Important Author's Note

Anyone who actually read or still reads this story will probably want to read this note.

So here's the deal. Obviously, I've been gone for a while. I'm gonna be completely honest in this. I love this story because I feel like it was my first successful piece of writing. Now I don't WANT to just stop writing it but this is where I am:

I am an African-American female. Have been since the day I was born (sorry not sorry). If you take a look at Exhibit A, the majority of these characters are Caucasian and that is no one's fault but my own. When I started this story, I felt like the only way anyone would read it is if everyone was white. I never saw any successful stories with a focus on characters of any other ethnicity and I panicked and didn't take a risk.

Since the time I started this story, I have graduated from high school and have decided to attend a really prestigious university. Call me crazy, but I'm ready to take that risk.

So here are our options:

I can discontinue the story and let everyone enjoy a weird cliffhanger with a semi-happy white couple…


I can edit and rewrite this story with enough diversity to scare Donald Trump into removing himself from the Presidential Race.

Now that we've seen our options.

Trust me. I've been thinking about this for a while. I feel like I can make this story a million times better but that's only if you guys still wanna read it. I thank everyone who has supported ATF from the beginning and hope you're willing to trust me on this one.

But you had to have actually read this… Lol.

So now all you have to do is vote. Comment or message me your vote and I'll tally them up. I'll give everyone a week from tomorrow to see this, read it, think about it, and make a decision. On August 27th, I'll post an official ATF Playlist and the results.

Much Love,

Soulless Seeker