"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay then it's not the end"

- Paulo Coelho

I really hope you all enjoyed the story!

Dr. Vladmir Lupei (Romania) gave this diary to Peter (Sealand), but never read the entries. Vlad gave it to him to keep Peter busy, and have something to do so that he wouldn't freak out or anything. Busy work.

Lilian Zwingli (Liechtenstein) was going to be an extra, like the Edelsteins. But as I was writing, I was overcome by my OTP needs, and then that happened.

Berwald (Sweden) is a Whovian, as you may have guessed. Tino (Finland) is a Sherlockian.

Oh, here's what happened with the diary. Peter slipped into a coma, and dropped his diary, and eventually, made it's way under the bed. When he finally woke up and got better and everything, he thought he had lost the book. But when Alfred (America) went to pack up all of Peter's stuff, he found it, and packed it, taking it home safe and sound. Peter didn't know where it was, and found it in his attic years later, which is when he wrote his final entry.

When I first started writing this, my original intention was just to be angst. I wanted to show Peter's real personality, since the fandom always treats him like crap. Here was what I had in mind:

Peter gets sick, lives with a positive attitude and ignorance then dies.

But as I was writing, and I read your reviews on it and everything, I began to grow attached to Peter. Usually, I am a heartless author, and I am known among my friends for killing characters, or tormenting them at least. Then I reread my chapters, and began to realize that this character was so much more, and that I didn't have the heart to kill him off. So that's when I decided to change up the ending so that he lived a happy long life.

I guess I have a heart after all.

I'm glad you all loved it! Thanks for the reviews and tears!

Lili stood in front of Peter's grave. He had been buried last week, and she had been grieving. She knew that Peter would want her to carry on, but, it was hard. It was hard losing someone you loved.

She walked up to his grave and set her hand on his tombstone.

"Looks like I lost you again, huh?" she said sadly. She looked at the inscription, and couldn't help but chuckle. It was Peter's dying wish to have his tombstone customized.


Here lies that one kid Peter (Kirkland) Marshmallow

September 12, 2018 - April 21, 2070

Death by some unknown disease. (I TOLD YOU I WAS SICK)

Loving father and husband.

I'm probably playing video games up in heaven, don't worry about me

Peter had wanted his tombstone to be silly, because he didn't want people to visit him and cry. He wanted them to be happy, no matter what.

"At least I got to say good bye this time." she sighed, a tear slipping down her cheek.

She kneeled down, and rested her head on his tombstone. "Thank you. Thank you for being there with a smile. Thank you for seeing the light from the dark. I owe you." she held back her sobs. She knew she had to be strong. It's what he would have wanted. "I love you Peter, and I miss you so, so much. When we first met... I was... I was a wreck. I was depressed, and had never felt so alone. My parents had died, and my brother had changed ever since. It was... it was hard, and I didn't feel like moving on." she took a deep breath. "I'm sorry I never told you this before. That day you came over... that was the day that I decided I was done. I was going to end whatever I had. But you... you showed me that there was so much more. That there was hope, and you were happy. You showed me that no matter how dark the situation, or how bad things get, there will always be that light. You just gotta find the match. You... you saved me, Peter. You gave me hope, and I could never repay you." she wiped her tears away. "But I promise, I will find that cure. I will find it, and I won't stop, even at my dying breath."

She sat down and leaned her back against his tombstone. She gazed at the sky. It was gloomy, and could start raining at any moment, but she didn't care.

"I still remember when you called, by the way. March 14, 2040. I thought it was a prank call. It never even occurred to me that it was really you. I remember that day when I saw you again for the first time in twenty years. How tall you were, how vibrant and beautiful you were." she chuckled at the memory. "And I have to say, puberty did a good job. I remember when you got down on one knee and showed me the ring, and spoke those words. I still have the ring here," she looked down at her old ring. It was gold, and had a lily on it intertwined with a silver band. It had a small diamond in the center of the lily. "It's beautiful, Peter, and I will never take it off."

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. "Remember on our wedding day, when you tripped while we were dancing?You nearly fell on the cake if I hadn't grabbed you in time." she laughed and wiped away her tear. "But then we both fell in the opposite direction. The dress got dirty and ripped a little on the way down, but we just got back up and laughed it off, because that was how happy we were."

She heard someone approaching, but didn't move a muscle. She lay there, reminiscing about her love.

"Remember when he fell of the roof and landed on the trampoline?" a man's voice said. Lili opened her eyes and saw Alfred crouched down near the stone.

"A-Al, I wasn't expecting to see you here." she said.

"Sorry. Did I scare ya?" he asked. His face was wrinkled, and he looked tired and weary.

"No. I was just visiting." she smiled weakly.

"Hey, uh, Tino called me. He told me that Peter wanted you to see this," he dug in his bag, and pulled out an old, worn out journal.

Lili's eyes widened. "Isn't... isn't that the same journal Peter used to write in when he was a kid?"

Alfred nodded, and handed the book over to her. She stared at the journal in her hands, as if she had never seen it before.

"Tino told me that Peter had left his behind for you guys er something."

She hesitated before opening up to the first page. She was reluctant to start reading, and looked up at Alfred.

"Is it wrong for me to read this? I mean, this was private after all, right?"

"Yeah, was. Not anymore. Don't be afraid. It's just messy handwriting, I'm sure.

She began reading, and tears welled up as she read. Everything Peter felt, all that he went through during his rough condition was all in her hands. She learned a lot more, and came to what seemed to be the last one. She saw that there seemed to be no more, but as she closed the book, a few pictures fell out. She picked them up, and realized they were pictures of her kids. She opened the diary to the last page, and found the true last entry. She looked at the pictures, her old ribbon was there, and read about his high school experience. Then she read about how he looked for her. As she was nearing the end, she began sobbing, her tears preventing her from reading any further.

Alfred scoot next to her and hugged her. She cried, partially from sadness, partially from happiness. She was happy that he had lived a nice life, and was proud of his school accomplishments, and was flattered that he had traveled everywhere in search for her. She too had done the same. All this time, she knew he was happy, but had no idea what he had been through.

But now that she knew more, it made it that much more important to find this cure. For him. It was the least she could do now.

She pulled herself together, and stood up, gripping the diary tightly.

Alfred stared at her. "What are you going to do now?" he asked.

She turned around and looked at him. She seemed to be staring into his soul with that look.

She chuckled. "Me? I'm going to do what I have to. He saved my life. I could n't save his. The least I could do save others from what took my husband."