My first attempt at anything like this so I hope you like it :) Finished!

The Great Detective

Chapter One

Vastra awoke slowly, feeling the heat of her maid (and wife) pressed against her side and sighed happily. Then, remembering why she awoke, frowned and glanced at the clock. It was half past six in the downstairs she could once again hear the insistent knocking at the door. Where was Strax when you needed him?

"Strax!" Vastra bellowed. In reply came ill disguised muttering that sounded something like "demanding reptile" as he opened the door. Unfortunately, her cry had woken Jenny, who sat up suddenly, confused, black hair tumbling around her face and glinting in the light. Vastra's breath caught momentarily as she gazed upon Jenny's beautiful features. "Hush my dear. Just someone at the door."

From below came "What do you want human scum?" Then, more pleasantly "Would you like to step inside?" . Evidently flustered the person at the door replied "No... yes, no. It's just I need to speak with Madame Vastra immediately. There's been a murder."

Within five minutes both Jenny and Madame Vastra had dressed, attached swords to the insides of their thick winter coats ready for later and dashed downstairs to find the disheveled looking man sat by the fire, nervously eyeing Strax. As they entered he stood up to greet them, holding out his hand to Madame Vastra.

"The infamous Great Detective. Madame Vastra, we meet again." His eyes glittered in the flickering candlelight and, had Vastra been more adept at reading human emotion, she may have recognised the jealous glint they momentarily contained.

"Ah DCI Branning. I would say it's nice to see you, but it hardly ever seems to turn out that way."

"No. Indeed it doesn't. And I'm afraid to say this is no different." replied Branning.

"A murder?" inquired Vastra

"Young woman. Mid twenties. Stabbed with a sword in the chest. No signs of theft - she still had all the takings from the day's match selling."

Vastra's stomach flipped and she pulled Jenny closed to her side.

"Ma'am, please you're urting me!" Jenny breathed. Suddenly, realising how tight her grip was on the fragile human, Vastra released her.

"I'm so sorry my darling!" Vastra gasped "it's just ..."

"I know." whispered Jenny and squeezed Vastra's hand quickly. Vastra herself had saved Jenny's life back when she was a mere match girl. She had called it 'returning the favour' but they both knew it meant so much more shook her head and continued brusquely.

"Jenny, please fetch the coats and swords from the bedroom. Strax, a word in the kitchen if you may. Mr Branning we will meet you outside by the cab in a matter of minutes."

The Paternoster Gang exited their house to find DCI Branning puffing on a cigarette by the carriage."I didn't know you smoked" remarked Madame Vastra.

"Never at work" he replied "Jus' sometimes when I'm alone, it helps gather my thoughts."

With a nod they all climbed in the carriage, except Strax who climbed into the drivers seat."Get us as close as you can - second alley off of Baker Street" Branning shouted up to Strax. "Rather ironic don't you think?" remarked the policeman but was met with a terse silence by Madame Vastra.

The rest of the journey passed in silence until the carriage stopped with a jerk. Mr Branning slipped his posh looking packet of cigarettes inside his jacket and exited the carriage, shortly followed by Madame Vastra. Before Jenny could exit however Strax positioned himself in the doorway. "My apologies boy, but my orders are to prevent you leaving this carriage using any means possible. I have grenades and cyber monkeys at my disposal." Strax stared unblinking at Jenny as she arched an eyebrow. "She may have said no grenades... But I still have the monkeys!"

Jenny rolled her eyes as Strax locked the door, standing guard firmly outside the door. Inside she pulled off her thick dress to reveal her leather one piece and array of swords. Slipping one in to the holster on her back she silently opened the window of the carriage and slipped out onto the cobbles below.