Traught poems

Erin: The title knows all…

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Young Justice

Chapter One

Artemis walked out of the girl's bedroom wing and into the 'living room'. Robin was sitting on the couch, writing in a little book. Artemis wanted to know what it was but knowing the ninja he wouldn't let her see. She decided to go all ninja on him. Robin shifted in his chair about to turn around but the power of sleep overtook him. Artemis stood up straight.

'That was easier than I thought it would have been,' She thought. 'He must have been up all night.'

Artemis strutted over to the boy wonder and pulled the notebook out of Robin's hands. She gasped upon seeing what was written on it. The writing was neater than her own.

I have a little crush,

My brain has turned to mush.

I can't get her out of my head,

Was it something she said?

I told her to stay traught,

So we wouldn't be caught.

Now she's taken me over,

To tell her I need a four leaf clover!

Her face reminds me of the moon and stars,

Sometimes I think she must be from Mars.

"Wait. He told me to get traught but Megan's the one from Mars…" Artemis shrugged and continued to read.

For her I would move a mount,

Maybe I can ask her out?

But I'm one year younger and really short,

I'm not even that good at sport.

If she says yes and we grow old we'll move to Rome,

My love is so strong I've written a poem.

Artemis smiled. Who was that little acrobat talking about? It could be Megan or herself. Maybe even Zatanna, that magician had taken a liking to Robin.

Said little ninja stirred and awoke to Artemis with his book in her hands. Robin's face – or as much as you could see of it – flushed as red as Wally's hair.

"Who's this for? Zatanna?" Artemis smirked.

Robin snatched the pad back, "Not telling you!"

Wally decided to walk into the room at that exact point. He had heard everything.

"It's for you Artemis. How oblivious can you get?" He asked, taking the notepad.

"Do you even know what oblivious means?" Robin asked.

"Nope but I do know you're in denial lil buddy!" Wally sang.

"Not little."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Robin pounced on Wally, stole the book and ran out of the room and into the boy's bedrooms wing.

"DENIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!" Wally screamed, chasing after Robin.

Artemis shook her head and went back into her room to write something of her own…