they are going home. Naruto is walking her home.)

Naruto grabbed Hinata's soft white hands, and took her out her seat. He was trying to be romantic, she realized. But he's trying to hard. Fool. Like darkness, her thoughts were. She complied, and allowed him to take her out of her seat. She stood up, and looked at him with a 'blush'.

"I had a good time Hinata." he smiled softly at her. She repeated his action, but not as soft as his. He realized this, and frowned. "Are you not having a good time Hinata?" he sounded a little defeated, and that made her smile. On the inside.

She 'blushed' at his attention, and shook her head furiously. "N-no N-Naruto-k-kun! I h-had a great t-time!" she said a little to quickly. Naruto nodded at her response, and lead the way to her house.

What neither of them noticed, was that Ino was looking at them with a downcast expression, and slightly betrayed. To late, maybe...

While walking Naruto decided to talk. Breaking up the uncomfortable silence that hanged in the air.

"Hinata..." she looked at his face. She looked right at his deep-sky-blue eyes, and promptly lost herself. Gazing right in his eyes. "...are you? Are you mad at me for not talking to you after Pein's attack?" she snapped out of her trance, and looked away.

Why ask that now! She was starting to get angry, and she didn't want to get angry, or else risk losing her 'plan'. She continued to look down at the ground, neither responding, nor looking back at Naruto's concerned slightly hurt Naruto's form.

They arrived at the Hyūga compound a few minutes later, with an awkward silence. Naruto looked ahead, while Hinata looked down. Both completely out of it, and both lost in their own thoughts.

Naruto stopped right in front of the gate. Hinata snapped out of her thoughts, and was prepared to go in when Naruto continue to hold onto her hand. She stopped, and turned to look at him.

"Hinata?" Hinata tilted a little at his tone of voice. Naruto's word were caught in his throat, as he watched Hinata's tilted head under the moonlight. So beautiful. He blinked as he just realized this now. Why did I just realize this now? "Do you want to get some ramen tomorrow?"

Hinata was shocked. She didn't expect him to ask him out again. And for some reason she got all giggly inside. She felt excited. "S-sure Naruto-kun." she stuttered for real this time. She realized this, and looked at herself in shock.

Naruto cracked a smile, and hugged her. Unexpected, she blushed at his touch. And she just responded with a pat on the back. An awkward one. But Naruto was to happy to even notice this, and released her. He pumped his arm up in the air. Earning a small giggle from Hinata. And ran off, not with out saying 'good bye'. Hinata waved at his retreating form, and smiled. She thought about the events that occurred today, and blushed. And passed out.

4 Months Later, Nakatashi District.

Naruto walked through the village with a smile on his face. Even though Sakura betrayed him, he was happy to find someone as awesome as Hinata. He walked through the busy streets with his hands inside of his pockets, and his head high in the air. He felt as though nothing can stop. Nothing could stop him.

He turned the corner, and his jaw dropped. His eyes bulged, and his heart broke, once more.

Hinata was in the arms of another man. Her lips were meeting the mans lips. She looked happy. Happier than when she was with Hinata. Naruto shock his head, and approached the pair, with anger.

"Hinata!" Hinata snapped her head, to see an angry Naruto walking up to her, and the guy.

"N-Naruto?" she stuttered. Shit! The man realized the situation he was in, and ran.

But Naruto didn't care if he ran. He just kept walking up to Hinata, with an angry face.

"Why?" his face changed from angry to betrayed, in an instant.

Hinata looked at him, and said. "I-I don't know...something inside of me-."

"Why?" Naruto pretended that she didn't talk, and repeated the question a little louder this time.

Hinata just squirmed under his gaze, and mumbled a few words, that he didn't understand, or chose not to.

"Why? You said you love me! Why-?"

Something inside of her snapped. When Hinata heard him say, 'You said you love me!' she snapped. Something inside her snapped. She snapped her head so fast to look at his form with fury in her lavender-pupil less eyes.

"Why? Why? WHY?" she shouted louder than the blonde. The blonde stopped his shout, and listened to her. "Because! When I told you that I love you, what did you do? You went with that pink haired slut! I actually thought that you'll respond, but you didn't! You didn't even talk to me!"

"Bu-." his reply was weak.

