A/N: Oh my god, I am such a virgin. Yes...this does have a lemon in it. A very shitty, virgin written lemon. I would just skip over it and not even remember that there is a lemon in this piece of crap. Anyhow, this came to me while I was watching a documentary on prostitutes. Enjoy~
Feliciano sat on the corner between the most high-end restaurant in town and the Ghiradelli's. He may be a prostitute, but he's not cheap. Today, he was allowed to leave the brothel and work a corner. Being the only male in the brothel, his owner is pretty lenient with him. It is Tuesday, so business is kind of slow. He wore his "almost to the butt" booty shorts and his Versace sweatshirt. To complete the look, he put on his Versace sunglasses and his necklace with the big, diamond letter "F" on it. Feliciano looked around at the steady flow of traffic and sighed.
Well, might as well get comfortable.
He sat down onto the ground next to the street lamp and leaned against it. He soon found himself drifting in his mind. A lot of the time he found himself thinking about his life away from this. Away from the sex and the pain. Don't get him wrong, his men were always kind. Gentle, like even one touch would break every bone Feliciano had. However, Feliciano always had his doubts. He only ever worked at night, so he was always at risk even in the brothel house. He always thought about his family. He never knew his parents, but he missed his Nonno. A lot. His Nonno gave him the necklace he was wearing now, and he never takes it off. Family is a big thing in Italy and it's really hard when you don't have any. A tap on his shoulder startled him and his eyes widened because he didn't even realize that he fell asleep. He rubbed his eyes.
"I'm sorry, sir. I guess I was more tired than I thought." Feliciano looked up at the person, who he assumed was a man even though he was rubbing his tired eyes and gasped lightly. He knew this man! This man was always in the newspaper for crimes pertaining the Mafia. Of course, he hasn't ever gotten busted, but that's probably because he's the boss. Fear and panic crept up Feliciano's spine and in a rush of adrenaline, he stood.
"That's alright. I'm sure you've had a long day out here." His voice was harsh like he assumed it would, but flowed like silk in a strange sort of way. Feliciano felt himself relaxing slightly. He was pretty, but still had some rough, man-like features to him. He looked young, about the same age as Feliciano, maybe older. "Follow me to my car so we can talk away from any onlookers." He held out his hand for Feliciano to take and he did, hesitantly.
"Let's get one thing straight, okay. I'm a whore, not a slave. I still have morals and limits like every other person." Feliciano mustered up a few strands of confidence and frowned importantly behind his glasses. It's a very good thing that it's night, or else you could see the fear lacing his soft features. The Mafia boss hummed in response to what Feliciano said. "How much do you charge?"
"That depends. It's €75 for individual things, or €150.25 for everything. Plus €37.57 if you wanna change positions. Let's just say, if you give me €150, I'll do anything to make you happy." He watched the man tentatively, as he thought it over.
"Do you know what would really make me happy?" He asked as he handed Feliciano a lump some of money. Feliciano counted it, the amount coming out to €150.25 exactly.
"What, bello?" Feliciano smiled brightly.
"If you'll let me take you out somewhere. Show you around. I bet you're probably hungry from sitting out here." Feliciano gaped at the man in shock. Now, his clients were nice, but never this nice.
"So, you don't want to have sex with me?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow slightly. The man chuckled.
"It's not that you're not the most adorable little hooker I've ever seen, it's just that I don't feel like having sex with you." He pulled the car keys from his pocket and Feliciano finally looked at what he was standing next to. The latest 2013 Bugatti Veyron 16.4, in a lime green with tinted windows. He tried not to look like a kitten in heat while staring at this car, but this car! The man unlocked it, and opened Feliciano's door. "You got a name, sweetheart?" Feliciano climbed in, pushing the money into the strap around his thigh.
"It's nice to meet you, Feliciano. I'm Lovino." Lovino stated happily as he shut the passenger door. Feliciano sighed. This would be interesting.
Feliciano sat on his bed in the room he holds in the brothel house. Last night was nice. They went out for gelato and then out to the nearby pond. Lovino was actually a sweetheart for a mafia member. They didn't even have sex. Feliciano is still in shock. He glanced up to look around his room one more time. He always thinks about changing it, but it's just too pretty. Posters of Flavia Lucini and Gianna Mazzon cover the walls to hide the hideous dark indigo wallpaper. He also has a few stuffed bears and trinkets that he's bought for the shelves, and a picture of him and his grandfather. The room is too cozy for him to change. A knock at the door pulled him from his thoughts.
