AN: Hey peeps! This is the result of an idea I had after I watched JLU Kid's stuff. Not sure if the idea's done yet, but never mind.

Disclaimer: Argh. No, it's not mine. It belongs to DC Comics.


"01, Batman. 02, Superman. 03, Wonder Woman. 04, Flash. 05, Green Lantern."

Kid Flash leaned against the Cave wall, eating a bar of chocolate. He straightened up, looked at his mentor, and choked.

"Red Arrow?" He called out in a strangled sort of voice.

The red head walked out through the doorway, a gurgling "What?" coming from his mouth. His head was tilted back, drinking a can of soda. The second he caught sight of the Bat, he spat his mouthful out, right at him, and Batman shielded himself with his cape.

"That's disgusting," said Superman, peering around him.

Red Arrow and Kid Flash stared at the group of superheroes.

"You have got to be kidding me."

Artemis, Robin and the rest of the team entered, and Artemis held a hand to her mouth, hiding her amusement and surprise. Robin started clutching his sides in a silent fit of giggles, not even trying to hide it.

"It was Morgaine Le Fay," Wonder Woman said in a higher voice than normal, hands on her hips.

"Robin, you are grounded for a month." Batman pulled his cape tighter around himself, scowling, his batglare directed at everyone.

"You sound weird! Woah, I sound weird." Flash poked his own throat.

Batman shot him a withering look. "We are eight. Again."

"Again? You guys have been de-aged before?" M'gann said, surprise coloring her tone.

Superman looked at his hands. "Yeah, when Mordred-oh, long story. Last time it was me, Batman, Wonder Woman and Lantern."

The Justice League looked at Robin as he gasped, trying to stifle his laughter.

"Sorry Batman, not sure what you can do when your voice is higher than mine!"

Green Lantern snorted behind his hands. Batman stalked towards Robin, seething. He looked up, and huffed when he saw Robin was at least a head taller than him.

"Never mind."

He slouched away to the computer and started pulling files up on magic and de-aging.

"08, Green Arrow. 06, Aquaman. 07, Martian Manhunter."

"Hey, why's everyone-" Green Arrow took one look at Batman and started chuckling.

"Deaging, I presume." Martian Manhunter seemed unperturbed, gliding up to Batman.

"Well, it is uncommon in Atlantis." Aquaman looked down at Wonder Woman, smiling a little at her cuteness.

"Yes. J'onn, see if you can find a way to reverse it." Batman looked up and up at the Martian. He had never really noticed how tall he really was.

Flash grumbled. "You have no idea how humiliating it is to be four feet tall."

Wonderwoman stepped forward, smiling like it was Christmas. "Well, at least we're only eight."

"Thank god." Superman and the rest of JLA winced as unwelcome mental images popped up into their heads.

Green Arrow started laughing again. "HAHA- Baby Batman-HAHAHAHA!"

"That is not funny," Batman said icily, his voice still four octaves higher from their normal pitch. He pulled his cape tighter around him again.

"And anyway, it's going to wear off in a few days." Zatanna stepped into the Cave. In the midst of everything, no one had heard the Computer announce her arrival.

"It'd better be," snarled Batman, seething inside. He slouched to the Zeta tubes, ready to depart.

"Wait a sec. Bats, isn't the UN meeting tomorrow?" Flash asked, tapping his chin.

Batman whirled around, his cape flapping. "We can't go."

"But Batman," said Green Lantern, "All the diplomats and ambassadors from over two hundred countries will be there and waiting."

"I don't care! We can't go."

"Batman, I know this is really bad for our image, but-" Superman lifted his hands in a placating gesture.

Batman stomped up to him, smoke practically flying out of his ears.


Batman seethed, batglaring at the boy of steel. The younger heroes stood to one side, hands clamped over their mouths. On one hand, it was hilarious seeing a mini-Batman yell at the cowering Superman. On the other, they knew how dangerous Batman could be, mini or otherwise.

Wonder Woman stepped in between the two glaring boys and pushed them apart.

"Stop fighting! We can always ask the extra League members to be on standby."

The Bat growled. "Fine. J'onn, call everyone. Now."

He clutched his cape around himself and beamed himself up to the Watchtower.

Wonder Woman sighed. "Hopefully I'll be able to calm him down a bit." She beamed away, and Superman looked annoyed. Green Lantern and Flash tugged on his arms, and they disappeared into the Zeta tubes.

Artemis was the first to speak after the rest of the Justice beamed away to the Watchtower. "Wow."

Robin giggled. Kaldur looked resigned, and Connor and M'gann just looked confused. Artemis looked amused. Kid Flash snorted into his chocolate, and Speedy just shook his head,

"Can't...wait... tomorrow..." Robin gasped out, sides heaving. Kid Flash snorted again. "Oh yeah. It's going to be televised too."


Didn't flow too smoothly, did it? Yes, I know that Batman is calm and stuff, but I couldn't resist. Heh. And I think that he is a bit mad because he's been de-aged again and he's frustrated because he couldn't catch Morgaine and he just HAS to take it out on Supey. Poor Supey.

So did you love it? Hate it? Laugh? Tell me, so I can decide whether to continue this!


-Silverwhisperer out