"No! Then after she cheats on you with that fucking Uchiha, you come crawling to me! Loke I'm a fucking rebound or something!"

"That's a lie!" he shouted back.

"No! It's true! But your to stupid to know it! You only stayed with me to fill your own void! You bastard! Why should I stay with a man who doesn't love me!" Hinata's eyes blazed with anger as she continued to spill her heart out. "For a while I was happy, I even stopped my plan to kill you...' her voice softened a little, but turned back into anger. "But! I realized I was wrong! I should of fucking killed you! I never love you, and I will never, ever love you! That's why I cheated on you five times already!" she realized what she said in the end, and covered her mouth.

Naruto gasped, and his expression changed. He gave her a blank expression before responding. "I see. You only wanted to hurt me..." he walked away right there. Hinata tried to say something, but she couldn't. Something was wrong.

He turned his back to her, and said. "For what it's worth...I'm sorry for the pain I caused you without even knowing." he left the district, not bothered about the crowd around them that watched the exchange.

Hinata's eyes shimmered, and she fell to her knees.

Naruto heard her cry of pain, but his pain was even harder.

The pain of betrayal.

After two times betrayal

Naruto has made walk to the hokage office. He has entered the office and see tsuande and his paper work

"Damn it, this paper work. It will kill me someday" Tsunade murmur. She turned look the blonde was standing over the door.

"Gaki, I not in the good mood, so please come another time" Tsuande said. But Naruto didn't respond. He still walk forward and stand in front of her desk.

" Hokage-sama" Naruto said. Tsunade surprised at blonde called him with some respect she stopped her paper work turned to Naruto. She recognised something two things his emotionless face and second something bother him. That why he didn't call him.

" Hokage-sama , I want some time alone and leave this village period of time" Naruto said. Tsunade eyes widened then she stared at Him.

" Naruto, don't play at me I will.." but Naruto cut off her " Baa-chan , I begged you give me some time alone" Naruto finally cried. Tsunade shocked at his reaction she get up and hugged him and tried to comfort him.

"Shuuuu, Naruto-kun, calm down, calm down. Tell me what happened to you and what suddenly happened to you" Tsuande asked. But Naruto continuous cried her chest.

" I can tell you, Tsuande-sama" Tsuande turned to see that Iruka standing over the Door. " But it would be between three of us" Tsuande confused but nobbed. Tsuande let Naruto sit on the chair and activate the privacy seal that no one can hear them.

" Okay , what happened to Naruto-kun ?" Tsunade asked. Iruka look at Naruto then Tsuande " Tsuande-sama , Naruto was continue betray one by one"

Tsuande blinked " what do you mean betray one by one?"

Iruka explained to Tsuande whole Situation what happened with Naruto. At whole story has explained to Her. Tsuande heard it an she got a shock after hear the story. She turned to naruto and look emotional less face.

" if I were his place I would definitely ran away just like what I did in my past, " she look at Iruka again " but I can't live alone. He would never find his love" She blinked " wait love I know the place where he definite find her women that he love"

Tsuande look at anko then Naruto " naruto, it is true what Iruka saying me" naruto nobbed his emotionless face. Tsuande eyes widened first she never seen any reaction her blonde. That means she was telling was true. Tsuande ragged came up her mind she would kill the girls what they done to his Grand child.

She turned to blonde sees his sad face but he came up idea. She sat besides him she took his hand and said " Naruto as per Hokage I never gave any Shinobi for left his Shinobi Duties but there is Mission that I know that only you can do and I will not send you any subordinate"

Naruto turned to small smile over lips " Okay what kind of Mission baa-chan" Tsuande smile " I sent you to Tokyo in the Capital City. First if you reach there and report me then I should tell about your mission" Naruto nobbed he stand up and left the room without any word.

" what Kind of mission do you gave him and without any subordinate"Iruka asked.

" In this Mission Naruto definitely find what he was searching" Tsuande said while Iurka confused what she meant.


Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto, toad sage and jinchūriki of the Kyūbi no Yōko, was sitting in a bus, quietly waiting for the ride to reach its destination. There was no one else on board except for him and the bus driver, who was smoking a cigar. Staring out and looking at the window, he couldn't help but admire the beauty of the countryside and the clear blue sky and started to feel at ease because of the warm sunlight. Today is a good day, he thought.