"Come in."
A brown-haired, middle aged woman opened his door with a soft smile on her face.
"Good evening, Feli. How was your date last night?" She leaned against his doorway. He pouted slightly.
"It wasn't a date. He still payed me." He mumbled. Elizabeta laughed lightly.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, dear. Anyways, Ludwig is here to see you and it seems like he had a rough day."
"Okay, send him down then." He hopped off of his bed and walked toward his closet. He tossed his sweatpants into it and exchanged them for a short pair of pajama shorts. He ruffled up his hair a bit, and a big smile enveloped his face when he heard a soft knock against the door frame.
"Hey, Feli. How are you?" The German man asked, a soft smile pulling at his lips. The small Italian man climbed onto the bed and sat on his knees.
"I'm great, but you seem tired." He patted the spot in front of him on the bed. "Is everything alright?" Ludwig sat in front of him and Feliciano started rubbing his shoulders.
"Just another day full of people I can't stand. Nothing special. Elizabeta told me that you went on a date last night. How cute." Feliciano pouted again.
"It wasn't a date. He still payed me for it."
"He probably only payed because it would have made you say yes, my little gold digger." Ludwig taunted. Feliciano smacked him playfully.
"I am not a gold digger, you big bully. I just like having nice things is all."
"Oh yeah, what kind of car did he drive?"
"A 2013 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 with tinted windows, new rims, and a lime green paint job." Feliciano answered without hesitation, although trying to sound casual. Ludwig snorted.
"Yeah, you're definitely not a gold digger."
"Oh hush, you're no help; you keep paying me." Feliciano giggled. Ludwig chuckled with him.
"Honestly, I pay you so I can see you. The sex is just a bonus." Feliciano cooed in Ludwig's ear. He abruptly pulled him down onto the bed and straddled his waist.
"Well then, I guess you should get what you payed for, no?"
Feliciano cuddled up to Ludwig as they both lay panting on the bed. Feliciano started fiddling with Ludwig's iron cross.
"Do you like that guy?" Ludwig's baritone broke through the sex-filled air. Feliciano glanced up at him.
"What guy?"
"You know, that guy you went out with last night."
"Oh, yeah he was okay. A sweetheart, but he was um, let's say he's dangerous." Feliciano shrugged. Ludwig sighed and wrapped a lazy arm around Feliciano's waist.
"Dangerous, eh? Well, if you do decide to start a relationship then I'll support you." He ruffled Feliciano's already messed up hair. Feliciano pouted, trying in vain to smooth it out.
"Oh Luddy, you know I can't have any serious relationships with this job. It wouldn't be smart." Feliciano slid off of the bed and walked to his closet to pick out an outfit for the corner today. He tossed Ludwig his suit. Ludwig dressed in haste.
"Well, I don't want you to die old and alone with a house full of cats. Just try, okay? I'll see you on Friday." He pecked Feliciano on the cheek. Feliciano hummed in response.
"Alright then. See you!" He waved with a bright smile on his face. He then checked himself in the mirror, taking a brush to his hair and spraying cologne on his skin. Maybe Lovino will see him again. He shrugged to himself before heading out the door.
Feliciano sighed as he looked at the bright city lights. Lovino just went to the bathroom and being the little dreamer that he is, Feliciano started gazing out the window in thought. Lovino and he have been going on dates for at least a month now; you could technically say they were dating. Every night, Lovino would talk about how he planned on getting Feliciano out of this, away from this lifestyle. Feliciano would just nod in agreement even though he never believes him. Once a whore, always a whore. He was jolted out of his mind when two men barged into the restaurant. At first, he thought that they were just trying to rob the place, but they were too quiet and they weren't harassing anybody. However, everybody panicked when they both pulled out guns. Feliciano sat stiff in his seat.
"Alright, now we don't want to cause any drama. We are just looking for a certain person. A man, about 5'9", tanned skin, brownish red hair. I'm sure you all have seen him. Just bring him to me, and this will all be over." The taller of the two men said. The other man locked his gun into place. A small waitress cautiously walked up to the duo.
