I have to thank my friend [Kari Ry] for this idea. It was my fault for getting her in love with the song, but really, she came up with the psycho idea.

RATING: M for language, lemon, lime, smut, stuff like that 3

WARNINGS: boyxboy, don't like, don't read (If you don't like, Y R U HERE?!)

Song for the whole fic: "For Your Entertainment" by Adam Lambert


"Magnus, Magnus!" Two stapled sheets of paper landed with an audible smack on the desk in front of the eighteen-year-old. He stepped backwards in surprise before looking up.

He had a boyfriend who was just as leather- and glitter-happy as he was. Sure, Adam Lambert was an international star, but he was gay as all get-out.

"I've written up that draft I promised," Adam said, looking as excited as a child on Christmas. "For my new song I said I had an idea for! It's called 'For Your Entertainment'. Can you read it over, Mag?"

"Sure," Magnus replied. He picked up the papers and began glancing through them.


"Mag. Magnus, wake up." A hand shook his shoulder. Magnus moaned in weak protest and pushed his face harder into his pillow. The hand tickled his side and he moaned louder, squirming away. "Magnus, it's important!"

Adam jerked the blankets back and ignored Magnus's cat-like wail of protest. "Mag, I've got the best news."

"You're going to let me go back to sleep?" Magnus guessed hopefully.


"Figured I'd try anyways."

"You know that song I showed you a couple weeks ago? 'For Your Entertainment?"

Magnus sat up, his attention caught. "Yeah."

"Well..." Adam bounced on his toes. "It became so popular so fast that we're going to record a video for it!"

"Adam, that's great!" Magnus cried, standing up and embracing his boyfriend. They kissed lightly before Adam pulled back and smiled sexily.

"Will you be one of my backup dancers? You get to wear tight leather..."

"You had me at 'leather'."


It was a month and a half after the 'For Your Entertainment' video was released. Magnus adjusted his backpack, switched his duffel bag to his other hand, and continued walking. It had only been an hour since he had broken up with Adam and he was already homeless.

Adam had said in a very exclusive interview that he was single and straight as a board-which everyone who watched 'American Idol' knew was a lie anyways. It was the 'single' statement that had pushed Magnus over the edge and made him break up with the singer-songwriter.

He didn't regret it at all.


Seven months later, Magnus was back with someone.

A black-haired, blue-eyed beauty named Alexander. They had met at a bar the night Magnus had been kicked out of Adam's place. They had hung out, had a little too much to drink, and lo and behold, Magnus soon was moving his stuff into Alec's mansion, where he lived with his sister Isabelle and his brother Jace.

It was about two months after he had moved in that Magnus had kissed Alec.

Not two weeks after that, they were exclusive.

It was around the seven month mark that Alec walked to Magnus' bedroom. He was raising his hand to knock when he heard Magnus' raised voice.

"And I'm telling you, I was over you that night!"

Tenderly, over-curious Alexander pushed open the door and peeked inside. Magnus was standing with his back to the door, one hand on his hip with the other holding his Samsung Galaxy SIII to his ear. His shoulders were taut and his cold voice didn't match his usual demeanor.

"No, Adam!" Magnus near shouted. He shifted his weight, one of his angular hips sticking out and reminding Alec of his diva attitude he sometimes got. "I've found someone else who I love and isn't shy about making it clear he loves me back! Unlike you, in case you've forgotten." He stopped as if listening to a reply before kicking a leg of his bed. "I will not forgive you! I don't know why you're still on about it! It was almost a year ago!" Magnus swore in another language and stormed forward, twitching the curtains to his window aside only to let them fall back into place. "No, Adam. I loved you once but I don't anymore. I stopped loving you when you kicked me onto the sidewalk. I don't want to hear your explanations. Don't call me again. I said we were over and that's what I meant."

He pulled his phone from his ear and threw it onto his armchair, sighing heavily and leaning against the wall. Alec cleared his throat and stepped shyly in. Magnus turned and his face lit up when he saw his boyfriend.

"Hey, Alec," he said, holding out a hand. Alec came across the room and took it, letting himself be pulled into a hug. He snuggled into Magnus's chest and looked up with big blue eyes.

"Who was that?" he asked softly.

"No one you need to worry about, love," Magnus responded, kissing Alec's lips gently. "A jealous ex."

"Who?" Alec asked innocently, putting his arms around Magnus' neck. "I heard you say Adam."

"You probably don't know him," Magnus lied airily. He had never told anyone the ex-boyfriend that had left him homeless was Adam Lambert. "He's just a guy from a few states over."

"Try me." Alec tipped his head to the side and smiled as sweetly as he could. "C'mon, Mags."

Magnus sighed. "That song you have on your iPod-"

"You went through my iPod?"

"-'For Your Entertainment'?"

"Wait, you went through my music?"

"It's that Adam. Adam Lambert."

Alec opened his mouth, probably with something else to say about Magnus invading his privacy and his iPod, but then it clicked. His eyes widened slowly and his jaw snapped smartly shut.

"You dated Adam Lambert?" he clarified.


Alec drew back and put both of his hands on Magnus' chest. He didn't look offended, more surprised and a little bit excited. "I'm dating the guy who dated Adam Lambert?"

"Don't blow it out of proportion, sweetheart."

"That's, like, wicked cool." Alec didn't seem to have heard him. He cocked his head to the side, obviously thinking hard about this. "Does that mean that when I have sex with you, I'm by distance having sex with Adam L-mmph!"

Magnus cut him off with a kiss, hugging him tightly.


Yes, yes, it's a cliff-hanger... The next chapter will be smutty and lemon-y, for all of you out there 3

Again, another thanks to [Kari Ry] for the idea and the b*tching that got this done so fast 3

Love you all! Reviews are love and everyone needs love!

~Falling Feathers~