Are you that new person the Hokage told me about?" the bus driver suddenly asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, am I" Naruto Said. Thank you baa-chan you're great I think I could recovered my after what Sakura and Hinata done to me"

" if baa-chan is not old enough I would really love with her" Naruto blinked blushed appeared over his face " Damn it naruto what you're thinking. She is like my god mother. I can't think like that"

Naruto was dropped off in front of a bus stop of capital city with a pumpkin head. He was wearing a black strapped hitai-ate, with the symbol of Konoha engraved on the metal, and his sage clothes, In histhe scroll on his back was carrying a suitcase and bag. Dropping his bag and suitcase, he started to remember the mission the baa-chan Gondaime gave this scroll it has ninja equipment and other st

Naruto stand the bus stop of city of capital .Naruto's other things like food supply,new elemental scroll,his cloth and vice versa are cover in his in his backpack. He was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and black boots, a formfitting white sleeveless t-shirt, a black sleeveless haori with a hood, a pair of black fingerless gloves and an armband with the symbol of a leaf on a metal plate wrapped around his left bicep.

He received many odd looks, both because even though he was technically from this region of the world he didn't look Japanese at all. When most people saw him they normally assumed he was American due to his blue eyes and brightly colored hair. The other thing that grabbed peoples attention and caused the unusual stares was the haori, since it was pretty warm during this season, along with the fact that most people simply didn't wear more traditional clothing like that now a days. Not that the looks he received would cause him to change the style he had been wearing for most of his life.

So what do I do now? He wondered as he slowly made his way back to his apartment. Do I go home and try something else or do I stay here in Tokyo and give it one more go?

"Hey move it!" An angry woman shouted.

Naruto just had time enough to turn around to spot the incredible sight of two women running at him in matching leather S&M gear. Running past he was knocked down by the one in the violet outfit without seeming to even be noticed.

"Gomen!" The second girl, the one in the pink leather, shouted to him from over her shoulder. She then turned to the other girl. "Why did we attack a single number?! We're going to get killed!"

"I didn't know she was number nine! I just thought she was another unwinged one!"

Naruto watched blankly as they vanished around a corner. What was that about? He got back up to his feet. " what the hell? This womens has powers? And they are so cute ?

"Look out!" A woman screamed.

He looked around but couldn't spot who was shouting at him. He then noticed a shadow falling on him and looked up.

Right into a pair of white panties.


Once again Naruto found himself lying on the sidewalk. He was momentarily dazed by the impact. As he regained his senses he realized there was a heavy weight on top of him. He also realized he was looking up into those same white panties that were only a couple inches from his nose.

"Uh, ex… excuse me?"

The woman who was on top of him quickly got to her feet and began looking around the now empty street. "Where did those two go?" She demanded. She then focused her attention on him glaring angrily. "Why didn't you get out of my way?"

Naruto was dumb struck as he sat there on the cold ground looking up at her. Naruto was sheechless at women. He forgot what happened with him but he continued looking at her. Even with the anger in her face she was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She could be a model or an actress. She had on high leather boots, black leggings that went about halfway up her thigh, a small white dress that barely went below her nether regions and revealed a lot of her ample bosom, and a long black cape that included long sleeves and a collar. She had long blonde hair draped down well past her shoulders and the clearest blue eyes. She was an absolutely stunning woman. Being captivated by her beauty he failed to notice as her features darkened. But she was more beautiful Sakura and cute like Hinata.

"Hey! What the hell are you staring at you damn monkey?" She grabbed him by the collar and yanked him up off the ground with just one hand. She brought his face up close to hers. "What's the big idea staring at me, huh? Have you got something to say monkey?"

"I'm… I'm… sorry for staring, it's just that you're…" he hesitated to continue.

"I'm what?" She growled.

He swallowed. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

In that instant Tsukiumi felt a flash of intense heat consume her entire body. Her heart began to pound and a momentary weakness she had never felt before struck. She let go of him and stumbled back a couple steps as though he had physically hit her. "Wha… what?" She clutched a hand over her chest. What is this feeling?

Seeing her face turn red and begin to shake Naruto took a step towards her. "Are you all right?"