"W-well, he's here, and he came in with that little guy right there." She pointed shakily over at Feliciano. Feliciano stiffened even more, unconsciously ghosting his fingers over the strap on his thigh. He shut his eyes tightly when he stiffened, and he heard some people gasp lightly. He felt someone caress his cheek and he opened his eyes to meet the green flecked auburn irises of Lovino's. He released the breath he was holding.
"Hey, you okay?" Lovino whispered. Feliciano nodded. Lovino smiled softly. "Good, good" he got up from his crouched position. "Now, it seems as if we have an issue, yeah?" He turned toward the two men. The men raised their guns and everybody panicked. Lovino stood tall, unafraid. The taller man held up a badge. "Rome PD. Mr. Vargas, you're under arrest." People in the restaurant gasped and a few outbursts of "I knew I recognized him." and "Lousy scum." could be heard. Lovino pulled his own gun from his holster, casually checking its ammo.
"How about we see," He raised his gun, which caused the police officers to raise theirs. "who has a quicker trigger finger." He abruptly pulled the gun to the side and shot at a random table's decorative vase. Glass shattered and Lovino pulled Feliciano through the kitchen doors while everyone was distracted. Feliciano hustled behind Lovino, heart racing.
"Where are we going?" He whispered. Lovino unlocked his car.
"You'll see. Just stay close, okay?" He answered, gently pushing Feliciano into the car. Soon, he stepped on the gas and they voomed off. Feliciano clenched his fingers around his necklace, praying for safety.
They arrived at this quaint little shack in the middle of nowhere. Lovino sighed, rubbing at his temples as he put the car into park. Feliciano eyed him carefully. Lovino then got out of the car and opened Feliciano's door.
"Are you okay?" He asked gently. Feliciano giggled.
"Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Force of a habit, I guess. Come on, lets go inside." He gently grasped Feliciano's hand and tugged him into the shack. Unlocking the door, he pulled him inside and set him onto the couch. Feliciano slouched, drifting into thought as Lovino went to grab a bottle of wine.
"Why won't you have sex with me?" Feliciano broke the awkward silence. The sound of cabinets closing and glasses clinking stopped. The air held an awkward tension. "Am-am I not attractive to you?" Feliciano got slightly hysterical. His eyes teared up, a few tears falling. "Am I dirty to you!? Is it because I'm a whore!? Tell me, I can take it!" He sat up all the way on the couch as Lovino speed walked into the room.
"No, no! Of course not! You are not dirty and you are not a whore! You're very beautiful!" Lovino assured him. Feliciano shook his head.
"Then why won't you have sex with me!?" Feliciano pleaded. Lovino blushed.
"If you want me to have sex with you then I will, but only if that's what you want. I don't want to pay you for this, I want you to want this yourself." Lovino gently grasped Feliciano's hands, crouching down in front of him. "Because if we do this, I want to make you feel good. For you, not for me. You're more than just some common whore to me, you're special." Lovino caressed the back of Feliciano's hands with his thumbs, eyes showing adoration and devotion. Feliciano gaped at the man under him, tears flowing freely; not out of sadness, but out of surprise. Nobody has ever said that to him. Nobody has ever called him special. Nobody has ever wanted him to feel good. In a rush of emotions, he grabbed the sides of Lovino's face and lifted him up into a kiss.
"Nobody has ever said that to me before." He released Lovino. "I want this. I-I want to feel loved." Lovino nuzzled his cheek.
"Okay, then. I can do that for you." He hoisted Feliciano into his arms bridal style and carried him down to the bedroom. Feliciano giggled, swinging his legs. They entered the bedroom, laughing together. Lovino tossed Feliciano onto the bed and checked the window to make sure they were really alone. He backflopped onto the bed next to Feliciano and picked Feliciano up and onto his lap.
"So, is there anything that you've wanted to know how it felt?" Lovino fiddled with Feliciano's necklace.
"Um, I-I've always wanted to know what a blowjob feels like." Feliciano mumbled, blushing deeply. Lovino chuckled.
"You're going to have to speak louder, sweetheart." Lovino teased. Feliciano pouted and played with a loose string on Lovino's shirt.
"Do I have to repeat it?" Feliciano whined. Lovino laughed.
"No, I guess not." He moved Feliciano from his waist to his chest while unbuttoning his pants. Feliciano's blush deepened, giving Lovino a curious look.
