
He descended down into the Black Cells to see the prisoners and his father. He looked around to see familiar faces. He saw his sister first. How do you do sweet sister?"

"Fuck you Imp when Jaime frees me I will slice your throat myself."

Sister we been this before Jaime is not going to save you. He is dedicated protector of King Jon."

LIES Jaime loves me he has loved me the day we born."

Yes mother be proud of her twins fucking each other dragonstyle. You have done so much harm to your children without you knowing. Next thing I knew she leaped forward and spit in my face."


How dare I? Cersei you sparked a war because you couldn't let Robert slipped his cock in you and squirt some seed for a trueborn son. Joffrey is monster who will be executed, Tommen has been greatly disturbed by these past events, and Myrcella it pained him to say this the most. Mycella is no longer with us.

What do you mean?"

When she found out the truth she went mad thinking she was spawn of evil. She killed herself."

How could of this of happen his sister bursting in mad tears."

She poisoned herself her body will be moved to Hall of Heroes I planned on burying her next to mother. He saw his sister just crying just crying like no other and he felt hollow telling her all this. He moved to his father's cell opening it up seeing his father at desk he requested for. He had candles, parchment, quill, and ink."

You told her about Myrcella?"

Yes and I can't say it was pleasant."

No parent should bury their child but, it is one of things you can't stop."

It is m fault father I should made sure the truth didn't come out like it did."

No it was mine I should been more observant of my children."

True what have you been doing down here?"

Writing my own novel."

The Lord: A book of Lord Tywin Lannister his life and his thoughts about leadership."

Interesting title is it done?

Yes I made two copies one is to go to Great Sept so that the sextons can make more copies and one is for you."

Me what for?

Since I won't be able play the game anymore and I have to lead the Watch you still need some of my wisdom for the events to come. Which tell me the real reason why you are here?"

The king has just gotten back from the North he defeated Stannis Baratheon and now his wildling army is disbanded. Euron Greyjoy is still raiding the west and south. The Targaryens will land soon."

Aegon Targaryen is biding his time. Waiting for the right moment to strike."

Yes but the real problem is the dragons what should we do about the dragons."

Look up Brandon Snow."

Why who is he?"

A bastard from 300 years ago he knew how to kill them."

I will as he left the cell he heard his father speak one more time."

Send me a letter when your child is born."

I will"

He proceeded to steps of the Red Keep and saw Jon standing over Joffrey."

Joffrey Lannister in name of Eddard Stark my father I sentence you die. Jon brought Longclaw up and swung it down on Joffrey. 2 kings down 2 to go.