As he got closer she felt the heat in her body rise. Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp as she realized what it had to be. Her body was reacting to him! That could only mean he was…

"You bastard," she growled and drew herself up to her full height ignoring her body's momentary weakness. "You're him, my ashikabi; you've come here to take my body!"

"What?" In the next instant naruto was somehow drenched. Even though it was a clear day a deluge hit him and only him leaving him completely soaked. And before he could even react she had grabbed him again by the collar and begun violently shaking him back and forth.

"You bastard!" She shouted. "I'll never let you take control of my body! I'll kill you first!"

"Wha.. what? Control your body? I would never even think to do something like that!"

"Liar!" She momentarily stopped shaking him and again brought his face towards hers. "That's what all ashikabi do! They take control of a sekirei and use them in whatever sick perverted way they want!"

"Wait! I don't know what an ashikabi is but I swear I would never treat a woman that way! I would always treat a woman with respect and kindness! And returned they betray me I would never even think to order you to do things! Not even if you were my wife!"

Her heart began to race even faster and she felt a surge of excitement at hearing that. "You… you…. you bastard! How dare you!"

"What?" Naruto didn't understand how the hell he'd gotten in this situation. Everything he said seemed to make this woman even more angry with him.

"How dare you, a lowly monkey, propose to me!"

"What?! Propose?! But I didn't…" he was cut off she began to shake him violently back and forth again.

"Shameless! Shameless! Shameless! To just say such a thing to a helpless woman like that! Do you think I would ever agree to such a thing?!"

"But, but I didn't…"

She brought him to a sudden stop. Still holding him with one hand Naruto saw a ball of water appear above the palm of the other as if by magic. "I know what I have to do now; I'm going to have to kill you to protect myself."

"Kill me?" He gasped. Is she serious? What the hell is going on here? "Wait! I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding here."

She launch the water at Naruto dodged the water with his great speed. As far a Ninja could easily do but as per normal Human can't. as Tsukiumi eyes widened as Blonde speed but she again attack her.

"Now, now Tsukiumi, don't you think you're going a little overboard?"

Tsukiumi looked up to see a masked figure decked in black sitting on a roof edge above her.

"We're not supposed to involve civilians remember?" Homura reminded her.

"This is different! This bastard is the one who wants to shamelessly ravish my body!"

Homura lifted one very interested eyebrow. "Really? So you finally found your ashikabi? Congratulations!"

"This isn't something to be happy about! He just wants to take control of me and then have his way with me whenever he wants!"

"Kind of sounds like fun doesn't it?" He teased.

Her face turned a very deep red as she sputtered trying to answer that.

"Uh, excuse me?" Naruto spoke up carefully. He was still being held by an irate Tsukiumi. "I really don't understand what's going on here, but I swear I don't have any intention of taking advantage of her. She was beautiful and strong women but what she was looking at good man that was not me. Homaru raised his eyebrow he read the expression blonde face "so he was betray by his lover but I seen he was betray many time. But I guess Tsukuimi is perfect one for her.Can I please just go?"

"Absolutely not," Tsukiumi snapped. "If I do that you'll just attack me later!"

"And how exactly is he supposed to do that?" Homura asked curiously. "You could probably snap him in half with one arm." He looked over at Naruto. "If she lets you go do you promise to never try and have your way with her?"

"Yes! I swear it!"

Homura sent her a questioning look.

"All right fine," she at last let go of him. "I had better never see you again!"

Drenched and shaken he stumbled back. Before leaving though he gave her a very deep bow. "Even though I don't know what happened, if I did anything to offend you I sincerely apologize for it!" he walk away.

" she is really good for you, kid" shut up kyubi. Do you think I can trust her after what I trust Sakura and Hinata done to me? I want let happened again me.

Homura noted the way Tsukiumi's eyes never left him as he fled. Even after he was gone from sight she remained rooted to the spot staring in the direction he had left.

"You know," Homura said casually. "I don't blame you for not wanting anything to do with him. I mean that guy is pretty homely."

"What?" She snapped angrily. "He is not! He is very handsome!"

Homura didn't say another word. He just looked at her as she slowly blushed again.

"Idiot!" She shouted and leapt away. Whether she was referring to her rival or herself she didn't know.