"What are you doing?" He asked curiously. Lovino chuckled quietly.
"Just relax, you're such a virgin." He chortled. He slipped Feliciano's pants and boxers to his knees and wrapped his fingers around his hardened length. Feliciano stared wide-eyed at the man under him, hissing as his length was finally touched. "Are you ready?" Lovino asked, cocking his eyebrow slightly. Feliciano gulped and nodded his head. Lovino wrapped his lips around the tip, nibbling slightly. Feliciano panted harder as Lovino slowly took inch by inch. He bobbed his head slowly, teasing the poor boy on top of him. Feliciano clenched his fingers around Lovino's button-up, panting deeply.
"Ah, Lovi~! Can you go f-faster please?" Feliciano bore his half-lidded hazy eyes into Lovino's. Lovino gave him a long, languid lick up the vein, and Feliciano's eyes rolled into the back off his head. He sat there panting for a few seconds before opening his eyes in confusion. "Lovi, what are you-" Feliciano gasped as he watched Lovino take him straight. Lovino tasted sweetness on his tongue and he cocked his eyebrow, but continued pleasing the small Italian man. As long as he could hear those long, erotic noises coming out of his little puttana than his day was made.
Feliciano wanted so bad to thrust himself into Lovino's hot, tight throat, but alas, his hips were being held back.
"Ah~! Lovi, I'm gonna cum!" Feliciano clenched his fingers so hard, a button popped off of Lovino's shirt. "Oh Lovino!" Feliciano came in Lovino's awaiting mouth. Lovino swallowed him dry and started laughing as he let him slip past his lips. Feliciano unclenched his fingers. "What's so funny?" He panted.
"Your cum is sweet. I thought you haven't had a blow-job before." Lovino teased as he wiped the side of his mouth.
"I haven't, but some guys like kinky stuff." Feliciano lazily rolled over to the other side of Lovino, flopping gracefully on the bed. Lovino shivered in disgust at his reply. Feliciano pulled his sparkly tank top over his head. "Are you going to do anything else to me?" With a coy smile, he rolled back onto Lovino. He ran a delicate finger across the rest of Lovino's buttons. He got to the last button and went back up by unbuttoning them. He trailed his other hand across Lovino's lightly defined abs as more skin was exposed. He dipped down and trailed kisses along the olive toned skin. Soon, he latched onto a perky nipple and sucked it gently.
"Hey, w-wait. I told you not to pleasure me." He tried tiredly to push Feliciano away. Feliciano released the hardened nub and trailed feathery kisses up Lovino's neck.
"Sorry, I can't help it." He purred in Lovino's ear. He shifted his hand downward and ghosted it above Lovino's obvious erection. Lovino gasped quietly, his eyes fluttering. "Can I be on top, Lovi? Most of my clients like missionary or doggy-style because of blatant dominance issues." Feliciano pleaded sultrily. He started unbuckling Lovino's belt and unbuttoning his pants.
"You mean, you wanna ride me?" Lovino breathed. Feliciano pouted and nodded his head.
"Pretty please?" He tugged Lovino's trousers and briefs off and onto the floor.
"Yeah, only if you want. Have you ever taken control before?" Lovino gently grasped Feliciano's thighs.
"With a man, no. I did have a girl come to me once. She was really cute~." He stated as he leaned down and pulled a pocket bottle of lube from his skinny jeans. Lovino snorted.
"You carry a mini bottle of lube with you?" Feliciano popped the cap. He looked at Lovino's length before deciding to squirt some on three of his fingers.
"Sweetheart, I'm always prepared." He inserted one finger into him. "Since you've been so kind to me, I think you deserve a little show." He slowly ground on his finger, adding another after a few seconds. He moaned breathlessly. "Ah~!" He moved faster, adding the third finger and stretching them all farther. He cracked an eye to see Lovino panting quietly. His back arched and he moaned wontonly as his prostate was struck. He took out his fingers and grabbed Lovino's length. "Okay, I'm ready now." He raised his hips over Lovino's erection and slammed his hips down. Both men groaned at the intrusion. Feliciano sat for a minute to adjust before he rolled his hips slowly. Lovino automatically grabbed Feliciano's hips. It took everything he had not to slam his hips into this beautiful ass sitting on him, but he wanted Feliciano to have full control. Feliciano moaned prettily as he sped up and ground his hips into Lovino's. Lovino couldn't help but meet every one of Feliciano's thrusts.
"Nng, Feli!" Lovino was usually quiet depending on who he was with and especially if he was dominant, but he thought he should give Feliciano all the things that Feliciano gave everyone else. Feliciano cracked his eyes and got the sudden urge to link hands with Lovino, so he leaned over and laced their fingers. Lovino opened his eyes and softly smiled as he gently clenched Feliciano's fingers. He pulled him down for a passionate kiss as his thrusts became more erratic and frenzied.
"I'm so close!~" Feliciano panted. He practically screamed as Lovino found his prostate and hit it dead on.
"Oh~, me too. Together, okay?" Lovino groaned. It only took a few more slams to his prostate for Feliciano.
"Lovi!~" He screamed as he reached his climax. His muscles clenched and Lovino groaned out Feliciano's name as he couldn't handle the heat and sudden tightness around his length. Feliciano slowed his hips significantly as he grew tired and soon flopped onto Lovino's chest. Lovino wrapped a lazy arm around Feliciano's waist and pulled out of him with a wet "pop."
"We're going to have to stay here until I'm for sure that the police aren't looking any more." Lovino breathed. Feliciano hummed in response, fiddling with Lovino's golden cross necklace.
"Do you love me?" He finally asked. Lovino choked on air, his throat tightening in shock at the abrupt question.
"Pardon?" He cocked an eyebrow even though he had already turned out the lights and Feliciano couldn't see him.
"I mean, you don't have to say yes, but I was just wondering." He drew abstract shapes on Lovino's skin as sleep threatened to take him down. Lovino grew quiet for a bit. "It's okay, you don't have to say anything. I'll just go to sleep now. Buona Notte." Feliciano whispered.
"Yes. I-I think I do love you, Feliciano." Lovino clenched his hand laying around Feliciano's waist.
"That's good. Thanks for saying so." Feliciano whispered into Lovino's chest as sleep finally over took him. Lovino sighed and fell to sleep's heavy embrace.
Lovino took a deep breath as he stretched and rubbed his eyes. He was taken aback when he was met with the smell of hot bacon and something sweet. He shot up in bed before shoving on his briefs and racing down out of the bedroom. He stood in the doorway of the kitchen and was met with the sight of a giddy Feliciano scurrying about the kitchen cooking various things for breakfast. He went away from a traditional Italian breakfast to be greeted with bacon and pancakes with a colorful fruit salad. Feliciano was whistling the Italian National Anthem while setting the table. Lovino slowly allowed his gaze to examine Feliciano. He was wearing a loose t-shirt and a pair of tight pajama shorts. When Lovino brought his gaze back up, his eyes instantly drawn to the black and red fedora perched on top of Feliciano's head. He couldn't help but chuckle at the adorable little man wearing his hat. Feliciano quickly turned around, blushing lightly.
"G-good morning!" He stuttered. Lovino walked toward him and plucked the hat off of his head, still laughing.
"Well, good morning!" He stated, examining his fedora before plopping it back onto his little hooker's head. Feliciano giggled, lifting the hat out of his eyes.
"I made food!" Feliciano smiled big and bright as he started setting the table with food.
"Um, yeah, I can see that." Lovino chuckled as he sat at the table. Feliciano sat a plate full of pancakes and bacon in front of him and skipped away. Lovino hasn't ever seen Feliciano this happy before. It's even making Lovino smile.
"How do you like your coffee, amore?" He heard Feliciano ask. He blushed slightly.
"Black. Thanks." Feliciano giggled and handed him a mug which he took thankfully. Feliciano sat next to him at the table, snatching a small piece of bacon.
"You know, you blush a lot for being such a big tough Mafia boss." Feliciano laughed. Lovino's blush deepened.
"I don't blush around my men, only you." He mumbled, taking a sip of his coffee. Feliciano hummed. He fiddled with Lovino's necklace again.
"How'd you get to be the boss at such a young age?" Lovino drew his brows together.
"It's a family business and I'm literally part of the family. I got this as part of my inheritance." Lovino took a bite of his pancakes, and after watching Feliciano play with his cross, he sighed and un clasped it. "Here. I want you to wear this." He clasped it around Feliciano's neck.
"Oh, no, I couldn't. Nobody likes a marked whore."
"They won't know it's mine. And if they do, then just relax. Think of me when you wear it; I'll be your savior." Lovino caressed Feliciano's cheek, who nuzzled his hand.
"Where are you going?" Feliciano whispered. Lovino sighed.
"Sicilia. I have some things that need to be taken care of." Lovino got up from the table, but his hand was pulled back by Feliciano.
"You should finish eating first. At least for me. I want you to be strong when you go down there." Lovino sat back into his chair. They shared a moment, searching each others eyes before Lovino pulled Feliciano into a gentle kiss.
"I'll miss you. Come back, okay. A-and don't worry about me. I'll be fine." Feliciano breathed as they let go. Lovino chuckled.
"Please, asking me not to worry about you is like asking me to stop breathing. I know you'll be okay." He turned to his plate and Feliciano got up.
"Good. Now, eat. When I come back I want that plate to be spotless." Feliciano sternly stated. Lovino snorted.
"Yes, mom." He chortled and Feliciano blushed sweetly. Feliciano walked down the hall, into the bedroom, and took a glance at the plane ticket poking out of Lovino's wallet. He sighed, and hoped that nothing bad would happen.
"Now, you'll be okay won't you?" Feliciano asked for at least the third time since they pulled up to the airport. He fussed with Lovino's suit multiple times and fixed his already perfect hair. Lovino chuckled and laced his fingers with Feliciano's to make him stop. Feliciano blushed lightly, smiling shyly.
"Sorry, I'm nervous." Feliciano bowed his head. Lovino lifted his chin, without releasing their hold.
"I'll be fine. This isn't my first rodeo. You can call me if you get too scared, okay?" He pecked Feliciano's lips.
"Um, Lovi." Feliciano pointed behind them to two preteen girls giggling and blushing. Feliciano waved shyly at them while Lovino blushed lightly and cleared his throat.
"Mi dispiace, signore. We'll be going now." The taller girl pulled the other along.
"Aww! They were so cute!" The smaller girl of the two tripped along behind her. Feliciano laughed as Lovino sputtered. He checked his watch to distract himself before he actually looked at what the time read. He pecked Feliciano on the cheek.
"I gotta go, farfalle. Be safe, okay?" He sped-walked to the escalator as Feliciano waved goodbye.
Feliciano and Ludwig flopped onto the bed, wore out and panting. Ludwig chuckled breathlessly.
"Wow, I've never seen you so enthusiastic before. What's gotten into you?" He pulled Feliciano closer. Feliciano giggled.
"Oh nothing." He fiddled with "his" necklace. "I've just been...happier. Very much happier." Ludwig glanced at Feliciano's necklace, gently taking it and turning it over in his palm.
"This is nice, where did you get it?" He asked. Feliciano blushed, taking the cross out of Ludwig's palm.
"I, uh..."
"You got it from your little boyfriend, didn't you?" Feliciano sputtered. Ludwig laughed. "Feli, ever since Liz started hanging out with my brother, there isn't anything she doesn't tell me." Feliciano pouted slightly.
"Oh. Well, at least you're okay with it. I don't keep many friends with this job and I wouldn't want to lose you."
Ludwig ran his fingers through Feliciano's hair, smiling softly.
"So, when am I going to meet the guy who stole my little Feli's heart?" Ludwig teased. Feliciano giggled.
"Um, I'm not sure. Sometime soon though."
Ludwig cocked an eyebrow. "You promise?"
"I promise!" Feliciano raised his right hand and crossed his heart. Ludwig chuckled and moved Feliciano to get out of the bed.
"Good. I'll see you Tuesday, most likely. I actually have a date."
Feliciano gasped, "Gasp! You? On a date? This is unheard of!" Ludwig threw a random shoe at Feliciano, who was doubled over laughing.
"Haha, you're so funny." He opened the door. "See ya, Feli. Be safe." Feliciano waved as he closed the door behind him and sighed.
A/N: I'm so sorry for this. If you're part of the 1% that wants another chapter of this then please don't be afraid to tell me. I mean, come on, isn't he the cutest little hooker you have ever seen? That one girl that had sex with him is the luckiest girl ever. Flames will be used to light satanic bonfires(: